Is there a possibility that China released the corona virus intentionally?


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.

Its puzzling that someone would still think this was a planned phenomenon:

A). The virus is much more mild than any dozen agents that they could have released. Hell, take a test tube of anthrax and break it on a subway track and you'll have much more deaths than you would have with this thing.

B). While we're buying billions from China, there would be no reason to poison the market you're exploiting.

Now...if you're talking about an un-official actor that happens to be Chinese....that could happen. But someone in the Chinese government officially working in concert with Chinese way.
There is no evidence that this was released intentionally. I do know this, however:

The doctor who reported it has since passed. He was forced to sign a form stating he was basically lying.

The economies of the world have been hurt and free market, capitalist America has lost the most, on top of, a bigger appeal to socialism to help businesses and citizens deal with the fall out.

This happened months before a general election in the U.S and threatens Trumps ability to hold rallies and put Biden in the spotlight.

China did not share information about the speed in which this virus spread. They had W.H.O play the patsy and back their Communist pals. They openly created a conspiracy that it was the U.S that created this, and, threatened to withhold medicine and other vital products to harm America.

They've since stated they need to profit off of the hurt U.S industries.

All of this suggests that China intends, and possibly intended to profit from this outbreak. So at the very least, their reckless actions were designed to benefit them the most, while hurting America the most. To this day you have Western leaders and MSM exposed for their lack of curiousity and straight talk about Chinas role in all of this.

I'm not sure I've ever been more concerned about the ability for the Wests ideals of liberty and capitalism to survive long term than I am now. I saw it happening in Canada, and experienced some of it first hand. I'm seeing it employed in far more places today.

The absolute control a foreign Communist state seems to wield over the West is staggering. From Yes Men in the NBA, to media and politicians defending them, to some wanting to alter history to protect facts. It's beyond astonishing, its frightening. This isn't Fox News talking, I had my worries about the Communist Government of China well before I started watching their network. Trump needs four more years for this most pressing issue alone.

While the West is preoccupied with political correctness, identity politics, defending foreign citizens, businesses and government, including global socialism, China has their eye on the big prize. They want to replace America as the global leader. If and when they succeed, life will be drastically altered for all the world.

Just look how quickly leaders and media get in line for China now. How do you think it will be if they have no nation standing in their way? I grew up in a time when Communist Russia was the enemy, China wasn't even a concern. How times have changed...yet, the same ideology persists with far more passive and active supporters around the world.
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I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.

Its puzzling that someone would still think this was a planned phenomenon:

A). The virus is much more mild than any dozen agents that they could have released. Hell, take a test tube of anthrax and break it on a subway track and you'll have much more deaths than you would have with this thing.

B). While we're buying billions from China, there would be no reason to poison the market you're exploiting.

Now...if you're talking about an un-official actor that happens to be Chinese....that could happen. But someone in the Chinese government officially working in concert with Chinese way.
Not puzzling at all when coming from the right.

Conservatives are desperate to spin C19 in an effort to avoid losing the WH and Senate this fall.

They’ll contrive and propagate all manner of lies – such as the lie that China released the corona virus intentionally.
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.

Its puzzling that someone would still think this was a planned phenomenon:

A). The virus is much more mild than any dozen agents that they could have released. Hell, take a test tube of anthrax and break it on a subway track and you'll have much more deaths than you would have with this thing.

B). While we're buying billions from China, there would be no reason to poison the market you're exploiting.

Now...if you're talking about an un-official actor that happens to be Chinese....that could happen. But someone in the Chinese government officially working in concert with Chinese way.
Not puzzling at all when coming from the right.

Conservatives are desperate to spin C19 in an effort to avoid losing the WH and Senate this fall.

They’ll contrive and propagate all manner of lies – such as the lie that China released the corona virus intentionally.

At this point, all I will say is that it is too early to know for absolute certainty but if you're going to tell me that the official Chinese Government decided, "We're making billions off of America but lets wreck their economy anyway", I'm going to say that it is highly unlikely.
I think it was just communist incompetence and the usual leftist reflex to use any crisis to conquer and gain power.

Note China’s threat to throw the US into a “mighty sea of Coronavirus” by withholding drug ingredients?

Trump has been warning of this for years.
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.

Its puzzling that someone would still think this was a planned phenomenon:

A). The virus is much more mild than any dozen agents that they could have released. Hell, take a test tube of anthrax and break it on a subway track and you'll have much more deaths than you would have with this thing.

B). While we're buying billions from China, there would be no reason to poison the market you're exploiting.

Now...if you're talking about an un-official actor that happens to be Chinese....that could happen. But someone in the Chinese government officially working in concert with Chinese way.
Not puzzling at all when coming from the right.

Conservatives are desperate to spin C19 in an effort to avoid losing the WH and Senate this fall.

They’ll contrive and propagate all manner of lies – such as the lie that China released the corona virus intentionally.

What spin? You pretending China hasn't been destroying American influence for decades while expanding their own exponentially?

An attack on a subway would see many deaths, but then it would be over. This is highly contagious and spread person to person easily.

I don't know if they created it or not, that's why last week I put my concerns under the "conspiracy" section. I'm not privy to the highest level of intel. I do know, they certainly created the death and destruction that's followed by not sharing the truth with the world, especially early on. Then they have W.H.O lie for them. The same leaders I saw on CNN this week!

And for what? To protect the Communist Party, their economy (even if it meant shipping products to the world with the virus potentially on the box surfaces) and their hold on their citizens. NONE of their actions have been to help anyone early on. They literally have blood on their hands and we send them cash for their efforts.
There is no evidence that this was released intentionally. I do know this, however:

The doctor who reported it has since passed. He was forced to sign a form stating he was basically lying.

The economies of the world have been hurt and free market, capitalist America has lost the most, on top of, a bigger appeal to socialism to help businesses and citizens deal with the fall out.

This happened months before a general election in the U.S and threatens Trumps ability to hold rallies and put Biden in the spotlight.

China did not share information about the speed in which this virus spread. They had W.H.O play the patsy and back their Communist pals. They openly created a conspiracy that it was the U.S that created this, and, threatened to withhold medicine and other vital products to harm America.

They've since stated they need to profit off of the hurt U.S industries.

All of this suggests that China intends, and possibly intended to profit from this outbreak. So at the very least, their reckless actions were designed to benefit them the most, while hurting America the most. To this day you have Western leaders and MSM exposed for their lack of curiousity and straight talk about Chinas role in all of this.

I'm not sure I've ever been more concerned about the ability for the Wests ideals of liberty and capitalism to survive long term than I am now. I saw it happening in Canada, and experienced some of it first hand. I'm seeing it employed in far more places today.

The absolute control a foreign Communist state seems to wield over the West is staggering. From Yes Men in the NBA, to media and politicians defending them, to some wanting to alter history to protect facts. It's beyond astonishing, its frightening. This isn't Fox News talking, I had my worries about the Communist Government of China well before I started watching their network. Trump needs four more years for this most pressing issue alone.

While the West is preoccupied with political correctness, identity politics, defending foreign citizens, businesses and government, including global socialism, China has their eye on the big prize. They want to replace America as the global leader. If and when they succeed, life will be drastically altered for all the world.

Just look how quickly leaders and media get in line for China now. How do you think it will be if they have no nation standing in their way? I grew up in a time when Communist Russia was the enemy, China wasn't even a concern. How times have changed...yet, the same ideology persists with far more passive and active supporters around the world.
Excellent post. I believe Red China did this exactly the way they planned to. I also believe they had the cure when they released it. They could have never gotten it under control so quickly without one. Like you said, the saddest part is how Democrats and the MSM have turned on our country and the whole free world to support Communist China.
There is no evidence that this was released intentionally. I do know this, however:

The doctor who reported it has since passed. He was forced to sign a form stating he was basically lying.

The economies of the world have been hurt and free market, capitalist America has lost the most, on top of, a bigger appeal to socialism to help businesses and citizens deal with the fall out.

This happened months before a general election in the U.S and threatens Trumps ability to hold rallies and put Biden in the spotlight.

China did not share information about the speed in which this virus spread. They had W.H.O play the patsy and back their Communist pals. They openly created a conspiracy that it was the U.S that created this, and, threatened to withhold medicine and other vital products to harm America.

They've since stated they need to profit off of the hurt U.S industries.

All of this suggests that China intends, and possibly intended to profit from this outbreak. So at the very least, their reckless actions were designed to benefit them the most, while hurting America the most. To this day you have Western leaders and MSM exposed for their lack of curiousity and straight talk about Chinas role in all of this.

I'm not sure I've ever been more concerned about the ability for the Wests ideals of liberty and capitalism to survive long term than I am now. I saw it happening in Canada, and experienced some of it first hand. I'm seeing it employed in far more places today.

The absolute control a foreign Communist state seems to wield over the West is staggering. From Yes Men in the NBA, to media and politicians defending them, to some wanting to alter history to protect facts. It's beyond astonishing, its frightening. This isn't Fox News talking, I had my worries about the Communist Government of China well before I started watching their network. Trump needs four more years for this most pressing issue alone.

While the West is preoccupied with political correctness, identity politics, defending foreign citizens, businesses and government, including global socialism, China has their eye on the big prize. They want to replace America as the global leader. If and when they succeed, life will be drastically altered for all the world.

Just look how quickly leaders and media get in line for China now. How do you think it will be if they have no nation standing in their way? I grew up in a time when Communist Russia was the enemy, China wasn't even a concern. How times have changed...yet, the same ideology persists with far more passive and active supporters around the world.
Excellent post. I believe Red China did this exactly the way they planned to. I also believe they had the cure when they released it. They could have never gotten it under control so quickly without one. Like you said, the saddest part is how Democrats and the MSM have turned on our country and the whole free world to support Communist China.

I didn't say Democrats, I think many of them understand what's at stake now. I said "Western leaders".

Meaning, heads of states and governments. Italy, France, Spain are burying thousands of their citizens, and not a peep about where this came from or even consequences for that state who misrepresented the threat.

You want to see the stirring up of global socialism replaced by REAL far-right candidates (something Trump has unfairly and comically been accused of)? Wait until a Western leader in one of these countries calls out their leaders for being weak on China and raising this coronavirus issue in the next election. Citizens are very angry, and they aren't buying the happy waving of flags from citizens outside their windows, or talk about unity and calm by covert state actors. People are waking up to this threat, even as leaders sell their interests to the highest bidder.
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.

Its puzzling that someone would still think this was a planned phenomenon:

A). The virus is much more mild than any dozen agents that they could have released. Hell, take a test tube of anthrax and break it on a subway track and you'll have much more deaths than you would have with this thing.

B). While we're buying billions from China, there would be no reason to poison the market you're exploiting.

Now...if you're talking about an un-official actor that happens to be Chinese....that could happen. But someone in the Chinese government officially working in concert with Chinese way.
Not puzzling at all when coming from the right.

Conservatives are desperate to spin C19 in an effort to avoid losing the WH and Senate this fall.

They’ll contrive and propagate all manner of lies – such as the lie that China released the corona virus intentionally.

What spin? You pretending China hasn't been destroying American influence for decades while expanding their own exponentially?

An attack on a subway would see many deaths, but then it would be over. This is highly contagious and spread person to person easily.

I don't know if they created it or not, that's why last week I put my concerns under the "conspiracy" section. I'm not privy to the highest level of intel. I do know, they certainly created the death and destruction that's followed by not sharing the truth with the world, especially early on. Then they have W.H.O lie for them. The same leaders I saw on CNN this week!

And for what? To protect the Communist Party, their economy (even if it meant shipping products to the world with the virus potentially on the box surfaces) and their hold on their citizens. NONE of their actions have been to help anyone early on. They literally have blood on their hands and we send them cash for their efforts.

In the regard of China spreading it's influence, the current administration has helped them with drastic drawbacks in foreign aid.

As for the depends on the agent used as to the proliferation of the disease it causes. As I recall, most are not vaccinated against smallpox any longer. You introduce that into a contained atmosphere with a subway pushing droplets, vapors, and germs in every which direction and you have thousands of exposures. It is much more bang for your buck than the CoronaVirus.

Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? No.
There is no evidence that this was released intentionally. I do know this, however:

The doctor who reported it has since passed. He was forced to sign a form stating he was basically lying.

The economies of the world have been hurt and free market, capitalist America has lost the most, on top of, a bigger appeal to socialism to help businesses and citizens deal with the fall out.

This happened months before a general election in the U.S and threatens Trumps ability to hold rallies and put Biden in the spotlight.

China did not share information about the speed in which this virus spread. They had W.H.O play the patsy and back their Communist pals. They openly created a conspiracy that it was the U.S that created this, and, threatened to withhold medicine and other vital products to harm America.

They've since stated they need to profit off of the hurt U.S industries.

All of this suggests that China intends, and possibly intended to profit from this outbreak. So at the very least, their reckless actions were designed to benefit them the most, while hurting America the most. To this day you have Western leaders and MSM exposed for their lack of curiousity and straight talk about Chinas role in all of this.

I'm not sure I've ever been more concerned about the ability for the Wests ideals of liberty and capitalism to survive long term than I am now. I saw it happening in Canada, and experienced some of it first hand. I'm seeing it employed in far more places today.

The absolute control a foreign Communist state seems to wield over the West is staggering. From Yes Men in the NBA, to media and politicians defending them, to some wanting to alter history to protect facts. It's beyond astonishing, its frightening. This isn't Fox News talking, I had my worries about the Communist Government of China well before I started watching their network. Trump needs four more years for this most pressing issue alone.

While the West is preoccupied with political correctness, identity politics, defending foreign citizens, businesses and government, including global socialism, China has their eye on the big prize. They want to replace America as the global leader. If and when they succeed, life will be drastically altered for all the world.

Just look how quickly leaders and media get in line for China now. How do you think it will be if they have no nation standing in their way? I grew up in a time when Communist Russia was the enemy, China wasn't even a concern. How times have changed...yet, the same ideology persists with far more passive and active supporters around the world.
Excellent post. I believe Red China did this exactly the way they planned to. I also believe they had the cure when they released it. They could have never gotten it under control so quickly without one. Like you said, the saddest part is how Democrats and the MSM have turned on our country and the whole free world to support Communist China.
How many times did you use the word believe in that comment? Prove the garbage you just posted.
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.
That you DJT? Everything in your OP is hearsay. Keep posting Hannity garbage and conspiracy theories. Keep passing along misinformation while this happens.

Italy coronavirus: Military called to enforce lockdown as 627 people die in 24 hours
They were experimenting with it, probably getting ready to use it on Hong Kong, hoping to shut down the open dissent there, and it got away from them and out of the country. They didn't want to seed it in from their own country.

This is bad for them; it will hasten the flight of of the kind of vermin who will do business with anybody, no matter how degenerate and psychotic, from their police state, and they have nothing to sell but slave labor. Wall Street and their pals in the Davos Set will just move on to another region with docile labor and thugs as substitutes for cops and armies. They hate us, but they're also cowards who only attack the weak, so I doubt they were purposely trying to shut down the U.S., it just got away from them, as most anything does with arrogant halfwits with high self-esteem.

They operate spy rings directly from the offices of American Senators, like Feinstein for example, and of course the Clintons have always been on their payroll, and Biden recently went over and negotiated something for his own pockets, so what did they have to fear from the U.S.? They already own substantial numbers of businesses and real estate here. Right wingers don't care about them either, cuz 'free trade n stuff'.
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Meaning, heads of states and governments. Italy, France, Spain are burying thousands of their citizens, and not a peep about where this came from or even consequences for that state who misrepresented the threat.

You want to see the stirring up of global socialism replaced by REAL far-right candidates (something Trump has unfairly and comically been accused of)? Wait until a Western leader in one of these countries calls out their leaders for being weak on China and raising this coronavirus issue in the next election. Citizens are very angry, and they aren't buying the happy waving of flags from citizens outside their windows, or talk about unity and calm by covert state actors. People are waking up to this threat, even as leaders sell their interests to the highest bidder.

Well said.
They were experimenting with it, probably getting ready to use it on Hong Kong, hoping to shut down the open dissent there, and it got away from them and out of the country. They didn't want to seed it in from their own country.

This is bad for them; it will hasten the flight of of the kind of vermin who will do business with anybody, no matter how degenerate and psychotic, from their police state, and they have nothing to sell but slave labor. Wall Street and their pals in the Davos Set will just move on to another region with docile labor and thugs as substitutes for cops and armies. They hate us, but they're also cowards who only attack the weak, so I doubt they were purposely trying to shut down the U.S., it just got away from them, as most anything does with arrogant halfwits with high self-esteem.

They operate spy rings directly from the offices of American Senators, like Feinstein for example, and of course the Clintons have always been on their payroll, and Biden recently went over and negotiated something for his own pockets, so what did they have to fear from the U.S.? They already own substantial numbers of businesses and real estate here. Right wingers don't care about them either, cuz 'free trade n stuff'.
Prove anything in your post. It is all garbage.
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.

I believe china WOULD do something like that.

I believe LOTS of rotten stinking pieces of shit would do that;

n korea
fox news
rush limbaugh
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.
They used to blame these things on the Jews
I saw another poster raise that possibility and at that time I said it could not be discounted.

Now if the reports we are hearing are correct that China has curtailed the virus in China....I would now say there is a very strong possibility the release of the virus was order to weaken America and the western powers in general.

Lots of folks simply cannot believe how ruthless China can be and in fact is....very, very ruthless.

Anyone familiar with the history of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party knows that.

Its puzzling that someone would still think this was a planned phenomenon:

A). The virus is much more mild than any dozen agents that they could have released. Hell, take a test tube of anthrax and break it on a subway track and you'll have much more deaths than you would have with this thing.

B). While we're buying billions from China, there would be no reason to poison the market you're exploiting.

Now...if you're talking about an un-official actor that happens to be Chinese....that could happen. But someone in the Chinese government officially working in concert with Chinese way.

Would the Chinese Government do something like this to weaken the World and destroy the World Economy?

You bet your sweet ass!

If you truly believe the Chinese Government would not do it then remember what they do to their own citizens and ask would they really give a damn about the rest of the World?

The Chinese Government only has to say it was Trump fault and those like you will scream " It is Trump fault " while buying Chinese made products...

So yes I do believe China Government is that ruthless and stupid and why?

History tell you those types of regimes are always that way!
They were experimenting with it, probably getting ready to use it on Hong Kong, hoping to shut down the open dissent there, and it got away from them and out of the country. They didn't want to seed it in from their own country.

This is bad for them; it will hasten the flight of of the kind of vermin who will do business with anybody, no matter how degenerate and psychotic, from their police state, and they have nothing to sell but slave labor. Wall Street and their pals in the Davos Set will just move on to another region with docile labor and thugs as substitutes for cops and armies. They hate us, but they're also cowards who only attack the weak, so I doubt they were purposely trying to shut down the U.S., it just got away from them, as most anything does with arrogant halfwits with high self-esteem.

They operate spy rings directly from the offices of American Senators, like Feinstein for example, and of course the Clintons have always been on their payroll, and Biden recently went over and negotiated something for his own pockets, so what did they have to fear from the U.S.? They already own substantial numbers of businesses and real estate here. Right wingers don't care about them either, cuz 'free trade n stuff'.
Prove anything in your post. It is all garbage.
The spying is indisputable.

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