Is there a good reason the right cannot create platforms like Twitter and Facebook?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
I noticed today Twitter WARNED President Trump about one of his posts.

After all this time, why hasn't the right created a Twitter alternative? or a Facebook alternative?

Surely if they were created, the Right would flock there?

Seriously, why does the Right KowTow to the Left and willfully kiss it's ass?
I noticed today Twitter WARNED President Trump about one of his posts.

After all this time, why hasn't the right created a Twitter alternative? or a Facebook alternative?

Surely if they were created, the Right would flock there?

Seriously, why does the Right KowTow to the Left and willfully kiss it's ass?
It's not easy being an accountable, disciplined individual with self control...and it's so easy to be a total piece of shit.
There you have a nutshell
It's not easy being an accountable, disciplined individual with self control...and it's so easy to be a total piece of shit.
There you have a nutshell

I'm afraid that went over my head.
I'm sure it makes sense, but could you explain what you mean since I'm slow this evening?
I KNOW there are tens of thousands of web developers who could create similar platforms.
Hell, I COULD.......but I'd need to KNOW people would use it and not make my work in vain.

So, why the fuck hasn't someone? What the hell is stopping EVERY Right winger in the nation?
It's not easy being an accountable, disciplined individual with self control...and it's so easy to be a total piece of shit.
There you have a nutshell

I'm afraid that went over my head.
I'm sure it makes sense, but could you explain what you mean since I'm slow this evening?
People, especially our fucked in the head youth gravitate toward whats easy....Practicing liberalism is far easier than practicing conservatism and our youth drives trends. A conservative Twitter or Facebook wouldn't be all that attractive to our youth and therefore it wouldn't 'trend'.
People, especially our fucked in the head youth gravitate toward whats easy....Practicing liberalism is far easier than practicing conservatism and our youth drives trends. A conservative Twitter or Facebook wouldn't be all that attractive to our youth and therefore it wouldn't 'trend'.

Ok. Makes perfect sense. Agreed.
Young people really are fucked. But so are a LOT of middle aged and older people.
Believe me...I have some in MY family !!
I KNOW there are tens of thousands of web developers who could create similar platforms.
Hell, I COULD.......but I'd need to KNOW people would use it and not make my work in vain.

So, why the fuck hasn't someone? What the hell is stopping EVERY Right winger in the nation?

If you roll one out I'm all in.

Seriously man, we HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. The ship is sinking fast.
I swear...if I knew 1 million conservatives would COMMIT to using it I would create it myself.

I'm just in total disbelief that no one else has even tried (that I know of)
I do have a suspicion, (whacked as it may sound) that the government would not allow such competing services to exist.
My gut feeling is the government would send agents to find every possible violation and fine the person to death, until they gave up.

I think it's why every successful mega company has been Left Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter etc.
They all had Establishment Deep state approval, and agreed to work with.
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I noticed today Twitter WARNED President Trump about one of his posts.

After all this time, why hasn't the right created a Twitter alternative? or a Facebook alternative?

Surely if they were created, the Right would flock there?

Seriously, why does the Right KowTow to the Left and willfully kiss it's ass?
Don't expect the side that's at war with education to be able to create anything
I noticed today Twitter WARNED President Trump about one of his posts.

After all this time, why hasn't the right created a Twitter alternative? or a Facebook alternative?

Surely if they were created, the Right would flock there?

Seriously, why does the Right KowTow to the Left and willfully kiss it's ass?

Cash. Corporations have it and they ship advertising dollars to these platforms to keep it the way they'd like it. Free speech, isn't on their agenda, keeping the Group Think is.

GOP and the Right are now the working class, small businesses and such. It's a complete turnaround, because conservatives and libertarians remained loyal to the constitution, big corporations remained loyal to easy profits, all through China. I just heard Tim Cook complain about Trumps E.O to prevent H1B visas (odd how Tucker Carlson, who had been bitching about this, didn't even talk about it today, nor did Hannity or Laura...weird...), but, he didn't have much to say to the "China sweatshop" allegation made by Rick Gervais in front of the world.

It's basically arbitrage. Send U.S dollars into low, wage China, devalued currency, make stuff cheap, sell back to your home country. Corporations support this and all the chaos around to ensure it survives and they silence any narrative to the contrary. Money talks, no matter the long term costs.

There was a time I'd scoff at all of this as conspiracy, now it's right in plain sight. The oppression of speech will continue, until social media will only be for the left, Group Think. Just a big echo chamber. "You want to join, you have be re-educated in order to do so". A desire to squash the nation state, all for the benefit of the communists.

We didn't listen then, even fewer are listening now and it's become so much easier.
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If conservatives did make such a platform, it would make it EASY for the FBI to round up all the home grown terrorists and would be shooters.
Gab ,dissenter, 4chan
the donald they said fuck everyone
They've climbed to the 1000th most visited website on the planet in under six frigginb months after they got tossed from chi com reddit

Reddit use to be all about free speech ....then came the left , the karens and the chi coms

They threw WRSa off friggin word press 2 weeks ago he did what the donald did
We will not be silenced ...and we will spread info

Facebook Content Moderator: ‘If Someone is Wearing a MAGA Hat, I Am Going to Delete Them for Terrorism’
Project Veritas today released one of the most damning undercover investigation reports—this time insiders used hidden cameras to document rampant censorship occurring at social media giant: Facebook.
  • Facebook Insider Zach McElroy: I Will Testify Before Congress About the Facebook Bias I Witnessed Against Trump Supporters, Conservative Causes
  • McElroy: “We are essentially in charge of what gets said and what gets stifled”
  • McElroy: 75-to-80 percent of Posts Selected by Facebook’s Algorithm for Moderator Review Support President Donald Trump, Republicans and Conservative Causes
  • Facebook Content Review Lead: “It’s a Very Progressive Company, Who’s Very Anti-MAGA”
  • Facebook’s Human-Directed Restriction of Free Speech Raises Questions Regarding Company’s Protections under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act
I noticed today Twitter WARNED President Trump about one of his posts.

After all this time, why hasn't the right created a Twitter alternative? or a Facebook alternative?

Surely if they were created, the Right would flock there?

Seriously, why does the Right KowTow to the Left and willfully kiss it's ass?
If I were Trump, I'd go into Twitter with a federal SWAT team loaded for bear with automatic weapons like Obama did to Gibson Guitar for using an imported wood they legally bought and bust the place up.
Gab ,dissenter, 4chan
the donald they said fuck everyone
They've climbed to the 1000th most visited website on the planet in under six frigginb months after they got tossed from chi com reddit

Reddit use to be all about free speech ....then came the left , the karens and the chi coms

They threw WRSa off friggin word press 2 weeks ago he did what the donald did
We will not be silenced ...and we will spread info

Facebook Content Moderator: ‘If Someone is Wearing a MAGA Hat, I Am Going to Delete Them for Terrorism’
Project Veritas today released one of the most damning undercover investigation reports—this time insiders used hidden cameras to document rampant censorship occurring at social media giant: Facebook.
  • Facebook Insider Zach McElroy: I Will Testify Before Congress About the Facebook Bias I Witnessed Against Trump Supporters, Conservative Causes
  • McElroy: “We are essentially in charge of what gets said and what gets stifled”
  • McElroy: 75-to-80 percent of Posts Selected by Facebook’s Algorithm for Moderator Review Support President Donald Trump, Republicans and Conservative Causes
  • Facebook Content Review Lead: “It’s a Very Progressive Company, Who’s Very Anti-MAGA”
  • Facebook’s Human-Directed Restriction of Free Speech Raises Questions Regarding Company’s Protections under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act
So basically, you can't touch a homemade sign for BLM as it is protected free speech, but if you wear a MAGA hat, it is terrorism?
I noticed today Twitter WARNED President Trump about one of his posts.

After all this time, why hasn't the right created a Twitter alternative? or a Facebook alternative?

Surely if they were created, the Right would flock there?

Seriously, why does the Right KowTow to the Left and willfully kiss it's ass?

The big money behind propaganda are leftists who prey on irrational dependent people who are hip (aka brain washed).

Conservatives are more independent so the need for those platforms comes unnatural.
I noticed today Twitter WARNED President Trump about one of his posts.

After all this time, why hasn't the right created a Twitter alternative? or a Facebook alternative?

Surely if they were created, the Right would flock there?

Seriously, why does the Right KowTow to the Left and willfully kiss it's ass?
As we're seeing it takes billions of dollars to even begin to compete and conservatives are not interested in just preaching to the choir.

The real question is why democrats can't compete in the field of ideas this having to silence conservatives and republicans?

If you have better ideas and ideals you shouldn't need to control the discussion.
I noticed today Twitter WARNED President Trump about one of his posts.

After all this time, why hasn't the right created a Twitter alternative? or a Facebook alternative?

Surely if they were created, the Right would flock there?

Seriously, why does the Right KowTow to the Left and willfully kiss it's ass?

Well, what the right wing craves most is violence. To do that you need enemies (real or imagined). So if you're in an environment where there are no convenient lose purpose.
Well, what the right wing craves most is violence. To do that you need enemies (real or imagined). So if you're in an environment where there are no convenient lose purpose.
If violence was what we wanted there would be none of you left. We're the one's with the training, weapons, and ammo to do it.

About 80% of homicides along with most other violent crimes are committed by people considered by dem's to be their natural constituencies, not by republicans.

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