Is the use of Deadly Force to protect property the solution to riots?

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
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How about a tear gas system that activates when a window is broken or a door forced open? Kind of like a sprinkler system only for outside your business?

Tear gas only works so far outside, especially in windy areas. Unless rioters start using bulletproof vests, bullets are much more effective. Very few would risk their lives for a new video game system or a couple cartons of cigarettes.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
You need to remember the words "I was in fear for my life and I had to shoot to protect my self and other present". Shooting someone who is stealing your lawn mower or care is on thing. Breaking in on you when you tell them to get back is something else, especially if you have security cameras filming the attack. Burn it down with you in it? Do what you have to do.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
L.A. riots...people gathered up on roofs, etc to protect their businesses. We don't know what's truly going on in some of these neighborhoods. Im sure they are already on it in some areas...but for many, it's too late. Sucks when a person THOUGHT their city leaders would do the RIGHT THING, considering those businesses contribute to their economic growth..but......this is seriously messed up...
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
I totally agree. The cities could take some of the police funds and give AR-15's to the family members of each owner of the stores. Problem corrected.
I've been saying this since the rioters and looters wouldn't let up:

SHOOT THEM!!! Bunk in your store. Have friends with you, all armed. Put a warning sign on front faced windows warning that the premises are being protected with firearms. THEN DO IT if they break in. Shoot til they are all fucking DEAD.

If I still had my shop, and my town had this happening, this is EXACTLY what I would have done. Eat, sleep, live in my shop. And shoot whomever tried to take it away from me.
I've been saying this since the rioters and looters wouldn't let up:

SHOOT THEM!!! Bunk in your store. Have friends with you, all armed. Put a warning sign on front faced windows warning that the premises are being protected with firearms. THEN DO IT if they break in. Shoot til they are all fucking DEAD.

If I still had my shop, and my town had this happening, this is EXACTLY what I would have done. Eat, sleep, live in my shop. And shoot whomever tried to take it away from me.
The problem with true believers is that facts and evidence never seem to convince them they are wrong. The Doomsday cult members who watched the day of ascension come and go without the great apocalypse still believed the next morning. They just got the date wrong is all. Nothing to worry about. The end is near.

Communists and Socialists when faced with the truth that the economic system has never worked argue that the right people were not in charge. That it fails time and time again doesn't dissuade them. They are true believers. They can not be reasoned with, or have a discussion.

The same is true of the violence solves the problem types. No matter how much evidence to the contrary is presented, they believe that more violence is always the solution. If beatings and rubber bullets don't work. Use live ammo. Sure it will almost certainly cause a civil war, but hey, we'll win because we're the most violent side.

What is funniest to me, is that all the true believers mock the others. The Violence will cull the crowd and make them obey folks mock the Socialists for believing in a failed system. While they themselves believe in a failed ideology. Chicago 1968 should have taught people that the brutality answer did not work. Instead, the believers of brutality thought there should have been more. Instead of learning, they stubbornly demand that the world adhere to there insane ideals.

Even in totalitarian Regimes, the violence does not subdue the populations forever. Eventually they rise up, and the brutal folks are placed against the wall, or flee the country in exile.

Beat me to the punch on the Roof Koreans. Showing the natives how to exercise the 2nd.

THAT'S how the fuck you integrate!

Lol patriotic bloodlust cracks aside, these businesses, for a lot of these people, represent their method of feeding loved ones. I say, for those to whom the very shelter and sustenance of their family is on the line, going up on a roof with an AR to defend your business is absolutely permissible.

Beat me to the punch on the Roof Koreans. Showing the natives how to exercise the 2nd.

THAT'S how the fuck you integrate!

Lol patriotic bloodlust cracks aside, these businesses, for a lot of these people, represent their method of feeding loved ones. I say, for those to whom the very shelter and sustenance of their family is on the line, going up on a roof with an AR to defend your business is absolutely permissible.

Put me on a jury. No way would anyone be able to convict.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
I totally agree. The cities could take some of the police funds and give AR-15's to the family members of each owner of the stores. Problem corrected.

There would be no need for that in Blue cities if only the mayors would allow them to arm themselves. There is no second Amendment privileges in New York City unless you're rich and can grease palms or politically affiliated with Democrats.
I watched the Laura show tonight. She was discussing the continuing riots and attacks on businesses in Minneapolis this weekend that no other MSM outlet covered. Interviewing business owners, they told their story how they ran to their business only to helplessly watch it be looted, destroyed, and in some cases, burnt to the ground.

Some had businesses handed down for generations. Others were foreigners who came here to realize the American dream. Their city and state leaders allowed their dreams to go up in smoke.

Lowlifes who do these things have no fear, because there is no real deterrent to stopping them. We've seen these so-called leaders tell their police to stand down; to not enforce laws; to not protect these businesses; to allow them "room" to vent.

IMO, a real deterrent works every time it's tried. What if we had a federal law that allowed property owners to use deadly force to protect their property with no ability for city or local governments to prosecute?

A group of thugs start busting into a business. The business owner and family or other employees open fire killing dozens or hundreds of lowlifes. Other businesses do the same. Who in their right mind (after witnessing this) would think of trying to break into, or destroying another business down the street weary if they are armed and willing to kill to protect their investment?

True, hundreds of funerals, but also hundreds of businesses saved, millions of dollars not lost, and thousands of jobs saved in just one city. We need a national law of using deadly force to protect our property.
How about the business owners and their families w/wo their employees
target their elected officials houses

This shouldn't even be up for discussion
They need to start killing on site and when they start rioting because of that
it should be killing on site, too fucking bad

Where there are no consequences people will continue to do
what they know they can get away with

Why people haven't forcibly removed elected officials is beyond me
This is treason and derelict of duty

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