Is the USA under nuclear threat due to Biden's possible PPA impairment?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a form of cognitive impairment that involves a progressive loss of language function.
In many instances, the person with (PPA) may be the first to note that something is wrong and the complaints may initially be attributed to stress or anxiety. People with PPA initially experience one or more of the following symptoms:
  • Slowed or halting speech
  • Decreased use of language
  • Word-finding hesitations
  • Sentences with abnormal word order in speech or e-mails
  • Substitution of words (e.g., “table” instead of “chair”)
  • Using words that are mispronounced or incomprehensible (e.g., “track” for “truck”)

Now While the military officers who would carry out a nuclear launch are required to work in pairs, where both must concur before they can execute a nuclear launch, there is no such check on the President’s actions.
Gen. John Hyten, the commander of US Strategic Command, has shared what would happen if he were ordered to launch a nuclear strike.
“I provide advice to the President,” Hyten said in November during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. “He’ll tell me what to do, and if it’s illegal, guess what’s going to happen? I’m going to say, ‘Mr. President, that’s illegal.’ Guess what he’s going to do? He’s going to say, ‘What would be legal?’

Now so what you ask???

Biden mangles his words — and undercuts his message​

We choose truth over facts,” Biden thundered during remarks at the Iowa State Fair.

So is this the person that has NO check on his actions when it comes to launching a nuclear attack!
At some point we will pay dearly for our actions around the world.

Thanks for asking

Knee jerk much?
So you don't think that if the USA installs Patriot missile batteries a few hundred miles from Moscow that Russia will mind?
As far back as I can remember Russia has said this would be a direct declaration of war.

Remember when the Soviet Union tried to put Missiles in Cuba?
That said, I don't trust the media or the current mis-administration.
As far as we really know, Putin and the Globalist could be working together to funnel Billions out of the USA and into nefarious hands.
Who really knows? They haven't exactly been transparent with the way the money has been spent in the Ukraine.
Something seems very odd. Again, what the media is reporting may be FAR from reality.
Knee jerk much?
So you don't think that if the USA installs Patriot missile batteries a few hundred miles from Moscow that Russia will mind?
As far back as I can remember Russia has said this would be a direct declaration of war.

Remember when the Soviet Union tried to put Missiles in Cuba?
That said, I don't trust the media or the current mis-administration.
As far as we really know, Putin and the Globalist could be working together to funnel Billions out of the USA and into nefarious hands.
Who really knows? They haven't exactly been transparent with the way the money has been spent in the Ukraine.
Something seem very odd. Again, what the media is reporting may be FAR from reality.

It would be a declaration of war if another country did it to us. Why we believe other countries should just accept the things we would not is something I'll never understand.
It would be a declaration of war if another country did it to us. Why we believe other countries should just accept the things we would not is something I'll never understand.

Only thing is, the entire Ukraine situation is odd.
I don't think we really have a clue what is going on.
All I know is that Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Biden and pretty much the entire Left is Gung Ho anxious to send as much money over there as fast as possible.
With very little accounting for it all.
Only thing is, the entire Ukraine situation is odd.
I don't think we really have a clue what is going on.
All I know is that Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Biden and pretty much the entire Left is Gung Ho anxious to send as much money over there as fast as possible.
With very little accounting for it all.

We been sending billions for years.
Knee jerk much?

Not at all.

So you don't think that if the USA installs Patriot missile batteries a few hundred miles from Moscow that Russia will mind?
As far back as I can remember Russia has said this would be a direct declaration of war.

You know that a Patriot missile shoots down other incoming traditional missiles, right?

Remember when the Soviet Union tried to put Missiles in Cuba?
That said, I don't trust the media or the current mis-administration.
As far as we really know, Putin and the Globalist could be working together to funnel Billions out of the USA and into nefarious hands.
Who really knows? They haven't exactly been transparent with the way the money has been spent in the Ukraine.
Something seems very odd. Again, what the media is reporting may be FAR from reality.

If you wish to go hide in you bunker, please do. But we are under no more threat of nuclear attack today than we were 4 years ago.
At some point we will pay dearly for our actions around the world.
yes, the chickens are going to come home to roost at some point over this failed Xiden experiment. Hopefully, we never vote for another demafascist again
It would be a declaration of war if another country did it to us. Why we believe other countries should just accept the things we would not is something I'll never understand.
The Patriot missile system is not an offensive military product. It is a surface-to-air missile defense system used to bring down missiles like ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and planes.
The system has different capabilities depending on the type of interceptor used.
The PAC-2 interceptor uses a blast-fragmentation warhead, while the newer PAC-3 missile uses more advanced hit-to-kill technology.
Not at all.

You know that a Patriot missile shoots down other incoming traditional missiles, right?

If you wish to go hide in you bunker, please do. But we are under no more threat of nuclear attack today than we were 4 years ago.
Again gappingGator...
who the hell are YOU?
WHAT ARE your credentials that match the below who has EXPERIENCES, intellect and academic credentials to make the statement ..."The level of anxiety is something that I haven’t seen since the Cuban missile crisis,” and I know that well as I was in college and WE all were practicing "duck and cover"!!! (duck and cover, preparedness measure in the United States designed to be a civil-defense response in case of a nuclear attack.)

Americans’ nuclear fears surge to highest levels since Cold War

The level of anxiety is something that I haven’t seen since the Cuban missile crisis,” said Peter Kuznick, a history professor and director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, referring to the tense 1962 standoff between the United States and Soviet Union. “And that was short-lived. This has gone on for months now.”
Nuclear unease surged with the Feb. 24 invasion, then spiked further when Putin put his nuclear forces on high alert days later.
The Patriot missile system is not an offensive military product. It is a surface-to-air missile defense system used to bring down missiles like ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and planes.
The system has different capabilities depending on the type of interceptor used.
The PAC-2 interceptor uses a blast-fragmentation warhead, while the newer PAC-3 missile uses more advanced hit-to-kill technology.

And it's one action of many we do in places we have no business getting involved in.
No, not in the least so far. Russia's war is going to plan, or at least what would be expected by Russia's leaders. America's challenge to Russia's borders has been expected for many years since the end of WW2.

Russia has so far at least, become resigned to fighting America's proxy war without needing to resort to nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons won't be the weapons of choice until America makes the decision to escalate past Russia's ability to prevent a loss.
Only thing is, the entire Ukraine situation is odd.
I don't think we really have a clue what is going on.
All I know is that Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Biden and pretty much the entire Left is Gung Ho anxious to send as much money over there as fast as possible.
With very little accounting for it all.
It's only odd in that some Americans still don't understand and accept that it's America's proxy war against Russia.

It couldn't be more obvious by now, but the wall of propaganda to say it's on behalf of the Ukraine is still holding.
Again gappingGator...
who the hell are YOU?
WHAT ARE your credentials that match the below who has EXPERIENCES, intellect and academic credentials to make the statement ..."The level of anxiety is something that I haven’t seen since the Cuban missile crisis,” and I know that well as I was in college and WE all were practicing "duck and cover"!!! (duck and cover, preparedness measure in the United States designed to be a civil-defense response in case of a nuclear attack.)

Americans’ nuclear fears surge to highest levels since Cold War

The level of anxiety is something that I haven’t seen since the Cuban missile crisis,” said Peter Kuznick, a history professor and director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, referring to the tense 1962 standoff between the United States and Soviet Union. “And that was short-lived. This has gone on for months now.”
Nuclear unease surged with the Feb. 24 invasion, then spiked further when Putin put his nuclear forces on high alert days later.

Look, if you want to live your life in a constant state of fear, that is your right and I will support you doing so.

But I am not going to lose sleep over a magazine trying to sell ad space with fear mongering.

I am far more worried about who will be the QB for my Gators than I am dying of from a nuclear war.
Look, if you want to live your life in a constant state of fear, that is your right and I will support you doing so.

But I am not going to lose sleep over a magazine trying to sell ad space with fear mongering.

I am far more worried about who will be the QB for my Gators than I am dying of from a nuclear war.
So why are you making any comments? This was about Biden's (PPA) (which by the way I'm the same age as Biden and I totally understand the problems!!!) But this is the President of the USA! Making decisions (we are led to believe...) personally.
But this is the truly least of the problems... it's because the Biased MSM that donated to Hillary in 2016 96% and spent 4 years with 92% negative Trump news, and in 2020 donated 90% to Biden is EXCUSING this behavior.

To show two points.. A) MSM Bias and B)Biden's ineptness we have
Inflation: Biden...The annual inflation rate for the United States is 7.1% for the 12 months ended November 2022
But according the BIASED MSM...
Inflation: Trump... "The text, which has been circulating on Twitter and Facebook for the past month, lists the inflation rates as 1.7% for 2017,
1.65% for 2018,
1.7% for 2019 and
1.4% for 2020, noting that Trump was president during these years.
It then falsely claims the rate under Biden in 2021 was 14% and that it is 14.9% in 2022."

Now after biasedly reporting the above... they in later information reported:
Inflation is calculated using the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ consumer price index data, which measures price changes in consumer goods and services over time.
According to that data, the percentage change in the approximate total consumer price index in December
2017 was 2.1%,
1.9% for the same period in 2018,
2.3% in 2019 and 1.3% in 2020.

NOTE: From the same article!
Meanwhile, the change for December 2021, the first year of Biden’s administration, was 7.1%, not 14%.
Comparable data for 2022 doesn’t exist yet, but the Labor Department announced on Tuesday that the consumer price index jumped to 8.5% in March 2022 compared with 12 months earlier, which is the sharpest yearly increase since 1981.

Big deal!
Again the two points this link proves:
A) Inflation under Trump
  • 1.7% for 2017,
  • 1.65% for 2018,
  • 1.7% for 2019 and
  • 1.4% for 2020,
B) But AP emphasis was on the minor point of the social media and not the FACT inflation had increased over 500% from Trump to Biden! NO calculation of, that just shows the biased reporting!!!

Inflation under Biden of 7.8% OR over 500% increase from Trump's average of 1.24%
BIASED MSM at work!

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