Is the USA a nation?

CF's civil war analogy is off because neither the alt right and their allies have no strength to start a Civil War, so we are not as divided as in 1860.

We are as divided as we have been since the 1950s and 1960s when white men began to realize they would have to share cultural and political power with women and minorities.
No, no more than the EU is a nation, the individual States are the sovereigns who have loaned power to a managing entity and can resend that power if they chose.
Yes? No? Explain.

It was a compact between free and sovereign states:

“Resolved, that the several States comprising the United States of America are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government,” Jefferson began with a bang. When the states ratified the Constitution, they “constituted a general government for special purposes,” and “delegated to that government certain definite powers, reserving, each State to itself, the residuary mass of right to their own self-government.” Jefferson cited the Tenth Amendment as express affirmation of the “general principle” that the states retained any powers which they did not delegate to the federal government. If the federal government ever usurped power from the states, then its acts of usurpation were as illegitimate as they were tyrannous. “Whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.” An unconstitutional law was no true law at all.

You almost gotta laugh that the freaking "emerging" (government at the point of a gun) "nations" in freaking Africa recognized by the bar scene from Star Wars aka the U.N. but ignorant hypocrite lefties in the U.S. still don't recognize their own Country as a "nation".
No, no more than the EU is a nation, the individual States are the sovereigns who have loaned power to a managing entity and can resend that power if they chose.

Sounds like you're alluding to (though still not grasping) a federated state.
We're 57 states divided worse than before the Civil War
Wow. As long as the desperate libs keep using the race card unwarranted, then it will get worse and worse I think. Look for it (the race card being used by the Dems or libs wildly from here on out), America, because it will be soooo obvious now. These people (the libs), in my opinion (I do believe) have a violent wing attached to them now, and if these Dems had any sense at all, then they would begin to seperate themselves from it immediately.
CF's civil war analogy is off because neither the alt right and their allies have no strength to start a Civil War, so we are not as divided as in 1860.

We are as divided as we have been since the 1950s and 1960s when white men began to realize they would have to share cultural and political power with women and minorities.
. So your against Muslims then, because they don't share power with women, and they are just using the minority issues in order to help themselves here, but they could care less about who they are using in the scheme of things. This society is seeing some strange bedfellows joining together in this nation now.
Our Economic and Fiscal Policy is subject to approval by the World Trade Organization...
The answer is NO.
Yes? No? Explain.

The nation refers to the collective people, and the USA does not represent the collective people.

Sometimes I call the US a nation, but that is just for ease.

Technically the US is a state, which is a political community that operates within a set of established borders. (the general definition)
NO !!! not till we're rid of this Liberal shit in DC

Can you elaborate?

every one of these ass licker's gone

Technically the US is a state, which is a political community that operates within a set of established borders. (the general definition)

Set borders aren't necessarily required for the existence of a state. Nomadic chiefdoms, for example.

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