Is The Republican Party Gone (w/ Charlie Sykes)

Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Have you fixed your broken sewage systems? You are a bit slow this today.

Water related infrastructure in this country is a disaster. Water and sewer systems are out of date, leaking and inefficient. Other countries have modernized their water and sewer but we can’t seem to find the money.


Because we have sold out to Supply Side Economics and a military that spends 43 cents of every military dollar on earth.

This is mostly in Far Left cities that has a problem with infrastructure. Not the country as a whole
Charlie Sykes sounds very much like I do. He skirts around it but it looks like he would support rolling back the GOP to the Eisenhower 1956 Republican Party Plank.

rEpublican party is not the tRump party. It bears no resemblance to the GOP and should drop the nickname immediately as it is neither grand nor old.
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

He's gaslighting. He's taking the New Green Deal and trying to make it sound like it's going to destroy the world. He isn't old enough to remember when what he describes was real. And it wasn't the Liberals or the Progressives that were polluting the rivers, the air and the ocean, it was the unchecked Capitalists.

There are countless articles in your own liberal news media on these repeated sewage spills. I haven't even smacked you yet with the mountains of garbage the left spew out of these cities or the fact that you don't damage the environment, you obliterate it with concrete and filthy Dems like a giant termite mound.
Links, quotes, names
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Have you fixed your broken sewage systems? You are a bit slow this today.

Water related infrastructure in this country is a disaster. Water and sewer systems are out of date, leaking and inefficient. Other countries have modernized their water and sewer but we can’t seem to find the money.


Because we have sold out to Supply Side Economics and a military that spends 43 cents of every military dollar on earth.

Are you saying these liberal utopias in California, Oregon, and Washington can't afford to fix their own sewage systems? Do they need a loan from the taxpayers in Florida?
Politics according to FSTV? You gotta be kidding. FSTV is so far off the charts that it makes CNN look conservative.
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Trains are an antiquated mode of travel. Other countries transport people by elephant, litter and rickshaw too.

Private transportation like automobiles allow the traveller to have door to door service, at whatever time he wants, and by a plethora of different routes. No comparison with following a time table, sitting next to people who may or may not have contagious diseases, being stuck to a designated route, having to travel to and from the train station.

That antiquity, if done properly, is one of the most cost effective modes there is. Even moreso than air travel. For trips under 100 miles, the auto is the best option but when you exceed that, the train becomes the better option. For distances of 1000 miles or more Air is the best option. One of the reasons the High Speed Train has been a bust is that the Airlines fight it tooth and nail with their lobbyists. HSR is expensive to get going but once it's in operation it operates at a fraction of the cost of an airline. So that 400 to 600 mile trip, the train will actually get there about the same time since it will have zero time entering the station while the Aircraft will have to be stacked up and wait it's turn. On a 400 mile trip, most of the time for an Airliner will be climbing to altitude, waiting to take off, circling the field in the cue, slowing down, ascending and descending. For a 400 to 600 mile range, it's probably the worst option you can have. But it's a better option on a daily commute for that range than a car.
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Trains are an antiquated mode of travel. Other countries transport people by elephant, litter and rickshaw too.

Private transportation like automobiles allow the traveller to have door to door service, at whatever time he wants, and by a plethora of different routes. No comparison with following a time table, sitting next to people who may or may not have contagious diseases, being stuck to a designated route, having to travel to and from the train station.

Not really. Europe, Asia, India all have state of the art high speed rail. Our closest high speed rail is the Acela which is 50 year old technology.
Hopping on a plane is not as fast or convenient as it used to be. Trains will also relieve some of the congestion on our highways. Most major cities are gridlocked.
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Have you fixed your broken sewage systems? You are a bit slow this today.

Water related infrastructure in this country is a disaster. Water and sewer systems are out of date, leaking and inefficient. Other countries have modernized their water and sewer but we can’t seem to find the money.


Because we have sold out to Supply Side Economics and a military that spends 43 cents of every military dollar on earth.

Are you saying these liberal utopias in California, Oregon, and Washington can't afford to fix their own sewage systems? Do they need a loan from the taxpayers in Florida?

If the Wealth Tax were to be reinstated, California, Oregon and Washington would be sending money to Florida as well as MOST of the Red States.
There was no more virulent anti-Communist in Washington at that time, except maybe his brother Bobby. Jack would not waste spit on modern-day Democrats.

You keep trying to revise history. Conservatives accused JFK of being a Communist.

I don't remember President Nixon ever calling JFK a communist. Or any other prominent GOP'er.

In 1960, future Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater wrote then-Sen. Lyndon Johnson, urging him to not join John F. Kennedy’s “socialist” presidential ticket. “I still have a numb feeling of despair over your actions of yesterday in accepting the candidacy for Vice President.” Goldwater wrote. “It is difficult to imagine a person like you running in a second spot to a weaker man, but it is even more incredible to try to understand how you are going to try to embrace the socialist platform of your party.”

Communist influence in the Democratic Party was recognized before Kennedy was prez. Kennedy's record shows he felt otherwise. Oswald was Co
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Trains are an antiquated mode of travel. Other countries transport people by elephant, litter and rickshaw too.

Private transportation like automobiles allow the traveller to have door to door service, at whatever time he wants, and by a plethora of different routes. No comparison with following a time table, sitting next to people who may or may not have contagious diseases, being stuck to a designated route, having to travel to and from the train station.

Not really. Europe, Asia, India all have state of the art high speed rail. Our closest high speed rail is the Acela which is 50 year old technology.
Hopping on a plane is not as fast or convenient as it used to be.

I haven't used public transportation since Clinton was president.
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Have you fixed your broken sewage systems? You are a bit slow this today.

We will right after the uber rich are taxed enough to pay for it. It's coming.

What's stopping you, raise taxes on the 'rich' right now in Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle. What are you waiting for Dems have total control over all three cities and states so tax away. This is where you shit yourself.

That's not how it works. The Wealth Tax would be on anyone netting over 10 mil. And the lucrative loopholes would be plugged. You don't get to be a billionaire by making less than 10 mil a year. And you don't even get to be a hundred millionaire either.
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Trains are an antiquated mode of travel. Other countries transport people by elephant, litter and rickshaw too.

Private transportation like automobiles allow the traveller to have door to door service, at whatever time he wants, and by a plethora of different routes. No comparison with following a time table, sitting next to people who may or may not have contagious diseases, being stuck to a designated route, having to travel to and from the train station.

Not really. Europe, Asia, India all have state of the art high speed rail. Our closest high speed rail is the Acela which is 50 year old technology.
Hopping on a plane is not as fast or convenient as it used to be.

Getting in your car is faster and more convenient.

Of course, for longer trips , some people might not want to drive.

Another problem with trains vis a vis jet travel is getting to and from the train stations. Especially with high speed or express train routes, they can't have a stop every few miles. Oftentimes the train stations are in inner city areas, finding a place to park as well as the traffic is a headache compared to airports which are more frequently found in the suburban areas.
Charlie Sykes sounds very much like I do. He skirts around it but it looks like he would support rolling back the GOP to the Eisenhower 1956 Republican Party Plank.

It surely isn't what it was. It's been overtaken, for now at least, by people who don't worry about promoting "conservative values" or "limited government". They're thrown their lot behind a vulgar, flamboyant, un-conservative, authoritarian, nationalist strongman who is essentially his own party.

We'll see how it recovers once he's gone. But we need it to recover, because we need two strong, viable, credible parties. At LEAST two.

That while Democrats going into anarchy and Marxism doesn't make you blink ...
The Old GOP is dead. Its been replaced by the new "non-racist" populist GOP.
Trump actually did more for minorities than the Obama admin did in their 8-years.

This is complete gaslighting bullshit. You live in a fantasy world. No actual conservative believes you.

So IMHO Never-Trumpers can just drop dead.

And IMHO, Cult45 can leave the country.

Never-Trumpers are globalists like Biden and the democrats, and they just love that Chinese cash, and US workers unemployed.
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Trains are an antiquated mode of travel. Other countries transport people by elephant, litter and rickshaw too.

Private transportation like automobiles allow the traveller to have door to door service, at whatever time he wants, and by a plethora of different routes. No comparison with following a time table, sitting next to people who may or may not have contagious diseases, being stuck to a designated route, having to travel to and from the train station.

Not really. Europe, Asia, India all have state of the art high speed rail. Our closest high speed rail is the Acela which is 50 year old technology.
Hopping on a plane is not as fast or convenient as it used to be.

Getting in your car is faster and more convenient.

Of course, for longer trips , some people might not want to drive.

Another problem with trains vis a vis jet travel is getting to and from the train stations. Especially with high speed or express train routes, they can't have a stop every few miles. Oftentimes the train stations are in inner city areas, finding a place to park as well as the traffic is a headache compared to airports which are more frequently found in the suburban areas.

We have sold out our rail infrastructure in favor of auto and bus transportation. Anyone who lives near a city can tell you nightmares of highway gridlock. Our highway infrastructure is outdated, poorly maintained and overloaded.

We need more light rail to ease city congestion and high speed rail between major cities. I have flown over a million miles and can tell you flying is not a fast or comfortable as it used to be.
The Old GOP is dead. Its been replaced by the new "non-racist" populist GOP.
Trump actually did more for minorities than the Obama admin did in their 8-years.

This is complete gaslighting bullshit. You live in a fantasy world. No actual conservative believes you.

So IMHO Never-Trumpers can just drop dead.

And IMHO, Cult45 can leave the country.

After NY and 2 other states get through with him, he may not have the cost of a bus ticket to the border.
Trump has lots of golf courses and beautiful towers to live in. The democrat states are seeing an exodus of tax revenue. CA even wants to chase people who leave CA to live in another state?! Besides, after Trump wins any bullshit charges will have expired due to the "statute of limitations".
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Trains are an antiquated mode of travel. Other countries transport people by elephant, litter and rickshaw too.

Private transportation like automobiles allow the traveller to have door to door service, at whatever time he wants, and by a plethora of different routes. No comparison with following a time table, sitting next to people who may or may not have contagious diseases, being stuck to a designated route, having to travel to and from the train station.

Not really. Europe, Asia, India all have state of the art high speed rail. Our closest high speed rail is the Acela which is 50 year old technology.
Hopping on a plane is not as fast or convenient as it used to be.

Getting in your car is faster and more convenient.

Of course, for longer trips , some people might not want to drive.

Another problem with trains vis a vis jet travel is getting to and from the train stations. Especially with high speed or express train routes, they can't have a stop every few miles. Oftentimes the train stations are in inner city areas, finding a place to park as well as the traffic is a headache compared to airports which are more frequently found in the suburban areas.

It's called Infrastructure. What gives the Gas Powered Car the advantage over the Electric Car in 2025 with the new batteries that are going to be in full production giving the electric car up to a 750 mile or more range? The Gas car will have the infrastructure already in place. Denmark, as a country, has spent the money to create the infrastructure for their electric cars, buses and light trucks already and by 2025, there will only be a few gas powered cars and light trucks left on their roads. The Gas infrastructure will continue to support them but that's for people coming in from outside. And Denmark is already nearing zero fossil emissions. Almost their entire power comes from renewable resources like wind and water. They are too far north to get much boost from solar. But it's taken a National Effort to get it that way.

If we want our cities to have clean water and air, it's going to take effort. And that effort is going to have to be paid for. Hence the creation of the Wealth Tax. It's not new. It paid for the Railroads, Highways, Dams, Waterworks, sewages, and a lot more. Yes, and the normal tax payer also kicked in. Much of those "Improvements" were from the Federal Government Programs initially. But they have gotten old, out of date, inadequate, dilapidated and needing to be replaced and the Taxes to do it aren't there.
Oh wait, fantasy high speed rail spending is more important to the left than fixing their broke sewers and destroying river and ocean habitat.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world. Other nations with less wealth manage to do all of them.

Why can’t we?

Trains are an antiquated mode of travel. Other countries transport people by elephant, litter and rickshaw too.

Private transportation like automobiles allow the traveller to have door to door service, at whatever time he wants, and by a plethora of different routes. No comparison with following a time table, sitting next to people who may or may not have contagious diseases, being stuck to a designated route, having to travel to and from the train station.

Not really. Europe, Asia, India all have state of the art high speed rail. Our closest high speed rail is the Acela which is 50 year old technology.
Hopping on a plane is not as fast or convenient as it used to be.

Getting in your car is faster and more convenient.

Of course, for longer trips , some people might not want to drive.

Another problem with trains vis a vis jet travel is getting to and from the train stations. Especially with high speed or express train routes, they can't have a stop every few miles. Oftentimes the train stations are in inner city areas, finding a place to park as well as the traffic is a headache compared to airports which are more frequently found in the suburban areas.

We have sold out our rail infrastructure in favor of auto and bus transportation. Anyone who lives near a city can tell you nightmares of highway gridlock. Our highway infrastructure is outdated, poorly maintained and overloaded.

We need more light rail to ease city congestion and high speed rail between major cities. I have flown over a million miles and can tell you flying is not a fast or comfortable as it used to be.

Making it into the Inner City core , where train stations are usually, is usually much more of a hassle than going to the airport. If the High Speed train proponents would move their stations to suburban areas with tremendous parking, the idea would have a lot more merit.

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