Is The Republican Party Gone (w/ Charlie Sykes)

Charlie Sykes sounds very much like I do. He skirts around it but it looks like he would support rolling back the GOP to the Eisenhower 1956 Republican Party Plank.

lol new election cycle same old shit the republican party is dead lol
the democrat party has went to path of communism but they are still all about slavery
That part of their history will never change.
I like the way Sykes brings up the possibility of an informal "center-left/center-right coalition". That would save us from having to reform the two "major" whacked-out parties.

I would love to see that. Right now, both parties are being run from the extremes. That is why we are in Gridlock. There is no middle ground.

A coalition of centrists could command every issue. Anything that gets done would have to go through the centrists

Do you think that Biden can move to the center? Sleepy Joe stated that the Supreme Court had gone "too far" in Roe v Wade, before he flip-flopped. Can he switch positions? How about on the Gay Marriage issue. For many decades, Mr. Biden advocated for Normative Marriage, only recently changing his tune to a Far Left on.
Charlie Sykes sounds very much like I do. He skirts around it but it looks like he would support rolling back the GOP to the Eisenhower 1956 Republican Party Plank.

It surely isn't what it was. It's been overtaken, for now at least, by people who don't worry about promoting "conservative values" or "limited government". They're thrown their lot behind a vulgar, flamboyant, un-conservative, authoritarian, nationalist strongman who is essentially his own party.

We'll see how it recovers once he's gone. But we need it to recover, because we need two strong, viable, credible parties. At LEAST two.

in 2024...and by then..BAR RAG obama BEIJING joe and those retarded---i can get away with anything i want clintons should be locked can only hope justice will make theses assholes rot in prison---by the way---WHERES THE LINK you democrat
I like the way Sykes brings up the possibility of an informal "center-left/center-right coalition". That would save us from having to reform the two "major" whacked-out parties.
I would love to see that. Right now, both parties are being run from the extremes. That is why we are in Gridlock. There is no middle ground. A coalition of centrists could command every issue. Anything that gets done would have to go through the centrists
Trying to find a silver lining, maybe the madness we're seeing now will force the issue.

You'd really think we've evolved to a point at which reason can defeat emotion. I guess we're about to find out.
Think about it, Kennedy sounded more like a conservative, and one that today's leftest would reject....

Conservative propaganda trying to make JFK one of their own.

JFK supported Civil Rights, universal healthcare, welfare, social programs.

View attachment 375296

There was no more virulent anti-Communist in Washington at that time, except maybe his brother Bobby. Jack would not waste spit on modern-day Democrats.
I like the way Sykes brings up the possibility of an informal "center-left/center-right coalition". That would save us from having to reform the two "major" whacked-out parties.

I would love to see that. Right now, both parties are being run from the extremes. That is why we are in Gridlock. There is no middle ground.

A coalition of centrists could command every issue. Anything that gets done would have to go through the centrists

In Russia, they call that The Duma.
Charlie Sykes sounds very much like I do. He skirts around it but it looks like he would support rolling back the GOP to the Eisenhower 1956 Republican Party Plank.

It surely isn't what it was. It's been overtaken, for now at least, by people who don't worry about promoting "conservative values" or "limited government". They're thrown their lot behind a vulgar, flamboyant, un-conservative, authoritarian, nationalist strongman who is essentially his own party.

We'll see how it recovers once he's gone. But we need it to recover, because we need two strong, viable, credible parties. At LEAST two.

in 2024...and by then..BAR RAG obama BEIJING joe and those retarded---i can get away with anything i want clintons should be locked can only hope justice will make theses assholes rot in prison---by the way---WHERES THE LINK you democrat

There was no more virulent anti-Communist in Washington at that time, except maybe his brother Bobby. Jack would not waste spit on modern-day Democrats.

You keep trying to revise history. Conservatives accused JFK of being a Communist.

The GOP Voters are the mainstream.
The Republican Party will be picking up the new Walk-Away Dem voters in this election.
The Dems have alienated mainstream Voters.
The Dems might be facing a political apocalypses in Nov.

Dems = hate, racism, corruption, open borders, defund the police, mass voting rights violations, violent brainwashed crackpot fanatics, race riots, anti-American bigotry, far left economics.......
The choice this election is not difficult, Democrats have vowed to massively RAISE TAXES so they are toast imo.

Dems want to remove the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy
Most Americans support it.

I don't think that "most Americans" support that at all, or at least won't once they really consider the issue.

Almighty God once said in His Infinite Wisdom, "Thou shalt not covet".

He was definitely correct, IMHO. Forgetting your lust for the rich man's gold is the key to your own wealth and tranquillity.
There was no more virulent anti-Communist in Washington at that time, except maybe his brother Bobby. Jack would not waste spit on modern-day Democrats.

You keep trying to revise history. Conservatives accused JFK of being a Communist.

I don't remember President Nixon ever calling JFK a communist. Or any other prominent GOP'er.
The GOP Voters are the mainstream.
The Republican Party will be picking up the new Walk-Away Dem voters in this election.
The Dems have alienated mainstream Voters.
The Dems might be facing a political apocalypses in Nov.

Dems = hate, racism, corruption, open borders, defund the police, mass voting rights violations, violent brainwashed crackpot fanatics, race riots, anti-American bigotry, far left economics.......

The electorate has overwhelmingly tilted to the left
You can thank Trump
The GOP Voters are the mainstream.
The Republican Party will be picking up the new Walk-Away Dem voters in this election.
The Dems have alienated mainstream Voters.
The Dems might be facing a political apocalypses in Nov.

Dems = hate, racism, corruption, open borders, defund the police, mass voting rights violations, violent brainwashed crackpot fanatics, race riots, anti-American bigotry, far left economics.......

The electorate has overwhelmingly tilted to the left
You can thank Trump

I don't know about that, we will see soon enough.

Do you really think that the Biden platform of reparations, defunding the police and disarming the law abiders will be that popular when people vote this fall?
There was no more virulent anti-Communist in Washington at that time, except maybe his brother Bobby. Jack would not waste spit on modern-day Democrats.

You keep trying to revise history. Conservatives accused JFK of being a Communist.

I don't remember President Nixon ever calling JFK a communist. Or any other prominent GOP'er.

In 1960, future Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater wrote then-Sen. Lyndon Johnson, urging him to not join John F. Kennedy’s “socialist” presidential ticket. “I still have a numb feeling of despair over your actions of yesterday in accepting the candidacy for Vice President.” Goldwater wrote. “It is difficult to imagine a person like you running in a second spot to a weaker man, but it is even more incredible to try to understand how you are going to try to embrace the socialist platform of your party.”


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