Is the Media Overplaying Covid "Increases" Right Now ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Looks like the answer to that may be YES, indeed. And how convenient just 2 weeks bfore the 2020 presidential election. It is readily apparent that the US media generally, is at the present little, little more than an arm of the Joe Biden presidential campaign. Can we trust what we are hearing from them about Covid ? What you read here may answer that.

This morning on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, a graphic was posted up showing 85,085 "new cases" of coronavirus have shown up (I didn't catch what unit of time that is), with Wallace yammering that this is a bad number. The graphic also stated that hospitalizations are up in 38 states. The word "spiking" seems to be popular with media pundits right now. Sounds bad, huh ?

Right after this, I saw/heard these same figures being told on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd, and then on Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan. Well, this is what the anti-Trump media does so often. Let's take a closer look.

First of all, ALL ALONG over the past six months there have continually been some states where Covid was spiking (rising), other states level, and some other states diminishing. But to talk only about the ones where it is going up, gives the impression that this is some much worse condition than before.

One must be careful when viewing graphs. Here's is one that looks like it is the change in the number of US hospitalizations of Covid. >>


It looks like Covid cases are going up now , and have continually been going up since March. Now try treading the FINE PRINT. It states that the graph's figures are from 100 counties in the Emerging Infections Program states (10 states), + 4 Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project states.

So the graph covers 100 counties in 14 states (leaving 97% of US counties not included in this data).
So, now that you all have been thoroughly scared to death from the media reports (not having read the fine print), let's look at what the liberal OMISSION media is OMITTING, and NOT telling us.

First, I (not reading the fine print inititally) was puzzled by this graph (shown above) because of mistakenly thinking it applies to the whole country. I recently posted a US hospitalization graph from the CDC that showed hospitalizations were DOWN 37%. So how could they have always been going up ? Here is that graph >>


Well, the fine print explains why these 2 graphs are contradictory.

So this graph which I posted is from last month, and only up to September 19. So could there have been a sudden "spiking" in Covid cases during this month of October ? I went to the CDC website again, and checked their up-to-date information on US NATIONWIDE Covid cases, and guess what. The new graph hardly looks a bit different than the September one. Here is THAT graph which shows the hospitalization rate (the gray line) actually going DOWN over the last 2 weeks (up to October 17) >>



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Covid-19 is less dangerous than seasonal flu to a large majority of the population. For the few who are particularly vulnerable, protective measures are appropriate. For the rest, these measures are nothing more than a fear mongering hoax to influence the election.
Looks like the answer to that may be YES, indeed. And how convenient just 2 weeks bfore the 2020 presidential election. It is readily apparent that the US media generally, is at the present little, little more than an arm of the Joe Biden presidential campaign. Can we trust what we are hearing from them about Covid ? What you read here may answer that.

This morning on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, a graphic was posted up showing 85,085 "new cases" of coronavirus have shown up (I didn't catch what unit of time that is), with Wallace yammering that this is a bad number. The graphic also stated that hospitalizations are up in 38 states. The word "spiking" seems to be popular with media pundits right now. Sounds bad, huh ?

Right after this, I saw/heard these same figures being told on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd, and then on Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan. Well, this is what the anti-Trump media does so often. Let's take a closer look.

First of all, ALL ALONG over the past six months there have continually been some states where Covid was spiking (rising), other states level, and some other states diminishing. But to talk only about the ones where it is going up, gives the impression that this is some much worse condition than before.

One must be careful when viewing graphs. Here's is one that looks like it is the change in the number of US hospitalizations of Covid. >>

View attachment 406525

It looks like Covid cases are going up now , and have continually been going up since March. Now try treading the FINE PRINT. It states that the graph's figures are from 100 counties in the Emerging Infections Program states (10 states), + 4 Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project states.

So the graph covers 100 counties in 14 states (leaving 97% of US counties not included in this data).
So, now that you all have been thoroughly scared to death from the media reports (not having read the fine print), let's look at what the liberal OMISSION media is OMITTING, and NOT telling us.

First, I (not reading the fine print inititally) was puzzled by this graph (shown above) because of mistakenly thinking it applies to the whole country. I recently posted a US hospitalization graph from the CDC that showed hospitalizations were DOWN 37%. So how could they have always been going up ? Here is that graph >>

View attachment 406533

Well, the fine print explains why these 2 graphs are contradictory.

So this graph which I posted is from last month, and only up to September 19. So could there have been a sudden "spiking" in Covid cases during this month of October ? I went to the CDC website again, and checked their up-to-date information on US NATIONWIDE Covid cases, and guess what. The new graph hardly looks a bit different than the September one. Here is THAT graph which shows the hospitalization rate (the gray line) actually going DOWN over the last 2 weeks (up to October 17) >>

View attachment 406540
Keep denying...that should keep you safe..
Without question.

Meanwhile, the agitprop media is also conveniently ignoring what is obvious to amyone with an IQ above that of a water head: lockdowns and face diaper mandates don't work.
That depends upon your goal. If destroying the economy and voluntary compliance with ridiculous mandates to control the population is your goal, face diapers and lockdowns work splendidly, so far.
Covid-19 is less dangerous than seasonal flu to a large majority of the population. For the few who are particularly vulnerable, protective measures are appropriate. For the rest, these measures are nothing more than a fear mongering hoax to influence the election.
That's mostly what the whole thing is combined with Fauci (a Democrat) & Democrats yammering about locking everything down, causing a severe economic temporary recession, just perfect to take away Trump's # 1 issue - his economic success.

And all this is perfectly in tune with Pelosi's refusals to allow our stimulus checks to get sent, Democrats don't want to stimulate the economy. They want to keep it bad. Notice how the jigsaw puzzles pieces all fit ?

Just like Trump says >> "All we hear about is Covid, Covid, Covid. And then on November 4, they won't say a word about it anymore."
Keep denying...that should keep you safe..
I DIDN'T deny. I posted the actual CDC Covid charts. It's not Republicans who are denying. It's Democrats who are distorting and exaggerating.

And the so often heard 220,000 death number is BS too. There are countless reports of deaths WITH Covid, being reported as deaths FROM Covid.
What's the real number ?> 10,000 ? (almost all of them over age 90, and mostly killed by Cuomo in New York)
That's mostly what the whole thing is combined with Fauci (a Democrat) & Democrats yammering about locking everything down, causing a severe economic temporary recession, just perfect to take away Trump's # 1 issue - his economic success.

Economic Success?

14% unemployment
62 million jobs lost or laid off
6 Trillion in new debt.
33% contraction in GDP

I guess it is a success, if you live in the Bizarro World of Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines and Trump Vodka being great successes.
Without question.

Meanwhile, the agitprop media is also conveniently ignoring what is obvious to amyone with an IQ above that of a water head: lockdowns and face diaper mandates don't work.
That depends upon your goal. If destroying the economy and voluntary compliance with ridiculous mandates to control the population is your goal, face diapers and lockdowns work splendidly, so far.
You're right.

Got to destroy the economy in order to usher in a "new normal" and "build back better" with a GREEN AGENDA.
The number of reported cases of COVID infections will go down dramatically if you would just stop testing for it...just ask Trump, self proclaimed expert on the subject.
Well, now we agree. Oh, so the number of cases are up, are they ? Well, guess what. So are the number of tests administered. Duh!

And Trump's expertise on the subject of Covid isn't just from his own proclamation. It's also from the 94% REDUCTION in the Covid death rate since last April.

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The number of reported cases of COVID infections will go down dramatically if you would just stop testing for it...just ask Trump, self proclaimed expert on the subject.
Well, now we agree. Oh, so the number of cases are up, are they ? Well, guess what. So are the number of tests administered. Duh!

And Trump's expertise on the subject of Covid isn't just from his own proclamation. It's also from the 94% REDUCTION in the Covid death rate since last April.

. . and if we did testing for the normal cold and flu? I am sure those will be up too when that season rolls around? So what?

It doesn't mean we should destroy the civilized world, inject the economy with fiat money and create a whole new system that will empower some, and destroy the lives of others, there is something sinister going on. . .
Covid-19 is less dangerous than seasonal flu to a large majority of the population. For the few who are particularly vulnerable, protective measures are appropriate. For the rest, these measures are nothing more than a fear mongering hoax to influence the election.
That's mostly what the whole thing is combined with Fauci (a Democrat) & Democrats yammering about locking everything down, causing a severe economic temporary recession, just perfect to take away Trump's # 1 issue - his economic success.

And all this is perfectly in tune with Pelosi's refusals to allow our stimulus checks to get sent, Democrats don't want to stimulate the economy. They want to keep it bad. Notice how the jigsaw puzzles pieces all fit ?

Just like Trump says >> "All we hear about is Covid, Covid, Covid. And then on November 4, they won't say a word about it anymore."
Just like Trump says >> "All we hear about is Covid, Covid, Covid. And then on November 4, they won't say a word about it anymore."....reminds you of 'All we hear about is invasion, invasion, invasion. And then on November 4, they won't say a word about it anymore."..
That's mostly what the whole thing is combined with Fauci (a Democrat) & Democrats yammering about locking everything down, causing a severe economic temporary recession, just perfect to take away Trump's # 1 issue - his economic success.

Economic Success?

14% unemployment
62 million jobs lost or laid off
6 Trillion in new debt.
33% contraction in GDP

I guess it is a success, if you live in the Bizarro World of Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines and Trump Vodka being great successes.
The numbers are what you wanted..... You wanted lock down you got it that simple.

They are the covid numbers dipshit....and most everybody knows the difference including the though of course this pretend not to.

The number of reported cases of COVID infections will go down dramatically if you would just stop testing for it...just ask Trump, self proclaimed expert on the subject.
Well, now we agree. Oh, so the number of cases are up, are they ? Well, guess what. So are the number of tests administered. Duh!

And Trump's expertise on the subject of Covid isn't just from his own proclamation. It's also from the 94% REDUCTION in the Covid death rate since last April.

Well, now agree..stop testing and COVID cases will go down..brilliant..
The number of reported cases of COVID infections will go down dramatically if you would just stop testing for it...just ask Trump, self proclaimed expert on the subject.
Well, now we agree. Oh, so the number of cases are up, are they ? Well, guess what. So are the number of tests administered. Duh!

And Trump's expertise on the subject of Covid isn't just from his own proclamation. It's also from the 94% REDUCTION in the Covid death rate since last April.

Well, now agree..stop testing and COVID cases will go down..brilliant..


Why does it matter how many cases of this new cold we have? Who cares except the world's new petty tyrants? :dunno:


The only thing they use the number of cases for, is to scare people, there is no other use for those numbers. 99.9% of the folks get it, and get better, the only folks that care, are those whose minds are controlled by propaganda.
That's mostly what the whole thing is combined with Fauci (a Democrat) & Democrats yammering about locking everything down, causing a severe economic temporary recession, just perfect to take away Trump's # 1 issue - his economic success.

Economic Success?

14% unemployment
62 million jobs lost or laid off
6 Trillion in new debt.
33% contraction in GDP

I guess it is a success, if you live in the Bizarro World of Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines and Trump Vodka being great successes.
Post-panicdemic statistics. Look at the beginning of the year. Oh, wait, that would negate the current narrative. Seriously, go die of covid...if you can. Often difficult to die of imagination.
Covid-19 is less dangerous than seasonal flu to a large majority of the population. For the few who are particularly vulnerable, protective measures are appropriate. For the rest, these measures are nothing more than a fear mongering hoax to influence the election.
When was the last time the seasonal flu killed 200,000 people in 6 months? Or 250,000 in 8 months?

On average the INFLUENZA virus kills 35,000 in a year's the USA. In 2018 season the flu killed 23000 in the USA, in 2017 we had a strenuous flu, of which was not included in the flu shot, and about 65000 died.

The CORONA virus is NOT an influenza virus.

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