Is the Democratic Party waking up?

Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
No the dem party has no liberals. They have regressive statists. Real liberals left the party years ago.

Neat, wingnut semantics. Can't imagine why or how I could care less about this reply.
Maybe you dont ubderstand what semantics means :dunno:

I do 'ubderstand' what semantics mean and I don't wish to play them here.
You twisted the meanings of words. That isn't semantics. Its ignorance, smart guy.
Mac1958[/USER] is an ‘opener’, he has zero interest in closing a debate....he gets a huge boner from opening and instigating but it ends there. You can not reason with him as he is the smartest guy in the room and you are way too stupid to change his course or opinion....just ask him.
He honestly believes that everyone who drives faster than he does is a crazed lunatic and everyone who drives slower is a special retard...You drive his speed or you’re his mind.
Exactly. And every thread he starts finishes with his full Leftard being exposed.
Mac is a liberal who comes into the lion's den to try to discuss things and usually gets his head bitten off.

There is no real need to insult him, and I dont think he deserves to be.

He is fairly rational and open minded to conservative thought and reason.
He doesn’t discuss anything. He tosses stinky bait and then goes into leftist bullshit.
Mac1958[/USER] is an ‘opener’, he has zero interest in closing a debate....he gets a huge boner from opening and instigating but it ends there. You can not reason with him as he is the smartest guy in the room and you are way too stupid to change his course or opinion....just ask him.
He honestly believes that everyone who drives faster than he does is a crazed lunatic and everyone who drives slower is a special retard...You drive his speed or you’re his mind.
Exactly. And every thread he starts finishes with his full Leftard being exposed.
Mac is a liberal who comes into the lion's den to try to discuss things and usually gets his head bitten off.

There is no real need to insult him, and I dont think he deserves to be.

He is fairly rational and open minded to conservative thought and reason.

Mac is a Centrist. I liken his political views as something akin to socially liberal, fiscally conservative, mildly libertarian. He's more than welcome to correct what I've said.

Nothing wrong with that, I am often critical of him calling both sides equal when that is clearly not the case especially since Trump. Who is the savior nobody knew you guys needed. Apparently before Trump this country was a shithole, news to everyone else. But I digress.
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
No the dem party has no liberals. They have regressive statists. Real liberals left the party years ago.

Neat, wingnut semantics. Can't imagine why or how I could care less about this reply.
Maybe you dont ubderstand what semantics means :dunno:

I do 'ubderstand' what semantics mean and I don't wish to play them here.
You twisted the meanings of words. That isn't semantics. Its ignorance, smart guy.

He is fairly rational and open minded to conservative thought and reason.
He doesn’t discuss anything. He tosses stinky bait and then goes into leftist bullshit.
All I can say is that that has not been my experience in discussions with Mac.
Lucky. Case in point, he started a thread asking if God exists. After a long dance he admitted there’s no evidence presented that will ever change his mind. He’s a stinky baiter.
Trump is exposing how totally corrupt and dishonest the Democrats and the Press really are.
The Dems will permanently lose part of their Voter base.
They Democratic Party will survive.
Today's party leaders will mostly be gone by 2024.
The new Dem leaders will be even more radical and racist.
He is fairly rational and open minded to conservative thought and reason.
He doesn’t discuss anything. He tosses stinky bait and then goes into leftist bullshit.
All I can say is that that has not been my experience in discussions with Mac.
Lucky. Case in point, he started a thread asking if God exists. After a long dance he admitted there’s no evidence presented that will ever change his mind. He’s a stinky baiter.
Interesting. I don't remember starting a thread like that, nor would I say such things.

Is this one of those weird fantasies you guys like to build? Or would you like to actually LINK to it or QUOTE from it?

You guys never seem to want to actually provide actual quotes of mine in context. Weird.
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
Here we go again.

I consider myself a left-leaning Independent. My specific stands on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. I can't be much more open or forthcoming than that.

By today's terminology, I might be considered a Blue Dog. I'm fine with that. There are issues on which I think the current version of the Democratic Party is simply repugnant, and I bring them up regularly. Unlike wingers, I'm more than willing to hold my "side" accountable for its bullshit, and I feel zero (0) obligation to spin and/or lie for it.

And I've made it more than clear that I'm not fond of wingers in either party. I don't think they're either honest or honorable, and I think they're causing the country profound harm.

That's as clear as I can make it.
Last edited:
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
Here we go again.

I consider myself a left-leaning Independent. My specific stands on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. I can't be much more open or forthcoming than that.

By today's terminology, I might be considered a Blue Dog. I'm fine with that. There are issues on which I think the current version of the Democratic Party is simply repugnant, and I bring them up regularly. Unlike wingers, I'm more than willing to hold my "side" accountable for its bullshit, and I feel zero (0) obligation to spin and/or lie for it.

And I've made it more than clear that I'm not fond of wingers in either party. I don't think they're either honest or honorable, and I think they're causing the country profound harm.

That's as clear as I can make it.

You didn't respond to anything in my post.
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
Here we go again.

I consider myself a left-leaning Independent. My specific stands on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. I can't be much more open or forthcoming than that.

By today's terminology, I might be considered a Blue Dog. I'm fine with that. There are issues on which I think the current version of the Democratic Party is simply repugnant, and I bring them up regularly. Unlike wingers, I'm more than willing to hold my "side" accountable for its bullshit, and I feel zero (0) obligation to spin and/or lie for it.

And I've made it more than clear that I'm not fond of wingers in either party. I don't think they're either honest or honorable, and I think they're causing the country profound harm.

That's as clear as I can make it.

You didn't respond to anything in my post.
Good gawd. I wish we could just discuss the OP.

I would hold Manchin up as someone as close to moderate as it gets today. I see that you disagree.

I'm sorry you don't consider me "to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative."

If you want to think that the Democrats are a larger tent than Republicans, fine. I think that's possible, but the topic just isn't important to me.

I'm glad you're proud.

Yes, Sanders is too far Left for me.

Anything else?
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
Here we go again.

I consider myself a left-leaning Independent. My specific stands on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. I can't be much more open or forthcoming than that.

By today's terminology, I might be considered a Blue Dog. I'm fine with that. There are issues on which I think the current version of the Democratic Party is simply repugnant, and I bring them up regularly. Unlike wingers, I'm more than willing to hold my "side" accountable for its bullshit, and I feel zero (0) obligation to spin and/or lie for it.

And I've made it more than clear that I'm not fond of wingers in either party. I don't think they're either honest or honorable, and I think they're causing the country profound harm.

That's as clear as I can make it.

You didn't respond to anything in my post.
Good gawd. I wish we could just discuss the OP.

I would hold Manchin up as someone as close to moderate as it gets today. I see that you disagree.

He's a senator from a very red state. Why Manchin in particular? He's kind of pigeon holed over there. Why not Klobuchar? She's actually running for president and is moderate/center left which the Democratic party as a whole is more closely aligned with.

I'm sorry you don't consider me "to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative."

You tell us everyday how both sides are the same. There is no Trump, there is no army of Trump like trolls on the left. The most extreme position held by liberals that draws the most consternation among moderates is medicare 4 all. On the right apparently its nuking hurricanes and lying about anything and everything.

If you want to think that the Democrats are a larger tent than Republicans, fine. I think that's possible, but the topic just isn't important to me.

So its not important if there are multiple positions taken within the Democratic party you'd just rather talk only about the far left of it? Seems a little disingenuous.

I'm glad you're proud.

That I belong to a party in all it's imperfections (and there are many) that it has members from all walks of life who bring their own experiences and solutions unlike the GOP? Yeah, I'm kind of proud of that. Much better than cherry picking people in the party I don't politically align with just so I have something to talk about.

Yes, Sanders is too far Left for me.

He certainly is far left in this country but he's not really if you compare his policies to other democracies. Sanders by far is not my first choice but I wouldn't hesitate a second to vote for him in November.

Anything else?

Not really.
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
Here we go again.

I consider myself a left-leaning Independent. My specific stands on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. I can't be much more open or forthcoming than that.

By today's terminology, I might be considered a Blue Dog. I'm fine with that. There are issues on which I think the current version of the Democratic Party is simply repugnant, and I bring them up regularly. Unlike wingers, I'm more than willing to hold my "side" accountable for its bullshit, and I feel zero (0) obligation to spin and/or lie for it.

And I've made it more than clear that I'm not fond of wingers in either party. I don't think they're either honest or honorable, and I think they're causing the country profound harm.

That's as clear as I can make it.

You didn't respond to anything in my post.
Good gawd. I wish we could just discuss the OP.

I would hold Manchin up as someone as close to moderate as it gets today. I see that you disagree.

He's a senator from a very red state. Why Manchin in particular? He's kind of pigeon holed over there. Why not Klobuchar? She's actually running for president and is moderate/center left which the Democratic party as a whole is more closely aligned with.

I'm sorry you don't consider me "to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative."

You tell us everyday how both sides are the same. There is no Trump, there is no army of Trump like trolls on the left. The most extreme position held by liberals that draws the most consternation among moderates is medicare 4 all. On the right apparently its nuking hurricanes and lying about anything and everything.

If you want to think that the Democrats are a larger tent than Republicans, fine. I think that's possible, but the topic just isn't important to me.

So its not important if there are multiple positions taken within the Democratic party you'd just rather talk only about the far left of it? Seems a little disingenuous.

I'm glad you're proud.

That I belong to a party in all it's imperfections (and there are many) that it has members from all walks of life who bring their own experiences and solutions unlike the GOP? Yeah, I'm kind of proud of that. Much better than cherry picking people in the party I don't politically align with just so I have something to talk about.

Yes, Sanders is too far Left for me.

He certainly is far left in this country but he's not really if you compare his policies to other democracies. Sanders by far is not my first choice but I wouldn't hesitate a second to vote for him in November.

Anything else?

Not really.

" there is no army of Trump like trolls on the left."

Throwing the BS Flag here.
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
Here we go again.

I consider myself a left-leaning Independent. My specific stands on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. I can't be much more open or forthcoming than that.

By today's terminology, I might be considered a Blue Dog. I'm fine with that. There are issues on which I think the current version of the Democratic Party is simply repugnant, and I bring them up regularly. Unlike wingers, I'm more than willing to hold my "side" accountable for its bullshit, and I feel zero (0) obligation to spin and/or lie for it.

And I've made it more than clear that I'm not fond of wingers in either party. I don't think they're either honest or honorable, and I think they're causing the country profound harm.

That's as clear as I can make it.

You didn't respond to anything in my post.
Good gawd. I wish we could just discuss the OP.

I would hold Manchin up as someone as close to moderate as it gets today. I see that you disagree.

He's a senator from a very red state. Why Manchin in particular? He's kind of pigeon holed over there. Why not Klobuchar? She's actually running for president and is moderate/center left which the Democratic party as a whole is more closely aligned with.

I'm sorry you don't consider me "to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative."

You tell us everyday how both sides are the same. There is no Trump, there is no army of Trump like trolls on the left. The most extreme position held by liberals that draws the most consternation among moderates is medicare 4 all. On the right apparently its nuking hurricanes and lying about anything and everything.

If you want to think that the Democrats are a larger tent than Republicans, fine. I think that's possible, but the topic just isn't important to me.

So its not important if there are multiple positions taken within the Democratic party you'd just rather talk only about the far left of it? Seems a little disingenuous.

I'm glad you're proud.

That I belong to a party in all it's imperfections (and there are many) that it has members from all walks of life who bring their own experiences and solutions unlike the GOP? Yeah, I'm kind of proud of that. Much better than cherry picking people in the party I don't politically align with just so I have something to talk about.

Yes, Sanders is too far Left for me.

He certainly is far left in this country but he's not really if you compare his policies to other democracies. Sanders by far is not my first choice but I wouldn't hesitate a second to vote for him in November.

Anything else?

Not really.

" there is no army of Trump like trolls on the left."

Throwing the BS Flag here.

This is the forum for trolls so why not.
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
Here we go again.

I consider myself a left-leaning Independent. My specific stands on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. I can't be much more open or forthcoming than that.

By today's terminology, I might be considered a Blue Dog. I'm fine with that. There are issues on which I think the current version of the Democratic Party is simply repugnant, and I bring them up regularly. Unlike wingers, I'm more than willing to hold my "side" accountable for its bullshit, and I feel zero (0) obligation to spin and/or lie for it.

And I've made it more than clear that I'm not fond of wingers in either party. I don't think they're either honest or honorable, and I think they're causing the country profound harm.

That's as clear as I can make it.

You didn't respond to anything in my post.
Good gawd. I wish we could just discuss the OP.

I would hold Manchin up as someone as close to moderate as it gets today. I see that you disagree.

He's a senator from a very red state. Why Manchin in particular? He's kind of pigeon holed over there. Why not Klobuchar? She's actually running for president and is moderate/center left which the Democratic party as a whole is more closely aligned with.

I'm sorry you don't consider me "to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative."

You tell us everyday how both sides are the same. There is no Trump, there is no army of Trump like trolls on the left. The most extreme position held by liberals that draws the most consternation among moderates is medicare 4 all. On the right apparently its nuking hurricanes and lying about anything and everything.

If you want to think that the Democrats are a larger tent than Republicans, fine. I think that's possible, but the topic just isn't important to me.

So its not important if there are multiple positions taken within the Democratic party you'd just rather talk only about the far left of it? Seems a little disingenuous.

I'm glad you're proud.

That I belong to a party in all it's imperfections (and there are many) that it has members from all walks of life who bring their own experiences and solutions unlike the GOP? Yeah, I'm kind of proud of that. Much better than cherry picking people in the party I don't politically align with just so I have something to talk about.

Yes, Sanders is too far Left for me.

He certainly is far left in this country but he's not really if you compare his policies to other democracies. Sanders by far is not my first choice but I wouldn't hesitate a second to vote for him in November.

Anything else?

Not really.
Manchin strikes me as honest and decent.

I have never said that "both sides are the same". Never. Not ever. Not once. Do you know what I actually say? It's different.

Yes, I usually discuss and criticize the Far Left because I think they are often dishonest, bigoted and illiberal, and I think the left side of the spectrum should be better than that.

I have too many disagreements with both parties to belong to either. I think that's allowed.

I don't care if Sanders isn't too liberal for other countries. I live in this one.

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