Is the Bible clear?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I keep getting told the Bible is clear. I believe the Bible, but I dont think it's clear. Without the Spirit, I dont think its possible to understand what the Bible say

What say you?
I keep getting told the Bible is clear. I believe the Bible, but I dont think it's clear. Without the Spirit, I dont think its possible to understand what the Bible say

What say you?

The Bible is clear if you have the spirit and a wish to learn and believe. Just as the Book of Mormon is clear if you have the above.
I keep getting told the Bible is clear. I believe the Bible, but I dont think it's clear. Without the Spirit, I dont think its possible to understand what the Bible say

What say you?

I'm not sure.

I'm waiting for the movie to come out before I make up my mind.
It is my opnion that there is no one denomination that is able to see the spirit clearly. It is each individual who has the option to read and recieve the revelation the spirit gives them. Every denomination has corruption!
Some of each but not all and which Baptist by the way there are at least a dozen varieties all of them at least somewhat different than the others.

There are also a crap load of pretenders to the throne who call themselves Christians but based upon what they preach in the pulpit on sundays are not and most of them have their own TV shows.
Is the Bible clear?


Is the English version of it clear?


If you want to understand the Bible, you've gotta understand the Old Testament. I mean.....if you read the middle books of a series without reading the first ones, you kinda end up missing out on quite a bit of the story.

So......learn Hebrew or start studying under a Rabbi.

THEN you can figure out the New Testament.
I keep getting told the Bible is clear. I believe the Bible, but I dont think it's clear. Without the Spirit, I dont think its possible to understand what the Bible say

What say you?
I think without the Holy spirit guiding one they can get fairly misguided.

Is the Bible clear? I believe it is, then again it is up to each individual to seek out the understanding that the Bible gives or can give.

Adding to that is so many versions have come out it would be easy to get confused.

Each word has a meaning. In the KJV if we fail to look at the meanings of the words we cannot understand all of the parables of the Old Testament and the New Testament.

example; Eden = "pleasure"

1) a place conquered by Assyria; probably located in the northwest of Mesopotamia

Genesis Chapter 3

And their eyes were opened,

Lord chased them out of the garden.

The root word; `adan

1) (Hithpael) to luxuriate, delight oneself

AV — delighted themselves 1

Study pages

Blue Letter Bible - Lexicon

Blue Letter Bible - Lexicon

Blue Letter Bible - Lexicon

You can scroll to the bottom of the page for the passages.
What do you think the Holy Spirit is, and how do you know if you're being guided by it?

The Holy Spirit is the breath of God in man/woman that made your conciousness. That part within you that allows you to see life as eternal. The portion that gives you a heart to care about others when your flesh being wants to hate them. That portion within you that understands it is God who rules the hearts of men. The Holy Spirit within is what cries out to God for help. It is the soul within you, that breath of life given that cries for the misery of the world's children and mercy. It is that portion within that even the most evil person cannot touch. It is that part within that feels love and gives love unconditionally. The Holy Spirit is wisdom or knowledge you may have within you that you know not where it came from.

Ask Jesus/Yahushua to guide you. Look at the ten commandments in all things is the best guide I can think of to give to anyone. Remember each day that flesh is flesh and subject to all things including that which is not good. Be as forgiving as patient as possible within the restraints of living within the flesh. Look at it as being a spiritual being within a flesh container understanding the flesh is subjected to all things. Keep hope no matter how desperate things of flesh may appear to be.
Your post doesn't answer my question.

I want to know how you know the Holy Spirit is guiding you and not a demon? There are some wacky Christians out there and they claim they are guided by the Holy Spirit too.
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Is the Bible clear?


Is the English version of it clear?


If you want to understand the Bible, you've gotta understand the Old Testament. I mean.....if you read the middle books of a series without reading the first ones, you kinda end up missing out on quite a bit of the story.

So......learn Hebrew or start studying under a Rabbi.

THEN you can figure out the New Testament.

Really? How's the Masoretic text of the book of Samuel doing? Take a look at 1 Samuel 13:1 if you want to examine the state of its preservation.
Your post doesn't answer my question.

I want to know how you know the holy spirit is guiding you and not a demon?
You want a personal experience post.

Well to tell you the whole story it would take more than I can write in a short post. The short of it is I took this trip to Florida right before I turned forty. My husband did not go with me to begin with. We were very close to a divorce and it was breaking both of our hearts.

I had started writing a book several years prior at the request of a few friends. It was a book of memories and questions. Basically a personal search for truth. I had wonder why people do the things they do, what makes people what they are, why am I the way I am.

In all of that searching I recalled many things I had not thought of for years. From the point of laying myself down in the colorado river to float away when I was a child after a middle of the night attack to that day I was looking at. The memories flowed and I started thinking and pondering on each point in time and asking self, "What exactly really happened?"

From the time when I was Baptised in Jesus's name to the day I took the El Presidente of the Hells Angel to a potluck at the little mountain community church.

I inspected all forty years I could recall that winter in Florida. As the memories flowed i recalled times I was physically attack and the attackers did not prevail to the position I was in with my babies and wondering what the heck was I going to do with a ninth grade education to support them.

I recalled the people over the years and their faces and even how I had visually seen those faces I recalled. Then I thought of the words spoken to me by dear ones I had known and met over the years. The last being a dear friend named John. The last time I had seen John his face was clear as a young man with light exuding from within him (john was in his eighties).

I questioned it all and asked for truth in all of it. I was blessed with that understanding, memories of visions and dreams from the time I was a small child etc...

Midway through all of that I awoke in the middle of the night with a nightmare/dream/memory. I called Rod. Three AM and he was awake. He answered the phone with, "What's wrong?" I told him and he said that's it you csnnot do this alone. He flew to Florida.

For the next month and a half we both questioned everything we had experienced, saw and heard. It was a visit by the Holy Spirit. Did we question it all? You bet we did.

In that time I saw the face of satan appear in a dear friend as he cursed God. It was amazing.

That is all you get here in this post.

How do I know? I would say, "How in the world could I ever deny what I was shown?" I can't it is that simple.
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Are you saying what I think your'e saying? You saw the face of Satan in a friend's face who was cursing?

You must see demons everywhere on this forum. People cuss all the time.
Are you saying what I think your'e saying? You saw the face of Satan in a friend's face who was cursing?

You must see demons everywhere on this forum. People cuss all the time.
You missed the specific portion of what I just said obviously you do not read very well either do you?
Are you saying what I think your'e saying? You saw the face of Satan in a friend's face who was cursing?

You must see demons everywhere on this forum. People cuss all the time.
You missed the specific portion of what I just said obviously you do not read very well either do you?

Here are your own words:

"In that time I saw the face of satan appear in a dear friend as he cursed God. It was amazing."

You say this experience was a gift of the Holy Spirit. This sounds more to me like a psychotic break. How do you know the difference?
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