Is the American divisive, hateful and intolerant culture pushing psychotics over the edge?

The Left requires hatred like people need oxygen to breath to survive.

Without the left preaching their Nazi Agenda and stirring up the masses with Faux Outrage they would never have any power

None of that is really happening tree. The left has no “Nazi agenda”. The right has no agenda at all, and are attacking the left with hate and derision to mask their intellectual and spiritually bankruptcy.

The leftist agenda is to give all people in America a good education, fair wages and benefits and stable infrastructure so that all working Americans can support their families and be contributing members of society.

The Republican agenda is to retain power by any means necessary, including insurrection.

Is the American divisive, hateful and intolerant culture pushing psychotics over the edge?​

You've Got It

See the source image
Speaking of a dismissive, simplistic view... this is one.
Did I say it is 4chan fault?... I said a number of things, and you pick out one as if that is all I said.
Thanks for playing
That's a key tactic in the tribalism that's ripping us up. You can make 10 excellent points, and if a tribalist can spot (or pretend to spot) a perceived flaw in one, the whole thing gets dismissed. Our communication, and the collaboration and innovation that can so easily come from it (like our Constitution), have completely broken down.

A couple of years ago I saw a theory that concerns me to this day: It has been so long that we've communicated like normal, intelligent adults that we have literally lost the capacity to do so. Maybe this is like a muscle -- use it or lose it. If that's the case, and it sure looks that way, then we're in serious trouble. We. Can't. Fix. Problems.
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None of that is really happening tree. The left has no “Nazi agenda”. The right has no agenda at all, and are attacking the left with hate and derision to mask their intellectual and spiritually bankruptcy.

The leftist agenda is to give all people in America a good education, fair wages and benefits and stable infrastructure so that all working Americans can support their families and be contributing members of society.

The Republican agenda is to retain power by any means necessary, including insurrection.
I could go on and write pages on how The Democrat Party mirrors The Nazi Party in every way and carries out their agenda verbatim the same way The Nazis did, and have achieved power in the same fashion. The Socialism of the DemNazi Party is no different than the Socialism of The Nazi Party.

The only difference being is that The Nazi Party was Nationalist & wished to project itself globally and subjugate others under The Third Reich!

The DemNazi party (The 4th Reich or 4th Industrial Revolution) is Anti-Nationalist and wants America to be subjugated by global powers.

They two are the same only the focus and direction is different. Only you don't wear uniforms and your logo is a jackass and not a swastika.

DemNazi Doctrine:

1.) Eugenics:
Useless people especially minorities and little baby girls must be killed in the womb. What greater way to do that than build Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps? Once called "Dead Babies For Dollars Convenient Mart" the DemNazi marketing department had a novel idea and retitled it "Planned Parenthood" cuz nobody wants to go to really go to a death camp 7-11. Despite a small setback at SCOTUS recently, the McDonald's of Genocide is going strong still!

60 Million Served!

2.) Population Control:
"The planet has a fever and people are the virus" Al Gore.
According to documents written by lefty God hating pieces of crap & other demon possessed Globalists at the UN who believe in The Church of the Holy Melting Iceberg, there are too many people living and breathing and exhaling CO2 on the planet. According to Sustainable Development Doctrine, Agenda 2030, and documents from The World Economic Forum, the planet needs to have it's population reduced by 5 Billion by 2050.

Gee Ward, wonder how they are going to accomplish that? How about a little War, Pestilence and Famine. That would be a little hard on the Beaver don't you think, Ward?

Also left tard DemNazi Globalist Fascist Doctrine was put in stone when The Georgia Guidestones were erected, showing that The Death Cult we call the DemNazi Party has a boner for death!

If you really want to save the planet I suggest that every Lefty Earth Worshipping Moron out there should volunteer to quit exhaling CO2

3.) Little DemNazis Everywhere:
There is no finer example of Globalist Fascist DemNazi culture (HOW DARE YOU) than brainwashed climate warrior DemNazi youth Regretta Thorn Turd. DemNazis need children to perpetuate their doctrine beyond their own miserable lives, so they turned our schools systems into factories of misery and our children in to their "Wonder Weapons". Hey kids, if you see mommy and daddy not wearing a mask, you can turn them in to your local DemNazi Public Health Fascist.

4.) Blinded by Science:
Just like with Hitler's Nazi Scientists in decades past, seems like DemNazi Scientists have refused to learn from History, let alone learned anything about actual Empirical Science.
Sorry to offend any real Scientists, but consider the following when discussing DemNazi doctrine and how Lefty Junk Science is used to back up their religious dogma in the very same way Hitler used Nazi Junk Science to back up his Nazi Dogma:

Scientists lie about the age of the Earth and how long ago dinosaurs lived and died.
For instance collagen and soft tissue found inside of large bones can only last a few thousand years at best under perfect conditions.

So ask any so called Scientist-Evolutionist if that is a proven fact, then why when you cut open a fossilized dinosaur bone do you find bone marrow, blood vessels, collagen and other things that absolutely should not be there.

Then ask them to explain why you find human footprints in some fossil strata along side of dinosaur footprints.

Then after they start stuttering, ask them why all human beings can be traced back to just two single parents genetically called Mitochondrial Eve and Y Chromosome Adam.

After they try to convince you that they actually know anything at all, and tell you "the science is settled" ask them why primates suddenly quit evolving if the natural evolution of primates is to evolve in to humanoid types.

I could make this thread stretch for miles, but perhaps they go on some rant about Mother Earth, Evolution, and Saving The Planet, perhaps you should ask them if they are willing to save Mother Earth by ceasing to pollute it with the very CO2 coming out of their mouths.

After they are offended by that, show them the following graph and also ask them how is CO2 a Greenhouse gas when it has 0 Net Transitive IR properties molecularly?

Then ask them why geologically we are actually at one of the lowest levels of CO2 ppm in Earth's history and why we are bothering sounding an alarm bell over a nothingburger?


If that isn't enough, then ask them if hydrocarbon fuel is made from dead dinosaurs and plants, then why is there so much of it on Saturn's moon Titan?

Scientists these days are nothing but The Left's Priesthood for their Godless Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg and nothing more.

5.) He Touched Me With a Hair Brush:
What's not to like about The Alphabet Pedo Lobby's push to continually indoctrinate and corrupt the minds of tiny children who believe in Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny and teach them about Homosexual Sexual Practices, and offer them Puberty Blockers behind their parent's back's? And if you think that isn't bad enough, they teach your children that not only is Sodomy fun for everyone but that Transgenerational Sex is NORMAL. DemNazis are Groomers, period.

Like The Nazis before them, separating children from their parents and inculcating children with DemNazi values instead of family values is how you produce an Army of DemNazi Youth. Heil Shitler!

Just ignore the science of the XX and XY Chromosome. Gender Fluidity is the primary vehicle to produce mental illness in the Youth The DemNazi Party needs to keep it's numbers strong. Did you know that last mass murdering thug in the news who shot up an elementary school was on Puberty Blockers? Bet he went back to confront the Elementary School Teacher who told him he was a girl trapped in a boys body.
You know I am right! Damn Straight I am.

There is literally nothing good or Godly, or Ethical or Moral about you people. Your hearts are as black of coal. Your words are words of Death and not Life, and your inspiration for all that you do comes straight from The Pit of Hell, just like Hitler's did, like Stalin, like Mao who killed millions upon millions, your cult of death continues on it's rampage of ruining lives that it cannot snuff out at it's death camps. If you can't outright abort them, you will warp them, and if you cannot warp them, you will starve them out.

There is no dissent with you people, no discussion, only censorship propaganda, lies, and schemes to accomplish your agendas at all costs.

Ask poor Germany what it was like to be at the mercy of a Madman with an Agenda he and his minions were willing to implement at any cost, even at the cost of Human Life, and The Souls of Men.

The Eternal Lake of Fire and The Pit of Hell was made for such people as you, and your Fascist Fiend Friends.

6.) It's Not A Lie If It Happened In Prison:
And that has been what America is becoming, a prison where individual liberties and human freedoms are considered "intolerance". Compliance is opium of tyrants.

There is no greater prison than one's home if the right fascists are in charge. Give them an inch and they will take a mile, even an election or two if you let them. Hey, what's wrong with a little "Taxation without Representation?" Joe Biden wants to put America's Healthcare Sovereignty under the Jurisdiction of Foreign Powers? Yes he does, among just about everything else like our economy, trade, and our legal system.

Lions and Tigers and Lies OH MY!

Daily Hammering The Public over The LIE of Russian Collusion, COVID Lockdowns, and displaying daily death tolls shown on the nightly news over what really looked like a bad flu season is criminally negligent journalism if not outright intentional propaganda. Let's not forget "Hillary in a Landslide!"

The Main Stream Media's Duplicity in Fear Mongering and Fake News are all designed to undermine our Democracy & have been all the rage the last several years. Hitler smiles at The DemNazi Party. Joseph Goebel would be proud.

We fought the British over oppressive taxes and over-regulation and being ordered to be locked up in our homes. The ScamDemic was The DemNazi Kristallnacht. They smashed businesses, entire communities, and with the help of their Brownshirt Armies called BLM and ANTIFA literally burned entire neighborhoods to the ground to terrorize the entire nation. There is no more hated person by The DemNazis than a Jew or a Christian. These people are "Irredeemable Deplorables" (Subhumans) who need to be locked up and "dealt with". People cannot be walking around free. They need papers.
COVID papers. And of course we must experiment on humans for the cause of "Public Safety"

Despite the Scamdemic being over before it started, why haven't you fascists relinquished the illegal power you granted yourselves? This power you illegally used to destroy our businesses our supply chain and rig an election. Joe Biden is as illegitimate as Hitler was when he was thrust in to power.

Nazis are good at rigging elections. So it is no surprise that this was your primary target in 2016 when you allied with Russia just as Hitler did, and then when your show trials failed, allied with China in 2020.

Tell me how you aren't a Nazi without a Swastika. You think because you hide behind the propaganda of "Diversity" you aren't a Nazi?

You are more Nazi than Hitler could ever hope to be.

Show us your vaccination papers, please!

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Before I post this video, I am of course well aware that Tucker Carlson is very much disliked by a lot of people, while liked a lot by others. I do not watch his show. But I catch some of his content on YouTube occasionally, and rarely watch the whole video.
I did this one.
This is right along with what I am saying here. I don't agree with everything he says here... but 90% of it at least.

If you are going to comment on this video, I only ask that you comment on the CONTENT, and not just another "I hate Tucker".
If we are ever going to stop this nation from becoming El Salvador, and make no mistake about it - some of our cities are getting there... we have to be willing to listen to each other, particularly if what is being said is not just another round of partisan clap trap.

Psychosis cannot be used to explain every violent outburst. Very often these people are enduring a string of crushing misfortune or extreme social isolation. They may only be clinically depressed and just can't take it anymore. It's not like they are delusional about the fact their lives suck and there is no light at the end of their tunnel.
Perhaps...but many of these tragedies with this type of result the perp has given some warning over a period of time. The issue can be that many people bloviate also.
I struggled where to put this thread, but in reality it begins and ends with how divisive politics is ruining our nation.

Best estimates, people with psychopathy make up about .6% of the population.
So out of every 1000 people... there are approximately 6 people who are psychotic.
The vast majority of psychotics never harm other people. In fact, historically it is less than 1 in 200.
Having said that, a person with psychosis has a much -much greater chance of becoming violent than the normative population.

Thinking guns is the reason why some teenagers are going on murderous rampages is tragically simplistic.
Our nation has not been this divided since probably the civil war. Arguably.
With the internet, kids can be bombarded with divisive, hateful speech and images. They can go to places like 4chan and see and discuss the most violent topics and find others who agree.
Is this creating monsters??
A psychopaths going to these websites, seeing the hate and anger on the news... seeing the hate and division in their schools... is this enough to increase the likelihood a psychopath committing homicide?
It sure as hell doesn't help. The two-party shitshow is driving our nation insane.
It is said 26% are mentally ill lol. Our mental health system suqs....We have 200 mass killings this year, Canada has none omg...
Canada doesn't have many people ---- but they still have a lot of mass murders. Remember Pig Guy? He fed all those prostitutes to his pigs.

Time for a pork recall ----
Absolutely. The hate filled rhetoric of the cult pushed this person to do this shooting.

Its the fault of everyone who voted for Biden.
That is no less stupid than saying the folks that voted for Trump are guilty.
Your post is the exact kind of rock throwing that solves absolutely nothing, and an example of binary thinking.

On one hand, yes, Biden plays some small part of this in that he was a Senator since the Waltons first aired on Television... and he, like all the other Washingtonites... are only interested in the political gain they might get from tragedies. He showed this in his absurd press conference. So he is a player in why nothing get's done. And clearly is doing it again.
But Trump didn't do anything either. And neither did Obama.

We have to step away from the rock throwing contest long enough to ACTUALLY fucking THINK!!
Something is different. Something is very wrong. And the politicians won't address it because they have nothing to gain from talking about it.
None of that is really happening tree. The left has no “Nazi agenda”. The right has no agenda at all, and are attacking the left with hate and derision to mask their intellectual and spiritually bankruptcy.

The leftist agenda is to give all people in America a good education, fair wages and benefits and stable infrastructure so that all working Americans can support their families and be contributing members of society.

The Republican agenda is to retain power by any means necessary, including insurrection.
And it is the "Right" that gave us months of insurrection, riots, looting, arsons, assaults, killings, "autonomous zones" and thugs in black clothing with black helmets and faceshields (AntiFa and BLM goons), throughout many cities in the USA during "Summer of Love" 2020. Add sarcasm emoji here.

The leftist agenda is to have all Americans in lockstep to their socialist agenda, taking wealth from producers and giving(redistributing) to non-producers. Reduce America to another second world nation like Cuba or Venezuela. The Leftist tactics and techniques are hate, divisiveness, racism, intellectual delusion with rational bankruptcy, intolerance of opposing ideas, and absence of spiritual, ethical, and more standards.

The Republican(Conservative) agenda is Life, Liberty, Prosperity; where rewards are proportional to effort and investment, not some false entitlement to legalize theft.
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As a straight white male I call the "war against white males" as pure bunk.
Are you aware that straight white males under 40 are the only legally unprotected class in the United States? Or that Affirmative Action has made them personas non grata at universities, large corporations and government employment? Do you get outside much?

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