Is Sydney Powell President Trump's General Sherman?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I saw a documentary on General covered his campaign going through the slave owning, democrat party South during the Civil War, the war the democrats started to keep black human beings as slaves.

The point was made that to keep Sherman's march secret, he didn't send dispatches back to Washington or to General Grant....he went dark, in the Civil War sense. we saw last week, Sydney Powell went dark....she was released from any connection to the Trump team....and has now launched her campaign...curiously enough, another march through Georgia.......just like Sherman....

Is Sydney Powell President Trump's Sherman? Is this march through Georgia going to be the second march of Sherman through democrat party controlled Georgia?

That remains to be seen.....

Even if she doesn't manage to save Trump, maybe she can save the destroying the democrat party's voter fraud operation.......saving the two Senate races, and maybe ending the democrat party's attack on our election process....

Sherman's decision to operate deep within enemy territory and without supply lines is considered to be one of the major campaigns of the war, and is considered by some historians to be an early example of modern total war.
Sherman's "March to the Sea" followed his successful Atlanta Campaign of May to September 1864. He and the Union Army's commander, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, believed that the Civil War would come to an end only if the Confederacy's strategic capacity for warfare was decisively broken.[4] Sydney Powell, the next General Sherman?
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I saw a documentary on General covered his campaign going through the slave owning, democrat party South during the Civil War, the war the democrats started to keep black human beings as slaves.

The point was made that to keep Sherman's march secret, he didn't send dispatches back to Washington or to General Grant....he went dark, in the Civil War sense. we saw last week, Sydney Powell went dark....she was released from any connection to the Trump team....and has now launched her campaign...curiously enough, another march through Georgia.......just like Sherman....

Is Sydney Powell President Trump's Sherman? Is this march through Georgia going to be the second march of Sherman through democrat party controlled Georgia?

That remains to be seen.....

Even if she doesn't manage to save Trump, maybe she can save the destroying the democrat party's voter fraud operation.......saving the two Senate races, and maybe ending the democrat party's attack on our election process....
Too stupid! Your first sentence is a many times do you feel the need to remind us that the Conservative party of the times was Democrat..and that the South owned slaves? I do like your tacit admission that the Civil War was all about slavery...although I expect you to try and walk that back forthwith!

Powell is a joke..the 'Kraken' turns out to be a rehashed guppy--and the only thing that is proven is that Powell can neither spell nor reason cogently.
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I will remember you toro......we will see how this turns out.........

And when President-Elect Biden is sworn in as President, are you going to apologize? Admit you were wrong? Come to back to reality in any way?

Or will you continue to whine about non-existent fraud?

Most of you Trump supporters deride liberals as snowflakes who want to stay in their safe space because they don't want to face the real world.

Well, that's exactly what you and the rest of your ilk are doing with this election.
I saw a documentary on General covered his campaign going through the slave owning, democrat party South during the Civil War, the war the democrats started to keep black human beings as slaves.

The point was made that to keep Sherman's march secret, he didn't send dispatches back to Washington or to General Grant....he went dark, in the Civil War sense. we saw last week, Sydney Powell went dark....she was released from any connection to the Trump team....and has now launched her campaign...curiously enough, another march through Georgia.......just like Sherman....

Is Sydney Powell President Trump's Sherman? Is this march through Georgia going to be the second march of Sherman through democrat party controlled Georgia?

That remains to be seen.....

Even if she doesn't manage to save Trump, maybe she can save the destroying the democrat party's voter fraud operation.......saving the two Senate races, and maybe ending the democrat party's attack on our election process....

You gotta be kidding me? This is what you're down to? Believing that the woman who was basically thrown to the wolves last week after her whole Hugo Chavez and Soros rants is going to end up being the Republican party's savior?
She isn't that smart, or that clever, or intelligent. She's cannon fodder for Trump now. She's being put out front to absorb the gunfire coming from all sides. She's the one that the Trump team is tying to the front of the tank as a human shield. :auiqs.jpg:
You gotta be kidding me? This is what you're down to? Believing that the woman who was basically thrown to the wolves last week after her whole Hugo Chavez and Soros rants is going to end up being the Republican party's savior?
She isn't that smart, or that clever, or intelligent. She's cannon fodder for Trump now. She's being put out front to absorb the gunfire coming from all sides. She's the one that the Trump team is tying to the front of the tank as a human shield. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, Kracken Powell knows exactly what she's doing.

She's playing to the rube base who is lapping this shit up. They'll go to the grave believing the election is a fraud. And they'll turn into Newsmax or OAN to reinforce their alternative reality.

And who will be there? Sydney Powell, telling them what they want to hear, getting famous and getting paid.

She's a liar, a fraud and a grifter. But she's going to get paid to peddle this bullshit.
It may be hopeless...and the China puppet joe biden and his minnie me kamala harris may take office....

But reading about what she submitted..............?

This isn't over till Trump says it's over.....
I saw a documentary on General covered his campaign going through the slave owning, democrat party South during the Civil War, the war the democrats started to keep black human beings as slaves.

The point was made that to keep Sherman's march secret, he didn't send dispatches back to Washington or to General Grant....he went dark, in the Civil War sense. we saw last week, Sydney Powell went dark....she was released from any connection to the Trump team....and has now launched her campaign...curiously enough, another march through Georgia.......just like Sherman....

Is Sydney Powell President Trump's Sherman? Is this march through Georgia going to be the second march of Sherman through democrat party controlled Georgia?

That remains to be seen.....

Even if she doesn't manage to save Trump, maybe she can save the destroying the democrat party's voter fraud operation.......saving the two Senate races, and maybe ending the democrat party's attack on our election process....

You gotta be kidding me? This is what you're down to? Believing that the woman who was basically thrown to the wolves last week after her whole Hugo Chavez and Soros rants is going to end up being the Republican party's savior?
She isn't that smart, or that clever, or intelligent. She's cannon fodder for Trump now. She's being put out front to absorb the gunfire coming from all sides. She's the one that the Trump team is tying to the front of the tank as a human shield. :auiqs.jpg:

And the republicans in the Civil War wanted Grant replaced because he was a slob and drank too much............

Keep thinking what you do.....we will see how this ends...
I saw a documentary on General covered his campaign going through the slave owning, democrat party South during the Civil War, the war the democrats started to keep black human beings as slaves.

The point was made that to keep Sherman's march secret, he didn't send dispatches back to Washington or to General Grant....he went dark, in the Civil War sense. we saw last week, Sydney Powell went dark....she was released from any connection to the Trump team....and has now launched her campaign...curiously enough, another march through Georgia.......just like Sherman....

Is Sydney Powell President Trump's Sherman? Is this march through Georgia going to be the second march of Sherman through democrat party controlled Georgia?

That remains to be seen.....

Even if she doesn't manage to save Trump, maybe she can save the destroying the democrat party's voter fraud operation.......saving the two Senate races, and maybe ending the democrat party's attack on our election process....

You gotta be kidding me? This is what you're down to? Believing that the woman who was basically thrown to the wolves last week after her whole Hugo Chavez and Soros rants is going to end up being the Republican party's savior?
She isn't that smart, or that clever, or intelligent. She's cannon fodder for Trump now. She's being put out front to absorb the gunfire coming from all sides. She's the one that the Trump team is tying to the front of the tank as a human shield. :auiqs.jpg:

And the republicans in the Civil War wanted Grant replaced because he was a slob and drank too much............

Keep thinking what you do.....we will see how this ends...

Sherman was Grant's effective tool. But he cut a path through Georgia as a means to an end.
Sidney Powell isn't cutting a path through anything. She is being used as a foaming at the mouth junk yard attack dog.
Problem is, the dog has no bite. She's seen as a joke. She comes off as an ambulance chaser. As do the other four
members of the Trump D-Team.

It ends the same way it was going to end when the election was called almost three weeks ago.
Biden will be sworn in on 1/20/2021. Trump will slink back to Florida and likely fend off lawsuits for the rest of his life,
and you Trump supporters will go back to being the miserable grumps you've always been. :)
I will remember you toro......we will see how this turns out.........

And when President-Elect Biden is sworn in as President, are you going to apologize? Admit you were wrong? Come to back to reality in any way?

Or will you continue to whine about non-existent fraud?

Most of you Trump supporters deride liberals as snowflakes who want to stay in their safe space because they don't want to face the real world.

Well, that's exactly what you and the rest of your ilk are doing with this election.

Apologize for what? If biden wins it will only be due to stealing the election. How am I wrong on that?

If Trump wins, because of Sydney Powell? Will you admit you were wrong.....?

That is the real question....
I saw a documentary on General covered his campaign going through the slave owning, democrat party South during the Civil War, the war the democrats started to keep black human beings as slaves.

The point was made that to keep Sherman's march secret, he didn't send dispatches back to Washington or to General Grant....he went dark, in the Civil War sense. we saw last week, Sydney Powell went dark....she was released from any connection to the Trump team....and has now launched her campaign...curiously enough, another march through Georgia.......just like Sherman....

Is Sydney Powell President Trump's Sherman? Is this march through Georgia going to be the second march of Sherman through democrat party controlled Georgia?

That remains to be seen.....

Even if she doesn't manage to save Trump, maybe she can save the destroying the democrat party's voter fraud operation.......saving the two Senate races, and maybe ending the democrat party's attack on our election process....

You gotta be kidding me? This is what you're down to? Believing that the woman who was basically thrown to the wolves last week after her whole Hugo Chavez and Soros rants is going to end up being the Republican party's savior?
She isn't that smart, or that clever, or intelligent. She's cannon fodder for Trump now. She's being put out front to absorb the gunfire coming from all sides. She's the one that the Trump team is tying to the front of the tank as a human shield. :auiqs.jpg:

And the republicans in the Civil War wanted Grant replaced because he was a slob and drank too much............

Keep thinking what you do.....we will see how this ends...

Sherman was Grant's effective tool. But he cut a path through Georgia as a means to an end.
Sidney Powell isn't cutting a path through anything. She is being used as a foaming at the mouth junk yard attack dog.
Problem is, the dog has no bite. She's seen as a joke. She comes off as an ambulance chaser. As do the other four
members of the Trump D-Team.

It ends the same way it was going to end when the election was called almost three weeks ago.
Biden will be sworn in on 1/20/2021. Trump will slink back to Florida and likely fend off lawsuits for the rest of his life,
and you Trump supporters will go back to being the miserable grumps you've always been. :)

We'll see...........
Apologize for what? If biden wins it will only be due to stealing the election. How am I wrong on that?

So your answer is "whining about non-existent fraud."

That's what I thought.

At least the lying grifter Powell could spell correctly. At least she could pretend she didn't have contempt for you and the rest of the Trump cult by attempting to be professional.

Clown shit show.jpg

I will remember you toro......we will see how this turns out.........

And when President-Elect Biden is sworn in as President, are you going to apologize? Admit you were wrong? Come to back to reality in any way?

Or will you continue to whine about non-existent fraud?

Most of you Trump supporters deride liberals as snowflakes who want to stay in their safe space because they don't want to face the real world.

Well, that's exactly what you and the rest of your ilk are doing with this election.

Apologize for what? If biden wins it will only be due to stealing the election. How am I wrong on that?

If Trump wins, because of Sydney Powell? Will you admit you were wrong.....?

That is the real question....

Nothing was stolen. Federal and state election officials said there was no evidence of voter fraud and that this election was one of the smoothest run in years despite the pandemic.
And as none of the down ballot candidates suffered (one would think if there was fraud, those Republicans would have been wiped out too), one would think the election was a
referendum on Trump. Which it was. He blew the response to the virus and the voters showed him the door. Easy. He lost. Deal with it and move on.

The only thing Sidney Powell is accomplishing right now is making the Trump campaign look more and more desperate and unhinged. But they are getting all the
mileage out of this they can. Trump's campaign is raking in the donations left and right. All that goes into the campaign coffers..not to pursue legal action. Lots of willing
suckers on the right parting with their cash....for Donald John Trump. MAGA! :auiqs.jpg:
I will remember you toro......we will see how this turns out.........

And when President-Elect Biden is sworn in as President, are you going to apologize? Admit you were wrong? Come to back to reality in any way?

Or will you continue to whine about non-existent fraud?

Most of you Trump supporters deride liberals as snowflakes who want to stay in their safe space because they don't want to face the real world.

Well, that's exactly what you and the rest of your ilk are doing with this election.

Apologize for what? If biden wins it will only be due to stealing the election. How am I wrong on that?

If Trump wins, because of Sydney Powell? Will you admit you were wrong.....?

That is the real question....

Nothing was stolen. Federal and state election officials said there was no evidence of voter fraud and that this election was one of the smoothest run in years despite the pandemic.
And as none of the down ballot candidates suffered (one would think if there was fraud, those Republicans would have been wiped out too), one would think the election was a
referendum on Trump. Which it was. He blew the response to the virus and the voters showed him the door. Easy. He lost. Deal with it and move on.

The only thing Sidney Powell is accomplishing right now is making the Trump campaign look more and more desperate and unhinged. But they are getting all the
mileage out of this they can. Trump's campaign is raking in the donations left and right. All that goes into the campaign coffers..not to pursue legal action. Lots of willing
suckers on the right parting with their cash....for Donald John Trump. MAGA! :auiqs.jpg:

Do you ever feel guilty about shilling for communist China?

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