Is revolution possible in America?

if ending corruption, robbery and oppression aren't good reasons what are?

It must be very liberating to have such a simple, uncomplicated view of the world.

the truth is always liberating though sometimes unpleasant at first.

This forum certainly is lucky to have someone like you around as a direct conduit to the truth.

who exactly is going to know my reasons for wanting limited government better than I am?

why won't you bother telling me your better reasons? Or do you even have any?

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate about how exactly your incoherent laundry list of unrelated generalities has anything to do with limited government.

You limit the power of government you limit their capacity for corruption. You limit government and and their ability to use force to take wealth away from people is limited. You limit government and they do not have as much power to oppress people.

It's not exactly rocket science.

Did you every consider that asking questions and thinking things through might help you learn better than sarcastically attacking others with fluff?

And are you going to ever explain your reasons for limiting better and why they are strengthen mind? Or was your claim for better reasons a complete lie? I'm suspecting the latter because you made the statement without ever asking what my reasons were and then turned around and acted like I'm pretending to be some source of ultimate truth by telling you the truth of why I support limited government as if I wouldn't know my reasons.
Revolution starts with the inner man.
The next revolution will start with a fast spreading state of anarchy, sparked by who knows what, possibly the inevitable coming financial melt down. When it comes down to shooting to survive, the next revolution will grow out of that.

After six years of obama, the nation is ripe for it, and getting worse by the day.

The only thing ripe here is your brain, if fact I'd say it's well past it's expiration date.

I'd rather see someone with a ripe brain use it than someone never using it at all.
It must be very liberating to have such a simple, uncomplicated view of the world.

the truth is always liberating though sometimes unpleasant at first.

This forum certainly is lucky to have someone like you around as a direct conduit to the truth.

who exactly is going to know my reasons for wanting limited government better than I am?

why won't you bother telling me your better reasons? Or do you even have any?

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate about how exactly your incoherent laundry list of unrelated generalities has anything to do with limited government.

You limit the power of government you limit their capacity for corruption. You limit government and and their ability to use force to take wealth away from people is limited. You limit government and they do not have as much power to oppress people.

It's not exactly rocket science.

Did you every consider that asking questions and thinking things through might help you learn better than sarcastically attacking others with fluff?

And are you going to ever explain your reasons for limiting better and why they are strengthen mind? Or was your claim for better reasons a complete lie? I'm suspecting the latter because you made the statement without ever asking what my reasons were and then turned around and acted like I'm pretending to be some source of ultimate truth by telling you the truth of why I support limited government as if I wouldn't know my reasons.

I guess you just aren't quite familiar with the concept of substantiating your alleged arguments. Making simple statements, of what you consider fact, doesn't accomplish that. So you see, we have start by defining your terms, and then putting them into some kind of coherent argument where one so called fact is somehow related to others. Otherwise there is no real basis for actual discussion.
It must be very liberating to have such a simple, uncomplicated view of the world.

the truth is always liberating though sometimes unpleasant at first.

This forum certainly is lucky to have someone like you around as a direct conduit to the truth.

who exactly is going to know my reasons for wanting limited government better than I am?

why won't you bother telling me your better reasons? Or do you even have any?

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate about how exactly your incoherent laundry list of unrelated generalities has anything to do with limited government.

You limit the power of government you limit their capacity for corruption. You limit government and and their ability to use force to take wealth away from people is limited. You limit government and they do not have as much power to oppress people.

It's not exactly rocket science.

Did you every consider that asking questions and thinking things through might help you learn better than sarcastically attacking others with fluff?

And are you going to ever explain your reasons for limiting better and why they are strengthen mind? Or was your claim for better reasons a complete lie? I'm suspecting the latter because you made the statement without ever asking what my reasons were and then turned around and acted like I'm pretending to be some source of ultimate truth by telling you the truth of why I support limited government as if I wouldn't know my reasons.
most all of your assumptions are silly and moronic. the things you say would follow your premise are unproven
Revolution starts with the inner man.
The next revolution will start with a fast spreading state of anarchy, sparked by who knows what, possibly the inevitable coming financial melt down. When it comes down to shooting to survive, the next revolution will grow out of that.

After six years of obama, the nation is ripe for it, and getting worse by the day.

The biggest mistake we make is in blaming Obama. Is he part of the problem? You bet. He has taken a larger role in "dictating" - going around Congress to do as he pleases, than any president thus far. Our "Constitutional Rights" are being eroded slowly but surely. In fact, now, if we claim the "Constitution" - Law Enforcement has deemed us "domestic terrorists". That will only get worse with coming Chief Executives. No, Our problem lies directly at the feet of the the Federal Reserve and their "phony" money. It is literally impossible that we will EVER pay the 20 trillion (so far) that our children (and grandchildren) are being saddled with. That will keep the entire population in slavery.

Truly, bad, bad things are coming. Evil things are coming.

It CAN - and it WILL.
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the truth is always liberating though sometimes unpleasant at first.

This forum certainly is lucky to have someone like you around as a direct conduit to the truth.

who exactly is going to know my reasons for wanting limited government better than I am?

why won't you bother telling me your better reasons? Or do you even have any?

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate about how exactly your incoherent laundry list of unrelated generalities has anything to do with limited government.

You limit the power of government you limit their capacity for corruption. You limit government and and their ability to use force to take wealth away from people is limited. You limit government and they do not have as much power to oppress people.

It's not exactly rocket science.

Did you every consider that asking questions and thinking things through might help you learn better than sarcastically attacking others with fluff?

And are you going to ever explain your reasons for limiting better and why they are strengthen mind? Or was your claim for better reasons a complete lie? I'm suspecting the latter because you made the statement without ever asking what my reasons were and then turned around and acted like I'm pretending to be some source of ultimate truth by telling you the truth of why I support limited government as if I wouldn't know my reasons.

I guess you just aren't quite familiar with the concept of substantiating your alleged arguments. Making simple statements, of what you consider fact, doesn't accomplish that. So you see, we have start by defining your terms, and then putting them into some kind of coherent argument where one so called fact is somehow related to others. Otherwise there is no real basis for actual discussion.

lol are you serious? You are the one who made the claim that you has better reasons for limited government than I did. I told you my reasons and you are pretending it's not a fact that those are my reasons. I am under no obligation to substantiate an argument you are too lazy to even articulate.

you give me your better reasons for limited government. You know substantiate your allegations and I will be more than happy to did uss it further. Until then you're lucky I'm responding to you at all.

and do you believe that power corrupts?
This forum certainly is lucky to have someone like you around as a direct conduit to the truth.

who exactly is going to know my reasons for wanting limited government better than I am?

why won't you bother telling me your better reasons? Or do you even have any?

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate about how exactly your incoherent laundry list of unrelated generalities has anything to do with limited government.

You limit the power of government you limit their capacity for corruption. You limit government and and their ability to use force to take wealth away from people is limited. You limit government and they do not have as much power to oppress people.

It's not exactly rocket science.

Did you every consider that asking questions and thinking things through might help you learn better than sarcastically attacking others with fluff?

And are you going to ever explain your reasons for limiting better and why they are strengthen mind? Or was your claim for better reasons a complete lie? I'm suspecting the latter because you made the statement without ever asking what my reasons were and then turned around and acted like I'm pretending to be some source of ultimate truth by telling you the truth of why I support limited government as if I wouldn't know my reasons.

I guess you just aren't quite familiar with the concept of substantiating your alleged arguments. Making simple statements, of what you consider fact, doesn't accomplish that. So you see, we have start by defining your terms, and then putting them into some kind of coherent argument where one so called fact is somehow related to others. Otherwise there is no real basis for actual discussion.

lol are you serious? You are the one who made the claim that you has better reasons for limited government than I did. I told you my reasons and you are pretending it's not a fact that those are my reasons. I am under no obligation to substantiate an argument you are too lazy to even articulate.

you give me your better reasons for limited government. You know substantiate your allegations and I will be more than happy to did uss it further. Until then you're lucky I'm responding to you at all.

and do you believe that power corrupts?

People often ask me to qualify myself to my views. I always tell them "easy. I was born during WWII. I have seen the very BEST of this country and I am now seeing the very WORST". Quite frankly, that's the only substantiation that counts. Those who are, say, 40 and younger, have no idea what this country USED to be like - and you can't blame them necessarily - they were never taught by either their parents or especially, their public schooling.
Revolution starts with the inner man.
The next revolution will start with a fast spreading state of anarchy, sparked by who knows what, possibly the inevitable coming financial melt down. When it comes down to shooting to survive, the next revolution will grow out of that.

After six years of obama, the nation is ripe for it, and getting worse by the day.

The biggest mistake we make is in blaming Obama. Is he part of the problem? You bet. He has taken a larger role in "dictating" - going around Congress to do as he pleases, than any president thus far. Our "Constitutional Rights" are being eroded slowly but surely. In fact, now, if we claim the "Constitution" - Law Enforcement has deemed us "domestic terrorists". That will only get worse with coming Chief Executives. No, Our problem lies directly at the feet of the the Federal Reserve and their "phony" money. It is literally impossible that we will EVER pay the 20 trillion (so far) that our children (and grandchildren) are being saddled with. That will keep the entire population in slavery.

Truly, bad, bad things are coming. Evil things are coming.

It CAN - and it WILL.

"the sky is falling!"
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...
If everyone became unified on the income inequality issue, then change is quite possible. Unfortunately, many on the rightwing are too stupid to understand how republicans and the 1% are skrewing over the rest of us.
This forum certainly is lucky to have someone like you around as a direct conduit to the truth.

who exactly is going to know my reasons for wanting limited government better than I am?

why won't you bother telling me your better reasons? Or do you even have any?

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate about how exactly your incoherent laundry list of unrelated generalities has anything to do with limited government.

You limit the power of government you limit their capacity for corruption. You limit government and and their ability to use force to take wealth away from people is limited. You limit government and they do not have as much power to oppress people.

It's not exactly rocket science.

Did you every consider that asking questions and thinking things through might help you learn better than sarcastically attacking others with fluff?

And are you going to ever explain your reasons for limiting better and why they are strengthen mind? Or was your claim for better reasons a complete lie? I'm suspecting the latter because you made the statement without ever asking what my reasons were and then turned around and acted like I'm pretending to be some source of ultimate truth by telling you the truth of why I support limited government as if I wouldn't know my reasons.

I guess you just aren't quite familiar with the concept of substantiating your alleged arguments. Making simple statements, of what you consider fact, doesn't accomplish that. So you see, we have start by defining your terms, and then putting them into some kind of coherent argument where one so called fact is somehow related to others. Otherwise there is no real basis for actual discussion.

lol are you serious? You are the one who made the claim that you has better reasons for limited government than I did. I told you my reasons and you are pretending it's not a fact that those are my reasons. I am under no obligation to substantiate an argument you are too lazy to even articulate.

you give me your better reasons for limited government. You know substantiate your allegations and I will be more than happy to did uss it further. Until then you're lucky I'm responding to you at all.

and do you believe that power corrupts?

No, wrong again. It's you who's too lazy to articulate, define your superficial terms, or substantiate your non existent argument. I'm sure your hollow bluff with nothing to back it works for some.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...
If everyone became unified on the income inequality issue, then change is quite possible. Unfortunately, many on the rightwing are too stupid to understand how republicans and the 1% are skrewing over the rest of us.

then perhaps should try to persuade people and not just call them stupid. Because it doesn't seem at all obvious why my neighbor making more money than I do affects me in the slightest
who exactly is going to know my reasons for wanting limited government better than I am?

why won't you bother telling me your better reasons? Or do you even have any?

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate about how exactly your incoherent laundry list of unrelated generalities has anything to do with limited government.

You limit the power of government you limit their capacity for corruption. You limit government and and their ability to use force to take wealth away from people is limited. You limit government and they do not have as much power to oppress people.

It's not exactly rocket science.

Did you every consider that asking questions and thinking things through might help you learn better than sarcastically attacking others with fluff?

And are you going to ever explain your reasons for limiting better and why they are strengthen mind? Or was your claim for better reasons a complete lie? I'm suspecting the latter because you made the statement without ever asking what my reasons were and then turned around and acted like I'm pretending to be some source of ultimate truth by telling you the truth of why I support limited government as if I wouldn't know my reasons.

I guess you just aren't quite familiar with the concept of substantiating your alleged arguments. Making simple statements, of what you consider fact, doesn't accomplish that. So you see, we have start by defining your terms, and then putting them into some kind of coherent argument where one so called fact is somehow related to others. Otherwise there is no real basis for actual discussion.

lol are you serious? You are the one who made the claim that you has better reasons for limited government than I did. I told you my reasons and you are pretending it's not a fact that those are my reasons. I am under no obligation to substantiate an argument you are too lazy to even articulate.

you give me your better reasons for limited government. You know substantiate your allegations and I will be more than happy to did uss it further. Until then you're lucky I'm responding to you at all.

and do you believe that power corrupts?

No, wrong again. It's you who's too lazy to articulate, define your superficial terms, or substantiate your non existent argument. I'm sure your hollow bluff with nothing to back it works for some.

so now you're trying to pretend you aren't the one making an assertion that your reasons for supporting limited government are better than mine. I'm going to just have to take that as a concession By default.
Perhaps you'd like to elaborate about how exactly your incoherent laundry list of unrelated generalities has anything to do with limited government.

You limit the power of government you limit their capacity for corruption. You limit government and and their ability to use force to take wealth away from people is limited. You limit government and they do not have as much power to oppress people.

It's not exactly rocket science.

Did you every consider that asking questions and thinking things through might help you learn better than sarcastically attacking others with fluff?

And are you going to ever explain your reasons for limiting better and why they are strengthen mind? Or was your claim for better reasons a complete lie? I'm suspecting the latter because you made the statement without ever asking what my reasons were and then turned around and acted like I'm pretending to be some source of ultimate truth by telling you the truth of why I support limited government as if I wouldn't know my reasons.

I guess you just aren't quite familiar with the concept of substantiating your alleged arguments. Making simple statements, of what you consider fact, doesn't accomplish that. So you see, we have start by defining your terms, and then putting them into some kind of coherent argument where one so called fact is somehow related to others. Otherwise there is no real basis for actual discussion.

lol are you serious? You are the one who made the claim that you has better reasons for limited government than I did. I told you my reasons and you are pretending it's not a fact that those are my reasons. I am under no obligation to substantiate an argument you are too lazy to even articulate.

you give me your better reasons for limited government. You know substantiate your allegations and I will be more than happy to did uss it further. Until then you're lucky I'm responding to you at all.

and do you believe that power corrupts?

No, wrong again. It's you who's too lazy to articulate, define your superficial terms, or substantiate your non existent argument. I'm sure your hollow bluff with nothing to back it works for some.

so now you're trying to pretend you aren't the one making an assertion that your reasons for supporting limited government are better than mine. I'm going to just have to take that as a concession By default.

I'm sure you'll take meaningless semantics any way that suits you.
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...
If everyone became unified on the income inequality issue, then change is quite possible. Unfortunately, many on the rightwing are too stupid to understand how republicans and the 1% are skrewing over the rest of us.

then perhaps should try to persuade people and not just call them stupid. Because it doesn't seem at all obvious why my neighbor making more money than I do affects me in the slightest
Forgive my choice of words.

The issue isn't income inequality in itself. I'm totally okay with people making much more money than others. The problem is the actual facts on income inequality. The huge gap that exists. 1% of the nation's top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth and the middle class is shrinking because of it. Without a strong middle class, our economy cannot function.
You limit the power of government you limit their capacity for corruption. You limit government and and their ability to use force to take wealth away from people is limited. You limit government and they do not have as much power to oppress people.

It's not exactly rocket science.

Did you every consider that asking questions and thinking things through might help you learn better than sarcastically attacking others with fluff?

And are you going to ever explain your reasons for limiting better and why they are strengthen mind? Or was your claim for better reasons a complete lie? I'm suspecting the latter because you made the statement without ever asking what my reasons were and then turned around and acted like I'm pretending to be some source of ultimate truth by telling you the truth of why I support limited government as if I wouldn't know my reasons.

I guess you just aren't quite familiar with the concept of substantiating your alleged arguments. Making simple statements, of what you consider fact, doesn't accomplish that. So you see, we have start by defining your terms, and then putting them into some kind of coherent argument where one so called fact is somehow related to others. Otherwise there is no real basis for actual discussion.

lol are you serious? You are the one who made the claim that you has better reasons for limited government than I did. I told you my reasons and you are pretending it's not a fact that those are my reasons. I am under no obligation to substantiate an argument you are too lazy to even articulate.

you give me your better reasons for limited government. You know substantiate your allegations and I will be more than happy to did uss it further. Until then you're lucky I'm responding to you at all.

and do you believe that power corrupts?

No, wrong again. It's you who's too lazy to articulate, define your superficial terms, or substantiate your non existent argument. I'm sure your hollow bluff with nothing to back it works for some.

so now you're trying to pretend you aren't the one making an assertion that your reasons for supporting limited government are better than mine. I'm going to just have to take that as a concession By default.

I'm sure you'll take meaningless semantics any way that suits you.

I've tried to engage you. I've tried to persuade you to back up your assertion that your reasons for limited government are better than mine. But you've yet to even attempt to provide your reasons for a comparison. What conclusion can I draw other than you are conceding the argument?

if we were presenting our case to a judge, id win by default because your huffing, puffing, and insults dont amount to an argument.

I'm guessing you are going to be one of the new trolls around here though
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...
If everyone became unified on the income inequality issue, then change is quite possible. Unfortunately, many on the rightwing are too stupid to understand how republicans and the 1% are skrewing over the rest of us.

then perhaps should try to persuade people and not just call them stupid. Because it doesn't seem at all obvious why my neighbor making more money than I do affects me in the slightest
Forgive my choice of words.

The issue isn't income inequality in itself. I'm totally okay with people making much more money than others. The problem is the actual facts on income inequality. The huge gap that exists. 1% of the nation's top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth and the middle class is shrinking because of it. Without a strong middle class, our economy cannot function.

have you ever considered that the problem we have is too much government burdening the people?
Have you noticed this? Police can read all texts that you have ever sent without a warrant. Police forcibly remove people from their homes in a Boston suburb. Minimum wage is the lowest here of any developed European or even some Asian country. The top 1% control 100% percent of the whole wealth of the country. People are powerless. And now it seems that we will be dragged into another war we have no business being in. What may create a revolution? Democracy appears to reach a deadlock...
If everyone became unified on the income inequality issue, then change is quite possible. Unfortunately, many on the rightwing are too stupid to understand how republicans and the 1% are skrewing over the rest of us.

then perhaps should try to persuade people and not just call them stupid. Because it doesn't seem at all obvious why my neighbor making more money than I do affects me in the slightest
Forgive my choice of words.

The issue isn't income inequality in itself. I'm totally okay with people making much more money than others. The problem is the actual facts on income inequality. The huge gap that exists. 1% of the nation's top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth and the middle class is shrinking because of it. Without a strong middle class, our economy cannot function.

have you ever considered that the problem we have is too much government burdening the people?
Well that's an irrelevant issue. Overall I would say no. I don't think it is. It could if it wanted to, but it isn't currently.
I dont see how it's irrelevant. I'm suggesting it may be directly responsible for the problems you are upset over
Revolution starts with the inner man.
The next revolution will start with a fast spreading state of anarchy, sparked by who knows what, possibly the inevitable coming financial melt down. When it comes down to shooting to survive, the next revolution will grow out of that.

After six years of obama, the nation is ripe for it, and getting worse by the day.

The only thing ripe here is your brain, if fact I'd say it's well past it's expiration date.
Well, it's like this, fuck face, when all you can do is spew some moronic, inane, sophomoric bull shit in response to something I've said, you've already identified yourself as a dumbass.

Now go beat your head on a concrete sidewalk, shit for brains. Your toilet gas isn't needed here, idiot.

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