Is Putin a weak coward?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Having weaponry benefit at lest 30 years Putin going nevertheless to negotiations with Deep State. Has Putin only imbecile cretins as advisors? Can he not grasp that after Armenia, Iran, Syria he can lose Crimea, Russia and own life.
For Deep State Russia is an enemy N 1 which must perish. Period. No discussion.Why Putin allows Deep State to do anything it pleases?
Putin's insane corrupted 'advisors' shall be fired and replaced instead with more clever people.After Deep State get control of Russia it will perform a economical and physical genocide on the rest of Russians. Does Putin wishes it?
No negotiations with Deep State, Russia will be only fooled and cheated. You can not negotiate with a criminal who permanently broke all former promises ( e.g. with Iran )
The Russian population got awaken and even if Putin can seize some Navalny teens now, he can be not capable to prohibit millions of Russians turn a coward over and to replace him by more brave and patriotic president.

More about read here.

Russia: Washington’s Next Vassal? -

Why are you guys obsessed with Putin? Do you live in Russia?

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