Is liberalism killing western civilization?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Italy is dying.
Their country’s birth rate has dropped to its lowest level in history.
When the low number of Italian births for 2018 was reported, then-interior minister Matteo Salvini said, “We are in a terrible state.” “This is the real crisis (in Italy), not the bond yield spreads or the economic crisis.”
Italian-American Beverly Stevens, editor of Regina magazine, told LifeSiteNews that the sexual revolution is to blame for the low Italian birth rate.
Reuters reported that Italy’s overall population fell by 116,000 to 60.3 million despite the growing number of births to migrants to the country.

Liberals are anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-baby and anti-male.
They control about 90% of what people see in Entertainment and the Press.
They have been telling women that marriage and family is oppression for generations.
Without children, there is no future.

Italy is dying.
Their country’s birth rate has dropped to its lowest level in history.
When the low number of Italian births for 2018 was reported, then-interior minister Matteo Salvini said, “We are in a terrible state.” “This is the real crisis (in Italy), not the bond yield spreads or the economic crisis.”
Italian-American Beverly Stevens, editor of Regina magazine, told LifeSiteNews that the sexual revolution is to blame for the low Italian birth rate.
Reuters reported that Italy’s overall population fell by 116,000 to 60.3 million despite the growing number of births to migrants to the country.

Liberals are anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-baby and anti-male.
They control about 90% of what people see in Entertainment and the Press.
They have been telling women that marriage and family is oppression for generations.
Without children, there is no future.

Whelp --- Liberalism gave you this country and its Constitution, so if you want to go back to a world where you recognize who the king is by the fact that he hasn't got shit all over him, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
I never liked the word liberalism. To me it's a loaded word. For instance, I consider myself a libertarian on most issues, but, that might also be considered classical liberalism. Liberalism, conservatism. They've both lost their ways, to different degrees.

In my opinion: socialism hugging, political correct, crony capitalism, identity politics, "culture cancelling", rigid career destroying standards, suppression of free speech/individual liberty, bought and sold politicians, bought and sold MSM, and far too many who don't follow the Golden Rule, are destroying the West. Among other "ideals".
Ignorant tripe like this won't solve any problems, if there indeed are problems. It appears that some people think that Italian men and women aren't producing enough babies, so why not have an intelligent conversation about it rather than publishing this sort of blame-game misogynistic nonsense?

Nobody is against marriage, family, babies, or men. Having babies is something that men and women do together. They have to consent to be together and carry the burden together for the long haul, through the dirty diapers, wearing most of baby's food, childhood diseases, and keeping toddlers' fingers out of electrical sockets, etc. There are some pretty tough times, but many heterosexuals are committed to making it work, stay involved, stay loyal.

If marriage and family is perceived by some as "oppression," let's talk about what can be done about it. What is making people unhappy about it? Men as well as women complain. Men as well as women don't want to marry, or cheat and violate their vows, or don't put family first.

This Stevens seems to be blowing garbage out of her ass. How would the "sexual revolution" be responsible for a low birthrate when it means that more people are having sex?

This thread demonstrates how some people want to run away rather than talk honestly and hash out their problems with each other.
Immigration is to blame. Xenophobia trumps fertility and since they hesitate to act forcefully against the unwanted newcomers they will eventually be bred out of their own land. Fertility can't recover until the enemy is pushed out. Under the disguise of friendliness the immigrants will push hard indefinitely till either side wins.

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