Is it too late for Trump?

Since you avoided my question, when did Trump say the Wuhan virus was now defeated?

When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”

Trump, at a coronavirus task force press briefing

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway

When did Trump say the virus was defeated? You lie more than your source, the Communist News Network.

We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

President Trump, in an interview with CNBC, was asked about the first diagnosed U.S. case. He said he wasn’t worried about a pandemic.
At the same time that Pelosi was telling people it was safe to go to festivals in Chinatown and Bill De Blasio was telling New Yorkers that it was perfectly safe to use the subway, Winger? If you had an honest bone in your body you'd admit that MOST leaders at that point weren't worried about a pandemic because China was lying to the world about how bad it was! But you DON'T have an honest bone in your body so you post crap like this!

People are not fooled by these guys......they see the double standard and they see the reasons behind things that are happening.....Trump will beat them to death in November and I think they see it coming.

Name a candidate who has a better chance at beating Trump than Biden

Fact is, Republicans fear Biden and always have
Sometimes I believe you say the most outrageous, moronic thing you can dream up just to see what kind of a reaction it will get.
I make the same challenge to you.
Name a Democratic candidate that has a better chance of beating Trump

Yep, Biden is your best candidate, and he's got two chances....slim and none.

I am perfectly happy with Joe Biden.
He doesn’t have to be “The best possible”
He only has to be a better option than Trump and that is not hard

Biden is a hapless idiot......You had your best option with Bernie.....he at least had some real Brains and some social savvy.....Biden doesn't have a goddamned thing except a career as a failed pubic servant without a single accomplishment to his name public or private.....he couldn't run a lemonade stand for Christs sales.....

Sure Trump is rude, narcissistic and sometimes just a real asshole..... But he has real world knowledge of Macro money and Macro Economy......despite the Corona Haox/attack the US has once again regained the position of the world's largest and most powerful economy......the Debt is only a isn't real....never was...... I never attacked Obama for it either because I already knew it was meaningless.


Didn't care much for Bernie, but at least he could string two words together.

Bernie did not have a chance against Trump.......Commie, Commie, Commie
Warren was Hillary Lite and Trump was prepared with his racist Indian taunts.

Biden offers a long reputation and a moderate platform. Trumps worst nightmare
Name a candidate who has a better chance at beating Trump than Biden

Fact is, Republicans fear Biden and always have
Sometimes I believe you say the most outrageous, moronic thing you can dream up just to see what kind of a reaction it will get.
I make the same challenge to you.
Name a Democratic candidate that has a better chance of beating Trump

Yep, Biden is your best candidate, and he's got two chances....slim and none.

I am perfectly happy with Joe Biden.
He doesn’t have to be “The best possible”
He only has to be a better option than Trump and that is not hard

Biden is a hapless idiot......You had your best option with Bernie.....he at least had some real Brains and some social savvy.....Biden doesn't have a goddamned thing except a career as a failed pubic servant without a single accomplishment to his name public or private.....he couldn't run a lemonade stand for Christs sales.....

Sure Trump is rude, narcissistic and sometimes just a real asshole..... But he has real world knowledge of Macro money and Macro Economy......despite the Corona Haox/attack the US has once again regained the position of the world's largest and most powerful economy......the Debt is only a isn't real....never was...... I never attacked Obama for it either because I already knew it was meaningless.


Didn't care much for Bernie, but at least he could string two words together.

Bernie did not have a chance against Trump.......Commie, Commie, Commie
Warren was Hillary Lite and Trump was prepared with his racist Indian taunts.

Biden offers a long reputation and a moderate platform. Trumps worst nightmare

Racist Indian taunts?! Thought you loons were against Cultural Appropriation.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway

When did Trump say the virus was defeated? You lie more than your source, the Communist News Network.

We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

President Trump, in an interview with CNBC, was asked about the first diagnosed U.S. case. He said he wasn’t worried about a pandemic.
At the same time that Pelosi was telling people it was safe to go to festivals in Chinatown and Bill De Blasio was telling New Yorkers that it was perfectly safe to use the subway, Winger? If you had an honest bone in your body you'd admit that MOST leaders at that point weren't worried about a pandemic because China was lying to the world about how bad it was! But you DON'T have an honest bone in your body so you post crap like this!
You are moving the goal post

The question raised was where did Trump say the Virus was defeated.

Show me where Pelosi or DeBlasio said the virus would go to zero. They said people could go out in public, they never declared mission accomplished like Trump did.

DeBlasio shut down his city while Trump was still declaring Coronavirus a hoax
Name a candidate who has a better chance at beating Trump than Biden

Fact is, Republicans fear Biden and always have
Sometimes I believe you say the most outrageous, moronic thing you can dream up just to see what kind of a reaction it will get.
I make the same challenge to you.
Name a Democratic candidate that has a better chance of beating Trump

Yep, Biden is your best candidate, and he's got two chances....slim and none.

I am perfectly happy with Joe Biden.
He doesn’t have to be “The best possible”
He only has to be a better option than Trump and that is not hard

Biden is a hapless idiot......You had your best option with Bernie.....he at least had some real Brains and some social savvy.....Biden doesn't have a goddamned thing except a career as a failed pubic servant without a single accomplishment to his name public or private.....he couldn't run a lemonade stand for Christs sales.....

Sure Trump is rude, narcissistic and sometimes just a real asshole..... But he has real world knowledge of Macro money and Macro Economy......despite the Corona Haox/attack the US has once again regained the position of the world's largest and most powerful economy......the Debt is only a isn't real....never was...... I never attacked Obama for it either because I already knew it was meaningless.


Didn't care much for Bernie, but at least he could string two words together.

Bernie did not have a chance against Trump.......Commie, Commie, Commie
Warren was Hillary Lite and Trump was prepared with his racist Indian taunts.

Biden offers a long reputation and a moderate platform. Trumps worst nightmare

Oh I strongly disagree.....he would have failed in the Bible Belt but he had a very real chance of taking most of the EV heavy areas like the West Coast and the North are wrong.
Bernie wold have been a real threat to take Florida too....

Name a candidate who has a better chance at beating Trump than Biden

Fact is, Republicans fear Biden and always have
Sometimes I believe you say the most outrageous, moronic thing you can dream up just to see what kind of a reaction it will get.
I make the same challenge to you.
Name a Democratic candidate that has a better chance of beating Trump

Yep, Biden is your best candidate, and he's got two chances....slim and none.

I am perfectly happy with Joe Biden.
He doesn’t have to be “The best possible”
He only has to be a better option than Trump and that is not hard

Biden is a hapless idiot......You had your best option with Bernie.....he at least had some real Brains and some social savvy.....Biden doesn't have a goddamned thing except a career as a failed pubic servant without a single accomplishment to his name public or private.....he couldn't run a lemonade stand for Christs sales.....

Sure Trump is rude, narcissistic and sometimes just a real asshole..... But he has real world knowledge of Macro money and Macro Economy......despite the Corona Haox/attack the US has once again regained the position of the world's largest and most powerful economy......the Debt is only a isn't real....never was...... I never attacked Obama for it either because I already knew it was meaningless.


Didn't care much for Bernie, but at least he could string two words together.

Bernie did not have a chance against Trump.......Commie, Commie, Commie
Warren was Hillary Lite and Trump was prepared with his racist Indian taunts.

Biden offers a long reputation and a moderate platform. Trumps worst nightmare

Oh I strongly disagree.....he would have failed in the Bible Belt but he had a very real chance of taking most of the EV heavy areas like the West Coast and the North are wrong.
Bernie wold have been a real threat to take Florida too....

A Commie Jew wouldn’t have a chance in the Bible Belt. Biden is doing quite well in Georgia and Texas
As to the North East and West Coast, they are solidly Blue.

I like Biden because he has working class roots from Scranton and has always done well in the Rust Belt
He only has to be a better option than Trump and that is not hard
Well, he's not... so... you're S.O.L. there too.
We will let the voters decide that.
Yep, and we already know how it's going to turn out.

We also know that the democrat party and it's corrupt wing are working overtime to CHEAT come November, so we're looking forward to that as well.
Laying the groundwork to complain about your massive beat down in November
Is Biden my ideal candidate ?
No, I would prefer Obama but that can’t happen

Biden is the best candidate to offer Obama 2.0. A stable, no drama President after four years of constant bedlam under Trump.

Biden’s appeal will be as a moderate pragmatist. Not someone to push his idealistic extreme but to look for a solution that can be achievable with Congress.

Biden appeals to those who are tired of the Trump sideshow with constant petty feuds, complaining, silly taunts and bullying

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
Your defeatism is showing.

Man, the internal polling must show trump winning in a Reagan v. Mondale-style landslide ass kicking.


Joe Biden may be lucky to get two or three states. After all this nonsense?


If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
Your defeatism is showing.

Man, the internal polling must show trump winning in a Reagan v. Mondale-style landslide ass kicking.


Joe Biden may be lucky to get two or three states. After all this nonsense?


Ummmmmm...Where’s the Beef?

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
I'm afraid you're off in lala dream land again. Trump won last time, has lost zero support, and in fact has gained support, and he's going to win again even bigger than he did the first time... sorry to burst you're little echo chamber fantasy bubble.

Every time you hear your daft leftist propaganda wing saying Trump is going to lose, just remember all the horse shit they pumped your poor little empty gourd full of last time that Hitlery was going to win, right up until election night in fact. Try not to be such a gullible sap just because of your TDS.

On November 3, 2020, you'll finally realize Trump's victory in November 2016 was the biggest fluke in U.S. electoral history.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
I'm afraid you're off in lala dream land again. Trump won last time, has lost zero support, and in fact has gained support, and he's going to win again even bigger than he did the first time... sorry to burst you're little echo chamber fantasy bubble.

Every time you hear your daft leftist propaganda wing saying Trump is going to lose, just remember all the horse shit they pumped your poor little empty gourd full of last time that Hitlery was going to win, right up until election night in fact. Try not to be such a gullible sap just because of your TDS.

On November 3, 2020, you'll finally realize Trump's victory in November 2016 was the biggest fluke in U.S. electoral history.

In 2016, Trump played for an inside straight drawing two cards. Odds said, Hillary should win with three of a kind.

But Trump filled his inside straight and won.

Problem is, Trump is trying to fill that inside straight again. He might get lucky again, but odds say he will bust.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway

TDS thread 1,691

Astroturf strikes again
Name a candidate who has a better chance at beating Trump than Biden

Fact is, Republicans fear Biden and always have
Sometimes I believe you say the most outrageous, moronic thing you can dream up just to see what kind of a reaction it will get.
I make the same challenge to you.
Name a Democratic candidate that has a better chance of beating Trump
There is none. You already had 158 candidates and whittled it down to the "OLD WHITE GUY," which is absolutely mind boggling since that's what you're left wing says "runs the republican party." So right there you have the radical faction of the democrat party that will NOT vote for Biden, and he can't win without it, that's why you see him ATTEMPTING to smooth over left and pander to them, which in turn will just alienate the more moderate side of the democrat party.

You guys can't win, period.
Joe Biden is the most qualified and salable candidate to the voters. He is a moderate who offers a contrast to Trump in terms of stable, no drama leadership.

He is currently beating Trump in most key states
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... yeah... right... pfft... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... just like Hitlery was beating him, right?

Sorry... not buying a single SHRED of this IDIOTIC dementia joe is beating Trump HORSE SHIT.

Show me any evidence that Trump is currently beating Biden. Republicans are in a panic mode as Trump is losing most Battleground States. Trump is too delusional to care

Nobody is panicking.

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
Your defeatism is showing.

Man, the internal polling must show trump winning in a Reagan v. Mondale-style landslide ass kicking.


Joe Biden may be lucky to get two or three states. After all this nonsense?


Biden is going to have a victory closer to the scale of Obama's victory in 2008. Biden will likely get 352 electoral votes, similar to the 365 Obama got in 2008.

1. Trump will NOT be able to win any states he failed to win in 2016.
2. Biden will sweep Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. That wins the election for Biden.
3. The Gravy on top will be Biden's victories in Ohio, North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida.

In the Real Clear Politics Average of current polling data we have the following:

National: Biden leads by 7.8 percentage points.
Wisconsin: Biden leads by 3.4 percentage points.
Florida: Biden leads by 3.4 percentage points.
Michigan: Biden leads by 7.3 percentage points.
Pennsylvania: Biden leads by 3.3 percentage points.
North Carolina: Trump leads by .3 percentage points.
Arizona: Biden leads by 3.4 percentage points.
Ohio: Biden leads by 1 percentage point.

The Democrats have only won Arizona once since 1948, back in 1996. But out of the 16 polls done between Biden and Trump in Arizona, Trump has only been in ahead in two of them, and by tiny margins of 1 and 2 percentage points. So I think in 2020 Biden will be able to turn Arizona Blue for only the second time since 1948.

To put it briefly, Trump is an impeached President, in the middle of a recession, with 13.3% unemployment and 112,000 plus dead Americans from a virus Trump failed to stop and contain.
Name a candidate who has a better chance at beating Trump than Biden

Fact is, Republicans fear Biden and always have
Sometimes I believe you say the most outrageous, moronic thing you can dream up just to see what kind of a reaction it will get.
I make the same challenge to you.
Name a Democratic candidate that has a better chance of beating Trump
There is none. You already had 158 candidates and whittled it down to the "OLD WHITE GUY," which is absolutely mind boggling since that's what you're left wing says "runs the republican party." So right there you have the radical faction of the democrat party that will NOT vote for Biden, and he can't win without it, that's why you see him ATTEMPTING to smooth over left and pander to them, which in turn will just alienate the more moderate side of the democrat party.

You guys can't win, period.
Joe Biden is the most qualified and salable candidate to the voters. He is a moderate who offers a contrast to Trump in terms of stable, no drama leadership.

He is currently beating Trump in most key states
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... yeah... right... pfft... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... just like Hitlery was beating him, right?

Sorry... not buying a single SHRED of this IDIOTIC dementia joe is beating Trump HORSE SHIT.

Show me any evidence that Trump is currently beating Biden. Republicans are in a panic mode as Trump is losing most Battleground States. Trump is too delusional to care

Nobody is panicking.

They sure seem to be
Republicans are looking for an exit door as they try to divest themselves of Trump

If he's smart (?), he won't try to deliver a national address on race relations. Holding a bible aloft and speaking from a teleprompter just wouldn't cut it. The man is woefully inept at public speaking; the best thing he can do is keep his mouth shut and hope it blows over, which is unlikely.

Trump needs rallies! According to him, the Coronavirus has been "defeated." Why hasn't he held rallies.

It's probably too late anyway
I'm afraid you're off in lala dream land again. Trump won last time, has lost zero support, and in fact has gained support, and he's going to win again even bigger than he did the first time... sorry to burst you're little echo chamber fantasy bubble.

Every time you hear your daft leftist propaganda wing saying Trump is going to lose, just remember all the horse shit they pumped your poor little empty gourd full of last time that Hitlery was going to win, right up until election night in fact. Try not to be such a gullible sap just because of your TDS.

On November 3, 2020, you'll finally realize Trump's victory in November 2016 was the biggest fluke in U.S. electoral history.

In 2016, Trump played for an inside straight drawing two cards. Odds said, Hillary should win with three of a kind.

But Trump filled his inside straight and won.

Problem is, Trump is trying to fill that inside straight again. He might get lucky again, but odds say he will bust.

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win by 3 percentage points. She won instead by 2 percentage points. It was the fluke of 3 states, Pennsylvania about 40,000 votes, Wisconsin 25,000 votes, and Michigan 10,000 votes, that gave Trump and electoral college victory. Tiny margins of victory in just three states. Hillary never visited Wisconsin, did not campaign enough in Michigan and Pennsylvania. She left the back door open believing no one could get in and that opportunity existed in Arizona and Florida. The Democrats won't make that mistake again. Trump can't win any states he did not win in 2016. He loses, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and its over for him.

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