Zone1 Is it okay for a man to strike a woman back under these circumstances?

Why? That sounds like a true case of self-defense to me because it happened directly after the fact.

You're actually making sense. He just waited too long to strike her back. That's the issue.
No... I guarantee you if this is real, and authorities were shown the video - they both would be arrested.
He was in no danger at all, and she was not continuing to assault him. His hit was in retaliation - OBVIOUSLY.
It is never ok to hit a woman.

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It would seem to me that a man would have to actually think in that situation. If the woman attacking him is much smaller than he, not very athletic, and not attacking in a trained manner, just flailing, there are ways to ensure he does not get hurt without hurting her in the process. If, however, the woman is an actual danger to the man, larger than he or perhaps been training in how to fight for a few years while the man has not, it's a different kettle of fish. In normal circumstances, no, absolutely a man should not hit a woman, but today's women are not all the shrinking violets of a few generations back. And all bets are off if she has a weapon. Then it's stop the fight before someone really gets hurt.
No... I guarantee you if this is real, and authorities were shown the video - they both would be arrested.
He was in no danger at all, and she was not continuing to assault him. His hit was in retaliation - OBVIOUSLY.

If there was a slap right after the other they would still both get arrested? How would he get arrested if he slapped her immediately after she slapped him when in that case he would definitely be defending himself?
No... I guarantee you if this is real, and authorities were shown the video - they both would be arrested.
True, but only because their job is to bring both parties before the legal system, where the initial aggressor would undoubtedly receive the greater punishment. The other party may get away with no punishment whatsoever.
The guy gave her a little love tap.

He barely touched her. He should have knocked her unconscious.

He sent her halfway to the ground. He remained standing after he was slapped.

I think he hit back too hard. He would have had to match the slap. Didn’t look like it to me.

He didn't hit her NEARLY hard enough. She should have been on the floor with missing teeth and/or a TBI.
How is "throwing" a woman any different? Answer: It is NOT. If a woman strikes you, walk away. If she keeps coming, you run. Period.


That's stupid.

Walk away, if you have to, run. Dial 911.

That's even more stupid.

In that case she's liable to get tazed or shot.

No, you are.

There’s a limit, though. Just how far should a man “press his advantage”? I would guess (haven’t experienced it personally) that an average guy in his 30s has within his power the ability to pound a woman into unconsciousness or slam her against a wall with enough force to dislocate her shoulder. Surely you’re not defending that, are you?

ABSOLUTELY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY YES! If attacked, render the attacker physically unable to continue by any means necessary. Ideally, said attacker is unconscious, or dead.
If there was a slap right after the other they would still both get arrested? How would he get arrested if he slapped her immediately after she slapped him when in that case he would definitely be defending himself?
That isn't what happened, he waited... wanted an apology, didn't get it... so smacked her. (Again if this video is real)
If police can determine that you are not the initial aggressor, highly unlikely you will ever get arrested. That is the general rule of thumb. You are allowed to return a "reasonable amount of force to reduce/deter the threat"
No... I guarantee you if this is real, and authorities were shown the video - they both would be arrested.
He was in no danger at all, and she was not continuing to assault him. His hit was in retaliation - OBVIOUSLY.

Naah. He'd be arrested, she'd be let go.

If there was a slap right after the other they would still both get arrested? How would he get arrested if he slapped her immediately after she slapped him when in that case he would definitely be defending himself?

Because men are always wrong. A man can call 911, he has bruises and cuts, his girlfriend could be holding a knife...and he gets arrested.
That's stupid.

That's even more stupid.

No, you are.

ABSOLUTELY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY YES! If attacked, render the attacker physically unable to continue by any means necessary. Ideally, said attacker is unconscious, or dead.
Throwing a woman is very different. That is exactly what I did, in the OP.
The girl was wailing on me, throwing punches like a mad person. She also knocked my glasses off so I couldn't see shit. So I grabbed a hold of her, and threw her to the ground. Not a body slam, I threw her vertically.
This definitely woke her up. I then said very loudly - get away from me.
I am 6'4" and weigh about 220 lbs. I can look pretty damn intimidating. She got the message.
You think me punching her would be no different? Are you serious?
They're both wrong.
Pride will get the best of anyone.
I don't agree with the violence. That being said, I would like to see the rest of the story that involves the cell phone. Regardless of what that entailed, she was out of line striking anyone and his actions are unacceptable as well. What was the cell phone issue?
I don't agree with the violence. That being said, I would like to see the rest of the story that involves the cell phone. Regardless of what that entailed, she was out of line striking anyone and his actions are unacceptable as well. What was the cell phone issue?
In a different video, the girl next to her finds the cell phone between the seats.
She was accusing him of stealing it.
If the video is real.
It would seem to me that a man would have to actually think in that situation. If the woman attacking him is much smaller than he, not very athletic, and not attacking in a trained manner, just flailing, there are ways to ensure he does not get hurt without hurting her in the process. If, however, the woman is an actual danger to the man, larger than he or perhaps been training in how to fight for a few years while the man has not, it's a different kettle of fish. In normal circumstances, no, absolutely a man should not hit a woman, but today's women are not all the shrinking violets of a few generations back. And all bets are off if she has a weapon. Then it's stop the fight before someone really gets hurt.
I'm not saying you shouldn't hit a woman or anyone else shouldn't hit a woman. I'm saying I have never and would never hit a woman. Walk away. Two reasons. My culture and the fact that I witnessed my father (not biological) pick up a woman and throw her against the wall of his living room. I have no respect for men who hit women.
He took her phone. She should have walked away and called the cops. He's a bully.

Read the post right above yours. That said, I agree she shouldn't have hit him and he shouldn't have hit her.

But I also agree with the person who said this looks like it was staged.
In a different video, the girl next to her finds the cell phone between the seats.
She was accusing him of stealing it.
If the video is real.
So if that is the case, she was being a Karen. Still, there was no reason for her actions or his retaliation. She should have been reported to the flight attendant before it escalated.
That's stupid.

That's even more stupid.

No, you are.

ABSOLUTELY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY YES! If attacked, render the attacker physically unable to continue by any means necessary. Ideally, said attacker is unconscious, or dead.
So you think if woman slaps you across the face, you can knock her unconscious or even kill her? Long prison sentence awaits you, big talker.
So if that is the case, she was being a Karen. Still, there was no reason for her actions or his retaliation. She should have been reported to the flight attendant before it escalated.
It's one of the problems I have with the video. I can't imagine all this yelling went by and no flight attendant/Captain shows up the whole time.
That isn't what happened,

I know, I didn't say that. I was being hypothetical.

He took her phone. She should have walked away and called the cops. He's a bully.

He may or may not have been a bully, but she still didn't have any excuse for slapping him for it.

So you think if woman slaps you across the face, you can knock her unconscious or even kill her? Long prison sentence awaits you, big talker.

I say that in order for self-defense purposes that you can only use as much force against on a person that they're using on you. There's a difference between a simple slap and trying to kill somebody.

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