Zone1 Is it okay for a man to strike a woman back under these circumstances?

Did he punch her with a closed fist? Couldn’t tell from the video.
Makes no difference.

Do you have the same philosophy if a man hits you?
Stupidity should have consequences that dissuade future stupidity.
There’s a limit, though. Just how far should a man “press his advantage”? I would guess (haven’t experienced it personally) that an average guy in his 30s has within his power the ability to pound a woman into unconsciousness or slam her against a wall with enough force to dislocate her shoulder. Surely you’re not defending that, are you?

The law lets you defend yourself to the point you eliminate the immediate physical threat. When you take that further, you risk criminal prosecution.

In this case, the physical threat was gone. She wasn’t going to slap him again, and if she attempted it, he could block it. But what you suggest is OK - that he take it to a more extreme level than what he received, as repercussions for her slap - can land him with assault charges.
Self defense is one thing... but that didn't look like self defense to me. So, no.

There’s a limit, though. Just how far should a man “press his advantage”? I would guess (haven’t experienced it personally) that an average guy in his 30s has within his power the ability to pound a woman into unconsciousness or slam her against a wall with enough force to dislocate her shoulder. Surely you’re not defending that, are you?

The law lets you defend yourself to the point you eliminate the immediate physical threat. When you take that further, you risk criminal prosecution.

In this case, the physical threat was gone. She wasn’t going to slap him again, and if she attempted it, he could block it. But what you suggest is OK - that he take it to a more extreme level than what he received, as repercussions for her slap - can land him with assault charges.
I can say that I personally would not go all out against an inferior opponent. I also believe if an inferior opponent that foolishly attacks a superior opponent can get far more in return than what was originally given. Stupidity has consequences. Don’t be stupid.
Do you have the same philosophy if a man hits you?
Stupidity should have consequences that dissuade future stupidity.
IF a woman ever attacked me physically, the next time would never happen because it would have to be a text or phone call.
Is it OK to hit someone if they hit you first?

To legally punch back a person who threw the first punch, you must have a reasonable belief that physical force is necessary to defend yourself. This analysis requires both 1) that you subjectively believed force was necessary and 2) that belief was objectively reasonable.Jan 20, 2023
I'm older than dirt, so I have been in several relationships and dated many more.

I am deeply saddened that so many men/males here believe that touching a woman in anger is ever okay. I'm hoping that those who have tried to justify manhandling or striking a woman are out of some childish sense of masculinity.

You're not a man if you don't believe that you never, ever touch a woman in anger. You're a sniveling, cowardly wuss. Grow up!
I fully believe in an escalated response to unprovoked physical violence. These liberal clowns who think one should never strike back harder have never won a physical confrontation, if they’ve even ever been in one.
Or, to simplify it, what did Japan do after we dropped the atomic bombs on them?
No Man Is an Island

Not only that, if you pull a gun and make a predator back off, you should kill him anyway. The present response, which the rulers' law imposes on us, of not punishing if the threat no longer exists, is selfish and anti-social. By killing a predator, you are doing your civic duty by removing a proven threat to all others he may encounter.

LIBERAL LOGIC: "Since only Japan's Naval Airforce attacked Pearl Harbor, we had no right to attack their army."
Do you need someone to define WOMAN for you?

What if the word woman was substituted for black in this situation and the question was if you would ever strike a black person? (If they hit you first that is.)

IF a woman ever attacked me physically, the next time would never happen because it would have to be a text or phone call.

Do you realize that she's actually in danger of more extreme violence with the police if she tries anything funny?
Is it OK to hit someone if they hit you first?

To legally punch back a person who threw the first punch, you must have a reasonable belief that physical force is necessary to defend yourself. This analysis requires both 1) that you subjectively believed force was necessary and 2) that belief was objectively reasonable.Jan 20, 2023
The "Rule of Law" Is the Law of the Rulers. Overthrow Them.
LIBERAL LOGIC: "Since only Japan's Naval Airforce attacked Pearl Harbor, we had no right to attack their army."
It’s a bunch of virtue signaling BS that doesn’t work IRL.
If someone stabs you with a 3” knife, you only have the option of retreat or stabbing them back only once, with a blade no longer than 3”?
These people are morons and perpetual victims.
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