Is it fair to blame Donald Trump for the damage done by Covid?

That is like saying "well, I am not going to worry about that fire on the stove till my whole house is on fire".

We had our first case the same day as SK. They did not wait till they were in "full blown COVID".

I do not have a side, but I do appreciate you pointing out Trump is no different than the Dems, I have been saying that for a long time.

You rooted for the Democrats all this time, lie all you want…

Also what did Pelosi do during the start of the spread?

She is the Speaker of the House and funny how she called Trump a racist for suspending flights in JANUARY!
Find one post from me doing so...just one.
If I did you would just deny it as usual, so let be clear you have blamed Trump for all the failure and never once held Pelosi accountable for her words and late reaction to the spread!

I also noticed you did not comment on the stop flights or how Pelosi and Democrats called him and everyone racist when the plague started?

So show me where you held Pelosi to the same standard from this list because I do not see it and yes she should be held to the same standard seeing she is Speaker of the House!

If I did you would just deny it as usual, so let be clear you have blamed Trump for all the failure and never once held Pelosi accountable for her words and late reaction to the spread!

I also noticed you did not comment on the stop flights or how Pelosi and Democrats called him and everyone racist when the plague started?

So show me where you held Pelosi to the same standard from this list because I do not see it and yes she should be held to the same standard seeing she is Speaker of the House!

Yes, it is true I hold the POTUS to a different standard than the Speaker of the House or the Leader of the Senate. Neither are the leader of the country and neither have the power that the POTUS does.

You might also notice, this thread is about Trump. If you would like to start one about the failures of Congress, I would be happy to join in.
We were not full blown Covid until March, so let remember Pelosi, the Mayor of New York and Democrats didn’t think Covid was a big deal in February of 2020, so had Trump done anything your side would have called him a Nazi…
But Trump KNEW it WAS a big deal, worse than the worst flu we've ever had. He spoke to Woodward about how bad and deadly covid was in early February.... Trump kept the info he had on it a SECRET from the public, and from Pelosi and other lawmakers.... It's all on tape, he knew how dangerous covid was...and lied about it, to us....instead of preparing us for the onslaught.
I would say yes. Trump spent months downplaying the virus, and telling people to ignore calls to social distance and wear masks, and more than once called the virus a total hoax and claimed it wasn't even real. And when there was a vaccine ready, he did his best to discredit it.
Get your facts straight

Trump never told Americans not to mask and never called the chinese disease a hoax
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Ending the lock-downs before the danger had passed? Not exactly the brightest crayon in the box, eh?
According to libs the danger never passed

And probably never will for them

trump was trying to save the economy and the American way of life which the lockdowns and now the vax mandates are killing
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Bull shit. Trump acted while Democrats were calling him racist for trying to cut travel to slow the spread. Yet your first "I blame Trump for" was this gem.

" not acting more quickly in the January-April 2020 time frame."

Democrats were impeaching Trump in a partisan witch hunt, calling him a racist, racist racist for trying to slow travel.

Exactly as I said, fake news just tells you what to think and like a good little Democrat, you think it. It's pathetic. My God, grow a pair and learn to think for yourself

And Kondor3 "disagrees."

Of course you do, when it comes to blowing fake news, you swallow
What do you think the consequences should be for Trump?
Prison would be nice.

And yet Covid is still rampant and people are still dying with Biden as President, so should Biden be held to the same accountability as you hold Trump or will you proclaim that it is the Governor’s fault for Biden failure?

Ah, the REpublican Mantra "Why haven't you fixed the stuff we fucked up fast enough!!!"

As a matter of cosmic law, it's easier to break things than fix them...
According to libs the danger never passed

And probably never will for them

trump was trying to save the economy and the American way of life which the lockdowns and now the vax mandates are killing
Your trouble with that statement is that even if LibProgs ARE indulging in such, Rump was removing the safeties long before it was prudent to do so.

Not that he gives two $hits about my health - or yours - or our friends, families and neighbors...
The short answer is Yes.

The long answer is more complicated. When I would go back to Texas during the pandemic (I'm just using it anecdotally--I'm sure several states were like this), you'd drive down the main drag and see the dozens of cars at Buffalo Wild Wings, Hooters, Twin Peaks... Trump was a world class buffoon who played politics with the virus from day one but nobody forced a bunch of people to continue to go to restaurants and gather.

While it is true some leadership from the leader of the nation would have been nice; its in equal measure true that personal responsibility is more important.
Snowflakes can blame Trump for all the COVID deaths on HIS watch...if we can blame Joe for all the deaths on HIS watch, which is more.
Except it isn't. Covid deaths were 400K when Trump left. We haven't hit that number under Biden.
We also get to blame Joe for 100 terrorist / terrorist-connected Afghanis in the US...forrign drug runners / smugglers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, violent MS-13 members, and potential terrorists from 27 different nations that have crossed into the US through Joe's 'closed border'...

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