Is Invincible Ignorance Required to be a Liberal?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
It sure seems to be. One could spend forever naming DimocRAT politicians who display their ignorance at any given moment. Pelosi. Schumer. Waters. And on and on and on.

William F. Buckley used to remark about what he called the “invincible ignorance” of liberals. Too bad he didn’t live to see Sen. Brian Schatz. After Senator Schatz complained about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s use of “Anglo-American tradition” as a “dog whistle” for racists, Paul called him a moron, presumably because there aren’t many stronger words available for ignorance this epic. On thing I will say for liberals like Schatz: they have a finely-tuned sense of hearing, as they are able to make out “dog whistles” that even dogs can’t hear.

I wonder whether Sen. Schatz has taken a look at the flag of the state he represents (Hawaii) lately:

From Is Invincible Ignorance Required to Be a Liberal?

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