Is Denuclearization of NK Really Reasonable ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I'm sure everyone in the US and perhaps other countries also, would rest easier if North Korea were to drop its entire nuclear establishment. What about how the North Koreans would feel about it, though. I would guess that what prompted them to build up the rather sophisticated system they have was fear. That is fear of the unknown, at the very least.

Looking at things as they are now, I feel a lot better about North Korea than I did about a year ago, and better then than when Obama was president. Relations have certainly gotten better. I'm thinking though that Kim Jong Un and other North Korean leaders are looking at all of this from a long term perspective. Kim is less than 30 years old. He could possibly live another 70 years.

Whatever good relations may exist now for the North Koreans with President Trump, in 6 years we will have a new president. In 10 years, a 3rd US president. And in possibly 14 years, a 4th US president. Right now no one in America or North Korea can predict who these future presidents may be, much less what their foreign policies may be like.

To be really secure for his nation, wouldn't it be better for Kim to retain his nukes, so as to not be vulnerable to attack from the US, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, or any other nuclear power nation ? Wouldn't being denuclearized, remove this inherent protection ?

Suppose that North Korea had much more nuclear arms than they do, and it was the USA that was denuclearized. How would Americans sit with that ? (while the Russians, Chinese, etc still are nuclear powers)

I don't think that Kim and the North Koreans are ever going to denuclearize, and from their standpoint and perspective, to properly protect their nation, they really shouldn't. I have to say that this is one issue that I'm not sure if I'm on the same page with Trump on it. Unless Trump is not expecting denuclearization, but is just using that as a bargaining maneuver of sorts.
The Norks want their nukes for the exact same reasons we do.

They will never give them up for the exact same reasons we won't.

Someone needs to sit Trump down and explain this to him like he's a five year old.
Of all the nations either confirmed to have maintained nuclear weapons, or suspected to maintain a nuclear capability, only South Africa has given up a nuclear weapons program. I will make an exception for the three former Soviet Republics that maintained nuclear weapons, which really do not count in this equation.

List of states with nuclear weapons - Wikipedia

So, by odds alone, IMO there is no way in Hell that NoKo will be giving up their nuclear arms program.
For anyone that believes NoKo will give up their nuclear program I will say one thing; haha.

Besides the above points:
If Trump truly desired to have NoKo give up their nuclear program Trump should have pursued such in a very background, stealthy, diplomatic fashion.
Trump instead pursued this within the context of a 'reality TV' scenario.
Ratings baby, ratings & now Trump looks ever more the fool.
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No, it's not. But admitting it would be a "lose" for Trump, so the charade will continue.

Ultimately the goal would probably be a formal end to the Korean War with both the N and S pledging no offensive wars. Back then the facts were that the US was never aggressor, although once McArthur crossed the Yalu River, the Chinese joined the war ... as they warned us they'd do. I'm not sure the US should be elevating Kim to the level of having summits with the person who is supposed to be the leader of the free world, but then any deal with China has a host of implications other than NK.
The only nation to ever have actually used nukes in war is trying to tell another that they can't have them.

This is the general problem with much of humanity. We want what we want, but none for you!!!


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