Is "Climate Change" The Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated Against The American People?

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I know you are all tied-up in knots over the whole thing but I take a more pragmatic approach.....It's snake oil, pure and simple....You are just a rube.
I know you are all tied up in knots over the whole thing, but I tend to go along with mainstream science and I really like to address serious problems when there's actually time enough to do something about them. In my experience and, I think, the experience of a whole lot of other people, ignoring serious problems is almost ALWAYS a mistake.
It's meaningless if people insist on crowding themselves into cities, and destroying the soil that feeds them.

Technology surmounts those issues. The problem with cities is the mental health problems of crowding people into small places.

But that's a political issue, not a resource issue.
Technology surmounts those issues. The problem with cities is the mental health problems of crowding people into small places.

But that's a political issue, not a resource issue.
It's a human resource issue. Politics can't fix it.

A soldier is wounded in battle. It takes two others to carry him off the battlefield. A net loss of three soldiers. Same with nut cases. They take several others out of productive life.
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Not nearly as much as yiu think.
Only if those needs and wants are tightly controlled. Recently I looked at a parcel of public hunting land near me. I determined that it was too hilly and too small for me. I need a bigger woods and flatter land to hunt. Also, it was mixed use with many walking trails throughout. Deer don't like that much human company and neither do I when I'm hunting.
It's a human resource issue. Politics can't fix it.

A soldier is wounded in battle. It takes two others to carry him off the battlefield. A net loss of three soldiers. Same with nut cases. They take several others out of productive life.

Politics CAUSE the problems.
Most all of that space is owned by someone else, and you can't earn a very good living 'off the grid'.
Nope. Not necessarily. In the west the majority of the land is owned by the people. You know, public lands managed by the BLM. Hell, most of Nevada is federal. Like 80% of it.
Nope. Not necessarily. In the west the majority of the land is owned by the people. You know, public lands managed by the BLM. Hell, most of Nevada is federal. Like 80% of it.
You cannot legally live on federal land. You might be able to buy some, but that would be no different than buying land from a private land owner. And you didn't address the issue of what you do for a living there.
Yeah, provably it is.
Most assuredly it is not. There are simply too many players from too many places with too many different viewpoints and political positions and personal stations in life and ethics for such a thing to be maintained. And NO ONE has ever confessed or been caught in such a conspiracy. NO ONE. So, where is your evidence?
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