Is Bill Maher honestly stupid, or does he merely lack control over his scripts


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Just as an example, in a recent skit, Bill Maher commented that some level of "shaming" is useful, claiming that people had been "shamed" out of things such as smoking, and racism.

This of course, isn't correct to begin with, and is arguably highly debatable in regards to serious or intellectual discussions on the topic (some if it may be predicated on archaic and childish notions such as "behaviorism" and other 19th century thought relics, but I'm not really sure that Maher is even on the level to know about or honestly discuss said subjects to begin with).

As an example, Bill Maher himself on at least one occasion smoked marijuana while on live TV (granted, he was in a country were it wasn't illegal) - regardless, he intentionally did this for "shock" value or humor, showing that exaggerated films and "scare tactics" like "Reefer Madness" didn't actually shame him, nor any of the other "kool kids" out of doing it, but in reality had the opposite effect, yet was now claiming the opposite in regards to "obesity", "smoking", "racism" and so forth.

The silly idea that people or anyone for that matter had been "shamed" out of racism to begin with is rather dishonest and anti-intellectual - in reality, I think that individuals such as MLK or Rosa Parks who devoted their entire lives to standing up to racism and discrimination deserve the credit to begin with.

This is why I'm honestly wondering if Bill Maher is just dumb, or if he really just doesn't have as much leeway or control over the childish and silly opinions he hocks; if he's anywhere close to the IQ average of 100, or slightly above that, I would think he would have had the self-awareness to know he was either lying in regards to the "shaming" argument and his own behavior, so this could've just been stupidity or lack of anything resembling common sense.

If not, then it makes me think that the corporate executives whom he serves were just paying him to say this thing one day, or that thing the next day, knowing that it would sell to those with the IQ profile of the average American who watches 34 hours of TV a week, lacking anything in the way of reading or better sources of information, factuality, and honesty than that.
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Maher wants to live in an amoral society.
I don't know why anyone capable of reading as much as a book would take him seriously, or the majority of "pundits" in general, regardless of politics.

Since having the intellectual depth enough to have read a bit of pretty much any work of political or social theory, whether John Stuart Mill or Russel Kirk, would render him and 99% of his snake oil more or less irrelevant.

It's kind of like laughing at farts - it's only "funny" up until a certain level of age or intelligence, except in those more or less arrested at that level, and unwilling to learn to read at more than the 6th grade level, or IQ of 90-100 which him, and similar shows such as "The Young Turks" are marketed to.
If "being smart" more or less renders Maher and others' comedy irrelevant, then it's a piss poor business model if one asks me, since it literally is only about to sell by being predicated on stupidity or ignorance of the world (real or intellectual), willfully or otherwise.
As an example, Bill Maher himself on at least one occasion smoked marijuana while on live TV (granted, he was in a country were it wasn't illegal) - regardless, he intentionally did this for "shock" value or humor, showing that exaggerated films and "scare tactics" like "Reefer Madness" didn't actually shame him, nor any of the other "kool kids" out of doing it, but in reality had the opposite effect, yet was now claiming the opposite in regards to "obesity", "smoking", "racism" and so forth.

Ever think that the reason Reefer Madness didn't do much good (other than scare Congress into making it illegal) is because it was so full of bullshit?

I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the last 8 years I was in the Navy, and I can tell you that none of the things people did in the film were because of marijuana. Most of the behaviors exhibited would have been due to stimulants (like cocaine and speed) or psychotropic substances (peyote and LSD).

Marijuana doesn't make a person manic like speed, nor do you see things on it like with psychotropics. All marijuana does is helps a person to relax and it also eases joint and muscle pain. Smoke enough and get still, and you go to sleep. And, the best part is that when you wake up, you are refreshed and sober again.

Not only that, but many veterans in CO have told me it's also extremely effective in treating PTSD and other things they came back from the ME with. They told me that when they got back home, they were on 10 - 15 pills per day from the VA and had lots of side effects. When CO legalized it, they tried it out to see if it helped, and many of them were able to get down to only 1 or 2 pills/day, and some of them were able to stop with the meds completely. Best part for them they said was they got healthier and felt better because marijuana had zero bad side effects, whereas the pharmaceuticals had lots.
I have wondered if he truly believe his own jokes are funny, or if he is really only in it for the money. His jokes about Republicans are moronic all the time - just basic schoolyard name-calling jibes, not really jokes. But I really only hear most of these during his monologues (where he has writers, I guess) and even he rolls his eyes at some of the lines at times.

During his discussions he sometimes comes up with original thoughts that are not exactly progressive and the audience is just mouth-breathing. But then he'll throw in a four-letter word to describe any republican and the applause starts up again. IOW: all but the most immature and shallowest liberal minds (the schoolboys with crushes on AOC) are completely tuned out to him.

Unfortunately, he has also had to tailor his stand up to the same audience because that is what they expect from him. There are times I just can't believe he, as a self-respecting comedian, could misinterpret what he does as being "funny" as opposed to just being a loudmouth insult comic dog for immature progressives.
Dunno how much you've watched Bill Maher, Paul Motter, but there have been lots of times that he has done a joke about liberals being stupid, and the audience groans. He then looks directly at them and tells them to get over themselves.

Maher will hit people on both sides.
Mahr is just a clown...I really feel sorry for the idiots that think they are getting their news from his dumb ass....

Much like I did about the people that got their news from Stewart.
It is just shock TV. It is all for ratings.

Today, we have hundreds of channels to choose from, streaming, the internet and so on.

These political shows, morning shows and the rest are all in it for shock value. They cant be boring.

I believe many of these people secretly hope Trump wins next year. He is good for business. Who would watch these clowns without a target to go after? It is big business.
I have watched it quite a bit - and I agree he does "some" liberal jokes. The difference is that when he does a liberal joke it is usually based on a real event, not just a name-calling insult like what he does to conservatives. And you KNOW the ratio of his lib to cons jokes is 1 to 1000.

And I agree about the people who say they get their news from people like him. Drives me crazy. No one is getting any "news" unless they read both sides at sites like Real Clear Politics.
You know, I'm wondering why the OP is bitching about Maher, as he has gone on vacation and won't be back until Jan. 16th. Matter of fact, he hasn't been on for the past 2 weeks.
Maybe because he just watched a rerun and has it on his mind - for the record I do record all of Maher's shows and I try to watch them. I am very tolerant of hearing the other side's ideas (unlike a lot of people I know). I watch all three news cable networks and really look to see what people are thinking on both sides.

But sometimes I have to just turn Maher off because it is too insincere and basically like "fake news comedy". He is the only progressive show that I really ever turn off because I just can't take the extreme bias.
Maybe because he just watched a rerun and has it on his mind - for the record I do record all of Maher's shows and I try to watch them. I am very tolerant of hearing the other side's ideas (unlike a lot of people I know). I watch all three news cable networks and really look to see what people are thinking on both sides.

But sometimes I have to just turn Maher off because it is too insincere and basically like "fake news comedy". He is the only progressive show that I really ever turn off because I just can't take the extreme bias.

HBO hasn't been running reruns either. When Maher said he was going on vacation, they didn't run old shows, they used the time slot for other movies and shows.

BTW...............speaking of new shows and series on HBO, if you have the time, check out the first season of Watchmen.
Nah, most of these people are just playing to a particular group of people. In Maher’s case morons.
Maybe because he just watched a rerun and has it on his mind - for the record I do record all of Maher's shows and I try to watch them. I am very tolerant of hearing the other side's ideas (unlike a lot of people I know). I watch all three news cable networks and really look to see what people are thinking on both sides.

But sometimes I have to just turn Maher off because it is too insincere and basically like "fake news comedy". He is the only progressive show that I really ever turn off because I just can't take the extreme bias.

HBO hasn't been running reruns either. When Maher said he was going on vacation, they didn't run old shows, they used the time slot for other movies and shows.

BTW...............speaking of new shows and series on HBO, if you have the time, check out the first season of Watchmen.

Like I said I DVR Maher's show so I can watch it any time. It is also available on-demand or on HBO streaming.

PS: I have tried watching Watchmen a few times - it is just not quite keeping me interested.
Just as an example, in a recent skit, Bill Maher commented that some level of "shaming" is useful, claiming that people had been "shamed" out of things such as smoking, and racism.

This of course, isn't correct to begin with, and is arguably highly debatable in regards to serious or intellectual discussions on the topic (some if it may be predicated on archaic and childish notions such as "behaviorism" and other 19th century thought relics, but I'm not really sure that Maher is even on the level to know about or honestly discuss said subjects to begin with).

As an example, Bill Maher himself on at least one occasion smoked marijuana while on live TV (granted, he was in a country were it wasn't illegal) - regardless, he intentionally did this for "shock" value or humor, showing that exaggerated films and "scare tactics" like "Reefer Madness" didn't actually shame him, nor any of the other "kool kids" out of doing it, but in reality had the opposite effect, yet was now claiming the opposite in regards to "obesity", "smoking", "racism" and so forth.

The silly idea that people or anyone for that matter had been "shamed" out of racism to begin with is rather dishonest and anti-intellectual - in reality, I think that individuals such as MLK or Rosa Parks who devoted their entire lives to standing up to racism and discrimination deserve the credit to begin with.

This is why I'm honestly wondering if Bill Maher is just dumb, or if he really just doesn't have as much leeway or control over the childish and silly opinions he hocks; if he's anywhere close to the IQ average of 100, or slightly above that, I would think he would have had the self-awareness to know he was either lying in regards to the "shaming" argument and his own behavior, so this could've just been stupidity or lack of anything resembling common sense.

If not, then it makes me think that the corporate executives whom he serves were just paying him to say this thing one day, or that thing the next day, knowing that it would sell to those with the IQ profile of the average American who watches 34 hours of TV a week, lacking anything in the way of reading or better sources of information, factuality, and honesty than that.
I don't think Maher is stupid, I believe his extreme Left wing bias mars (no pun intended) his judgement and rational thinking.
Just as an example, in a recent skit, Bill Maher commented that some level of "shaming" is useful, claiming that people had been "shamed" out of things such as smoking, and racism.

This of course, isn't correct to begin with, and is arguably highly debatable in regards to serious or intellectual discussions on the topic (some if it may be predicated on archaic and childish notions such as "behaviorism" and other 19th century thought relics, but I'm not really sure that Maher is even on the level to know about or honestly discuss said subjects to begin with).

As an example, Bill Maher himself on at least one occasion smoked marijuana while on live TV (granted, he was in a country were it wasn't illegal) - regardless, he intentionally did this for "shock" value or humor, showing that exaggerated films and "scare tactics" like "Reefer Madness" didn't actually shame him, nor any of the other "kool kids" out of doing it, but in reality had the opposite effect, yet was now claiming the opposite in regards to "obesity", "smoking", "racism" and so forth.

The silly idea that people or anyone for that matter had been "shamed" out of racism to begin with is rather dishonest and anti-intellectual - in reality, I think that individuals such as MLK or Rosa Parks who devoted their entire lives to standing up to racism and discrimination deserve the credit to begin with.

This is why I'm honestly wondering if Bill Maher is just dumb, or if he really just doesn't have as much leeway or control over the childish and silly opinions he hocks; if he's anywhere close to the IQ average of 100, or slightly above that, I would think he would have had the self-awareness to know he was either lying in regards to the "shaming" argument and his own behavior, so this could've just been stupidity or lack of anything resembling common sense.

If not, then it makes me think that the corporate executives whom he serves were just paying him to say this thing one day, or that thing the next day, knowing that it would sell to those with the IQ profile of the average American who watches 34 hours of TV a week, lacking anything in the way of reading or better sources of information, factuality, and honesty than that.
I don't think Maher is stupid, I believe his extreme Left wing bias mars (no pun intended) his judgement and rational thinking.

when Maher was on Comedy Central he was more conservative. Being a progressive in Hollywood pays finical dividend.
I don’t think he is stupid nor do I believe he is as smart as he thinks he is. Maher is like a lot of people in the entertainment industry he has spent to many years believing his on hype and everything the yes people around him tell him.

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