Is Biden Catholic?

Sure, nobody.
Well, of course you care about your opinions, and some self hating Americans, but most of us know the world has nothing to offer to America.

That's why you use a German vaccine, while Germany has not enough vaccines on its own, nobody. Oh by the way: Are you interested in FYB207? It's a long-acting ACE2-lgG-Fc fusionsmolecule - or with other words: The first medicament against Corona. Also "made in Germany" - but I'm sure you will give it an US-American identity too.

Einfach leben – gar nicht so leicht.
Einfach ist tief und nicht seicht und vielleicht
ist es am schwersten es wieder zu sein.
Einfach: Einfach sein.
Mach den Versuch wieder einfach zu sein.
Ein Tisch, ein Stuhl, ein Kerzenschein,
ein Blatt Papier, zwei Herzen, ein Reim
Einfach: Einfach sein.
Einfach sein, auch wenn's schwierig is.
Auch, wenn die Gier noch so gierig is.
Das zu entdecken hinter dem Dunst,
einfach sein – ist die Kunst.
Wie das Programm ist der Fernseher flach,
warum ist am Waldrand mein WLAN so schwach.
Und jeden Tag wird er trüber mein Blick.
Ich geh wieder auf Los zurück.
Augen zu haben für's Abendrot,
und gute Freunde in der Not.
Ja das klingt einfach, ist aber wahr,
einfach unbezahlbar.
Der Keller, die Wohnung – alles voll Zeugs
Ich steh davor und beäugs.
Ist das der Wohlstand, den ich unbedingt brauch?
Fragst du dich sowas auch?
Wir fliegen zum Mars so, als ob sich das lohnt.
Und leben ein Leben hinterm Mond,
sägen mit Eifer am eigenen Ast
und eigentlich sind wir nur zu Gast.
Wann sind wir einfach mal nur zufrieden
und hören endlich auf uns zu bekriegen?
Denn, wenn ein Frieden für immer hält,
um wieviel schöner wäre sie, diese Welt?
Unser Planet hier bietet uns an,
dass man nach dem aus- auch noch einatmen kann.
Ganz einfach, ganz simpel zum Leben gemacht,
für jeden ein Platz Tag und Nacht.
Leg deine Maske in einen Fluss,
gib einer wildfremden Oma n’Kuss.
Lache mal laut in den Spiegel hinein,
beschließ einfach glücklich zu sein.

Einfach: Einfach sein.

Text and music: Willy Astor Source: "Einfach sein" von Willy Astor (Video und Songtext)
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As Biden is a genuinely good man, what's your problem? That he's a genuinely good man? I can see how that would offend the evil.

Oh, I get it. The priest is a pro-life jihadist, but not honest enough to say it outright. I'll pray he repents of his evil.

It depends on your definition of what a "good man" is. There's certainly a lot of immorality in his policy, especially when it comes to Catholicism. I judge people by what they do and advocate, not if they can go in front of a camera and act harmless and sympathetic (all the while acting against any sort of unity.. condemning his opposition and cramming partisan executive orders through)
If he places the authority of his church above earthly authority, then he is Roman Catholic.
...This thread isnt about the corrupt politician Joe Biden, it is about his standing in the Catholic Church and his personal beliefs 180 degrees opposed to their teachings. He has no place in that church. He is a SINNER who loves sin more than God
It is about his standing in the Roman Catholic Church, and his behavior in American public life and his governance of a secular nation is deeply integral to such judgment.

Wake me up when Pope Francis decides to kick Joe out of Holy Mother Church, eh?

No pope ever and never had any possibilty to throw any Catholic out of the holy church. Once a Catholic always a Catholic.

It is not given to you to judge.

The penance for your stupidity is to say your Rosary three times, reaffirm the Nicene Creed, go to Confession, make an Act of Contrition, and speak with your own bishop.

Catholic out of the holy church
The Catholic church isnt "holy." But the LIAR Biden claims to be a "Devout Catholic," but he makes a mockery of God and the church he believes to be God's Church.
Biden has the blood of millions of babies on his hands.

He embraces the perversion of homosexuality, and he strongly supports the destruction of this country by supporting the colonization of this country by turd worlders who have no love of this cointry
Mammy says a pedophile is a "genuinely good man".

Says a devoted Trump asslicker. You can't make this stuff up. Dave spends his life lovingly tonguing pedo rectum, then he claims it's everyone else who likes pedos.

That's when he's not fantasizing about Nazis.

Dave, do you understand that your behavior is _not_ okay? Your cult has turned you into a disgusting human being.
More projection. That's your entire schtick, isn't it? It's all you can do.
And yet you can list none. None. Not a one.

This is where you cry "fake news 'and run, just as I predicted, simply because of the source, even thought there are links to everything.

Damn, you were easy to lure in. Try to be more of a challenge next time, eh?
When the first point is a lie, why bother with the rest?
As Biden is a genuinely good man, what's your problem? That he's a genuinely good man? I can see how that would offend the evil.

Oh, I get it. The priest is a pro-life jihadist, but not honest enough to say it outright. I'll pray he repents of his evil.
You obviously know nothing of Christianity. That’s because you’re a communist Chinese.
Oh, I get it. The priest is a pro-life jihadist
Were the American soldiers who fought against the holocaust "prolife jihadists"?

I'd say anyone supporting your indefensible position is every label you try to stickn8s with. You are the same as Obiden
He says he's Catholic, he makes a show of being Catholic, but ignores Catholic doctrine.

Ackchooly you're in no position to know. I'm not either. No one is except the person himself. That's uh kind of why it's none of our bidness.
Catholic out of the holy church
The Catholic church isnt "holy." But the LIAR Biden claims to be a "Devout Catholic," but he makes a mockery of God and the church he believes to be God's Church.
Biden has the blood of millions of babies on his hands.

He embraces the perversion of homosexuality, and he strongly supports the destruction of this country by supporting the colonization of this country by turd worlders who have no love of this cointry

no comment
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No, he don't have any Christian's values at all.


He says he's Catholic, he makes a show of being Catholic, but ignores Catholic doctrine.

The US is not a theocracy... It would be a mistake to suppose it is or that it should be governed based on Catholic doctrine... or Jewish doctrine or Mormon doctrine or the Scofield heresy.
It is everyone's business when the President of the United States declares openly he is Catholic but ignores the teachings of the Catholic Church.


One's religion is one's OWN business. **PERIOD**
Half the country doesnt think killing your child is a constitutional right.

Biden is a bloody man.

His church is doing him no favors

He says he's Catholic, he makes a show of being Catholic, but ignores Catholic doctrine.

The US is not a theocracy... It would be a mistake to suppose it is or that it should be governed based on Catholic doctrine... or Jewish doctrine or Mormon doctrine or the Scofield heresy.

Indeed not, but for a man to make a personal claim about himself then act in opposition to it raises significant questions of his true character.

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