Is Being Homosexual Genetic?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

They would outlaw it as a hate crime.

Eazy Peazy.
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

You sound really worried about other people’s sexual orientation. You must be having doubts of your own.
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

You sound really worried about other people’s sexual orientation. You must be having doubts of your own.
He said he is falling in love with his gay right hand..
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

Like alcoholism and obsessive gambling, there is probably a genetic predisposition. Vices are complicated.
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

You sound really worried about other people’s sexual orientation. You must be having doubts of your own.
The schools seem extremely worried, since they now teach children about the 234,234 different genders they may be.

In fact, sexual confusion is at an all time high for children which has been a huge benefit to the medical community with myriads of psychologists and councilors benefitting, along with the surgical gender change clown show.

Cha-Ching! Just like the billion dollar abortion industry.

Finally, the extreme wealthy we can all finally support 100%
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

You sound really worried about other people’s sexual orientation. You must be having doubts of your own.
He said he is falling in love with his gay right hand..
Maybe he’s multimodal. You know, Bi, like left or right handed.
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

You sound really worried about other people’s sexual orientation. You must be having doubts of your own.
He said he is falling in love with his gay right hand..
Maybe he’s multimodal. You know, Bi, like left or right handed.
It's all frontal lobe until you start shaving yer hands...
No, it isn't 'genetic', it's still just a mental illness, and all deviants know this, they just invented a lie they could sell to granma and dope addled hippies, is all.

Genetic content of homosexuality is minimal

Geneticists, anthropologists, developmental psychologists, sociologists, endocrinologists, neuroscientists, medical researchers into gender, and twin study researchers are in broad agreement about the role of genetics in homosexuality. Genes don’t make you do it. There is no genetic determinism, and genetic influence at most is minor. Individualistic reactions to random factors are very important.

Those who say homosexuality is genetically influenced are correct, but only to about this degree:

If a girl becomes pregnant at age fifteen, we could argue that she is genetically predisposed to. We could say that in her culture, her genes gave her the kind of face and figure that send male hormones into orbit and bring her under a level of pressure that she is unable to resist. But that’s about the strength of the genetic influence. There are a huge number of environmental factors that could also have brought the pregnancy about, from cancellation of the basketball game she was going to watch with a girlfriend, permission to use Dad’s car, her boyfriend’s company, the movie they had just viewed together, and failure to use a contraceptive, to big environmental factors like personal values systems, peer group pressure, and an emotionally distant father.

Is this consensus likely to change? Might some major biological link be discovered which could change everything?

For most of these scientific disciplines, the findings have been clearly established from facts that will not change. But what of future studies of brain micro-structure, or detailed analysis of genetic composition and function? Will they reveal links between brain structure and human behaviours, or behaviours and genetic sequences?

Of course they will. Papers will continue to be published. But we can safely conclude that even authors wanting to find such links will almost always include the standard scientific caveats that the influence is minor, and that the environment is important. What we can reasonably say about future research is that it will enter new fields and come up with new links, but none of them will be definitive.

This is proved once and for all by studies of identical twins. They have identical genes, but if one is homosexual the identical brother or sister usually isn’t. There is only an 11-14% chance he/she is homosexual. This includes all the influences we know about now and those we know nothing about and have yet to discover. All of them, added together, only have a rather weak effect.

It's a mental illness; the only question left is whether it is a primary mental disorder or an associative one dependent on some other mental illness and pathology. Before the PC Police invented excuses and fake 'science', some 65% of faggots admitted to be molested as children by other faggots. Nowadays they have a raft of fake excuses to keep attention away from the rampant pedophilia in the faggot 'community'.
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

Is Being Homosexual Genetic?
NO...faggotry is kin to pedophilia.
It’s just fucked in the head people with no self control acting on sexually deviant thoughts and impulses.
When the idea of penetrating a vagina just doesn’t seem filthy enough a twisted mind begins to consider man anus.
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I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

It isnt genetic but a life choice. Sometime in that persons life, they had an experience with the opposite sex that drove them away from "normalcy" into the deviant immoral choice.
One of my sisters friends, a gorgeous red head got raped by her then boyfriend and after she left him, never again went to another man, but started hooking up with other women, even though she still wanted children.
Also if homosexuality was Genetic then you couldnt go straight because it would be against your nature, genetically.

What does it matter if homosexuality is genetic or not?

life is short so why not be happy?

I don't care who a person chooses to love as long as they are happy and neither should you.

Through homosexuality the Left was born, chicks with dicks was born.
Had good, decent, normal people stood firmly against homosexuality we would have no Left today.
What does it matter if homosexuality is genetic or not?

life is short so why not be happy?

I don't care who a person chooses to love as long as they are happy and neither should you.

They can stay in the closet and keep their dicks and asses to themselves instead of trying to make it legal for the deviants to adopt children and harass Christian business owners and grooming children to be more easily molested by them via such sicko crap as 'Drag Queen Story Times' and brainwashing 6 year olds into believing they're trannies and giving them hormone shots and other extreme abuses. We can also implement ways to keep the freaks away from children and infiltrating such organizations as churches and scout groups instead of sicko deviant judges and their fans like you making it illegal to keep the freaks out.

And, cancer is also exists in nature as does murder, rape, and birth defects, so evern if it were 'genetic' that doesn't mean we have to let them freaks do whatever they want when they want any more than we need to 'tolerate' sociopathic behavior or psychopaths.
isaac homo.jpg

If we didn't have freaks of nature trying normalize dick suckers we wouldn't have the situation we have today.

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