Is Being a Member of a Minority Group a Disability?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If not, why do we treat them as such? Special accommodations are supposed to be made for people who are unable to perform certain tasks without assistance. Doesn't providing such accommodations to people on the basis of minority group membership imply the same thing?
Pretty simple, really. There is huge political advantage in dividing people by skin color.

Ironically, this is usually done by people who also scream that we're supposed to ignore skin color.

Go figure. There are very few hypocrisies that rival that one in its size and scope.
If not, why do we treat them as such? Special accommodations are supposed to be made for people who are unable to perform certain tasks without assistance. Doesn't providing such accommodations to people on the basis of minority group membership imply the same thing?
Well, its outdated. In the past it would have horrible, but now they are basically privileged. Unless they are white, of course. Then they are on their own.
If not, why do we treat them as such? Special accommodations are supposed to be made for people who are unable to perform certain tasks without assistance. Doesn't providing such accommodations to people on the basis of minority group membership imply the same thing?

We keep track of race because ti's the only way to document racially disparate impact of policy.

Affirmative action is neutral on minorities. Sure as shit doesn't help Asians, but affirmative action is just an odd form of racially motivated policy.
If not, why do we treat them as such? Special accommodations are supposed to be made for people who are unable to perform certain tasks without assistance. Doesn't providing such accommodations to people on the basis of minority group membership imply the same thing?
I guess you could say that since whites are recessive and the minority that would qualify as a disability. There is a reason that the first time whites set up a government they gave themselves 400 years of affirmative action.
We keep track of race because ti's the only way to document racially disparate impact of policy.

According to that line of thinking, EVERYTHING has a "disparate impact."

Disparate impact is determined by the courts, and our criminal justice system has survived. As a legal concept it's very difficult to use in any effective way.

It is very effective when making an argument about policy though.
We keep track of race because ti's the only way to document racially disparate impact of policy.

According to that line of thinking, EVERYTHING has a "disparate impact."
Dont whine about it. When the enslaved were freed your white ancestors could have evened things up. Instead they made sure they (the whites) had special privileges because they couldnt compete.
If not, why do we treat them as such? Special accommodations are supposed to be made for people who are unable to perform certain tasks without assistance. Doesn't providing such accommodations to people on the basis of minority group membership imply the same thing?
That is one way to look at it, yes.
I'm sorry but RACE is not a disability unless you allow it to be....

I was born with a full facial birthmark and tbe complications of Sturge-Weber Syndrome, related to that birthmark. My parents could have allowed me to play the disability card through my youth but they didn't. They pushed me to make as much out of myself as my desires and capabilities would let me.

Why the hell isn't that the standard for every parent in this country with every one of their kids?

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