Is AZ dem party an arm of the cartels

why make it easy for cartels to operate here inside the U.S.? and that is what is happening as they benefit from an open border. These are now more sophisticated, multi billion dollar organizations and as we make them feel more at home here, what is to stop them from bribing our politicians? I would say MayorkASS should definately be investigated for his actions. And, what is to stop them from one day approaching any U.S. politician and threatening to kill members of their families if they don't cooperate?
I have insomnia, and once in a while I give up trying to sleep and just observe the posting cycles up here. Kinda interesting for lack of anything more interesting.

I sleep fine, just odd hours; it is hot here a lot more than it's cool or pleasant, so I do a lot of outside stuff while it's dark and cooler, and just carry over the same hours during the winters. I sleep during the day now and then and from around 6 pm to midnight-2:30 or so. I do all my shopping from 6 am or so, the grocery stores and hardware places open early here, so I can get done by 7 or 8 am and avoid the crowds.

Wow, this is heavy, but it certianly explains alot.


As much as I hate to admit it the RNC/DNC & its profe$$ional politician$ are so corrupt that the American constituency has become to expect them to take bribes, and the bigger the bribe the better as far as status/notereity goes!
why make it easy for cartels to operate here inside the U.S.? and that is what is happening as they benefit from an open border. These are now more sophisticated, multi billion dollar organizations and as we make them feel more at home here, what is to stop them from bribing our politicians? I would say MayorkASS should definately be investigated for his actions. And, what is to stop them from one day approaching any U.S. politician and threatening to kill members of their families if they don't cooperate?

They could hire the Clintons or BLM gangsters.

Wow, this is heavy, but it certianly explains alot.


It is kind of fun how you require no proof, no evidence, no nothing to condemn people as guilty
As much as I hate to admit it the RNC/DNC & its profe$$ional politician$ are so corrupt that the American constituency has become to expect them to take bribes, and the bigger the bribe the better as far as status/notereity goes!

They used to have to at least make an effort to hide it. They don't bother any more, they just appoint an AG and have the FBI erase evidence and focus on arresting their political opponents.

Wow, this is heavy, but it certianly explains alot.



American greed - many have proven they are willing to betray citizens and country for money - Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi, Swalwell, Biden, McConnell - even if it means thousands / millions will die and / or the coubtry will fall.

Wow, this is heavy, but it certianly explains alot.


This one is funny...

So the GOP are running for the hills because the crazies did what crazies do...

Totally unfounded wild allegations...

Now the rep who invited the Breger in is walking this shit back big time...

But the crazies are started..

Now it is getting worse for Harris... Toma a Republican Head of AZ senate..
In a statement on Monday, Toma said: "What should have been a joint hearing to examine commonsense election reforms devolved into disgraceful fringe theater.

"I'm not alone in believing that it was irresponsible and bad judgment for Ms. Harris to invite a person to present unsubstantiated and defamatory allegations in a legislative forum."

Keep this going, this a fucking embarrassment for the crazies..
The conspiracy theorists world must be fairly simple... If you don't like something just invent shit about it...

No need for proof or evidence...

So you think TRump was convicted both times, and the FBI didnt get cuaght destroying evidence of Hillary's criminal acts and planting fake evidence of Russian collusion? lol that's cute. You have your idiot claim backwards with your fabrications.

American greed - many have proven they are willing to betray citizens and country for money - Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi, Swalwell, Biden, McConnell - even if it means thousands / millions will die and / or the coubtry will fall.

It is interesting that everyone in Congress seems to become very wealthy after taking office.

Bernie Sanders, the MILLIONAIRE SOCIALIST WITH 3 LAKE HOUSES. :auiqs.jpg: :rolleyes: 🤡

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