Is anyone ready to admit they voted for higher taxes, higher fuel costs and a better life for Mexico’s citizens?

I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.
Yeah, this ain't rocket science.

They come here for the JOBS.

Exactly.... and Trump always employed lots of illegals at his hotels and resorts.

Maybe if we stopped them from coming here.
Aww fuck're more concerned about votes than the American worker.

You keep up the excuses and they keep on coming. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

So why dont dems do anything to stop it?
They dont even try,in fact they open the borders and let em in.
Go ahead and lie and say they dont...we expect it from your type.

They don't pretend to care. You care more about your politics than the problem.

Well thats bullshit.
I'm retired and the only thing I get out of illegals is cheap labor.
Personally I'd rather pay more for American workers.
...not me. I voted for healthcare reform and a higher minimum wage so people can afford our first world economy.
But you want your neighbor who may not be as fortunate as you to pay for it.
No, I want a higher minimum wage to generate more tax revenue and still have more spending money.
What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

Pipe bursts in Atlanta arena causing 4-hour delay in ...
Nov 04, 2020 · Though there have been few reports of widespread issues at the polls, the battleground state of Georgia has been the site of two Election Day snafus. A pipe burst in State Farm Arena in Atlanta on Tuesday morning, causing a four-hour delay in processing election ballots, according to deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs.

Which turned out to be a leaky toilet.
You're one gullible MFer.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Why does it seem like it is always attack businesses, open the borders, and screw American's with people like you? Do you really hate your fellow American's that much?

Why do you support allowing businesses that bring the illegals here to continue to do so? (I've answered the questions concerning my positions and why I hold them)

When did I say I did? See, I asked a simple question and you decided to make up something, and attribute it to me...The height of dishonesty...So, I'll just point to the question you refuse to answer...

I said nothing untruthful.

So, you're going to continue to dodge the question...I'll just assume that you do then hate your fellow American's, or hold what can only be described as some kind of guilt complex over being lucky enough to be born American...

As far as untruthful goes, when you can quote me saying that I support businesses hiring illegal labor, then we can discuss rationally...Until then you are making shit up...

WHen all you can do is make excuses for those who did nothing, you support those things.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.
Yeah, this ain't rocket science.

They come here for the JOBS.

Exactly.... and Trump always employed lots of illegals at his hotels and resorts.

Maybe if we stopped them from coming here.
Aww fuck're more concerned about votes than the American worker.

The only way to protect American workers is to fine the employers who hire illegals.

Or stop them from coming here in the first place.
Are you really claiming biden isnt opening the doors for illegals?
Please tell me you dont believe that.
You'll make it even easier to see what a dishonest fuck you really are.

If employers won't hire them, they won't come.

Its pretty damned simple.
...not me. I voted for healthcare reform and a higher minimum wage so people can afford our first world economy.
But you want your neighbor who may not be as fortunate as you to pay for it.
No, I want a higher minimum wage to generate more tax revenue and still have more spending money.

That you actually think those go together tells me you're a complete moron.
Are you sure there's not a clause in there your missing?
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.

Proving you are a moron. The government spends too much money. That's the problem. We are not undertaxed.

Irrelevant. We aren't going to cut our way out of 27 trillion in debt.
What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

Pipe bursts in Atlanta arena causing 4-hour delay in ...
Nov 04, 2020 · Though there have been few reports of widespread issues at the polls, the battleground state of Georgia has been the site of two Election Day snafus. A pipe burst in State Farm Arena in Atlanta on Tuesday morning, causing a four-hour delay in processing election ballots, according to deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs.

Which turned out to be a leaky toilet.
You're one gullible MFer.

I live here in Fulton County..

Fulton County 'suitcases' during election are ballot ...
Dec 05, 2020 · The counting of those heavily-Democratic absentee ballots did result in a big batch of numbers coming from Fulton County in the 1 a.m. am hour on election night.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.
Yeah, this ain't rocket science.

They come here for the JOBS.

Exactly.... and Trump always employed lots of illegals at his hotels and resorts.

Maybe if we stopped them from coming here.
Aww fuck're more concerned about votes than the American worker.

You keep up the excuses and they keep on coming. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

So why dont dems do anything to stop it?
They dont even try,in fact they open the borders and let em in.
Go ahead and lie and say they dont...we expect it from your type.

They don't pretend to care. You care more about your politics than the problem.

Well thats bullshit.
I'm retired and the only thing I get out of illegals is cheap labor.
Personally I'd rather pay more for American workers.

But you refuse to condemn the politicians you support that do (did) nothing about the problem.
...not me. I voted for healthcare reform and a higher minimum wage so people can afford our first world economy.
But you want your neighbor who may not be as fortunate as you to pay for it.
No, I want a higher minimum wage to generate more tax revenue and still have more spending money.

That you actually think those go together tells me you're a complete moron.
Are you sure there's not a clause in there your missing?
I think right wingers only know how to parrot and project not reason.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.
Yeah, this ain't rocket science.

They come here for the JOBS.

Exactly.... and Trump always employed lots of illegals at his hotels and resorts.

Maybe if we stopped them from coming here.
Aww fuck're more concerned about votes than the American worker.

The only way to protect American workers is to fine the employers who hire illegals.

Or stop them from coming here in the first place.
Are you really claiming biden isnt opening the doors for illegals?
Please tell me you dont believe that.
You'll make it even easier to see what a dishonest fuck you really are.

If employers won't hire them, they won't come.

Its pretty damned simple.'s you thats pretty damn simple.
Show me an establishment politician that will stop business from hiring them.
You wont because you cant.
You support illegals for votes.
What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

Pipe bursts in Atlanta arena causing 4-hour delay in ...
Nov 04, 2020 · Though there have been few reports of widespread issues at the polls, the battleground state of Georgia has been the site of two Election Day snafus. A pipe burst in State Farm Arena in Atlanta on Tuesday morning, causing a four-hour delay in processing election ballots, according to deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs.

Which turned out to be a leaky toilet.
You're one gullible MFer.

I live here in Fulton County..

Fulton County 'suitcases' during election are ballot ...
Dec 05, 2020 · The counting of those heavily-Democratic absentee ballots did result in a big batch of numbers coming from Fulton County in the 1 a.m. am hour on election night.
Mail usually comes in batches. Anything else?
What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...
The fact that morons like you are dying off is the only satisfaction I need.
Every Trump supporter killed off by his Covid lunacy was a net positive for this country.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.
Yeah, this ain't rocket science.

They come here for the JOBS.

Exactly.... and Trump always employed lots of illegals at his hotels and resorts.

Maybe if we stopped them from coming here.
Aww fuck're more concerned about votes than the American worker.

The only way to protect American workers is to fine the employers who hire illegals.

Or stop them from coming here in the first place.
Are you really claiming biden isnt opening the doors for illegals?
Please tell me you dont believe that.
You'll make it even easier to see what a dishonest fuck you really are.

If employers won't hire them, they won't come.

Its pretty damned simple.'s you thats pretty damn simple.
Show me an establishment politician that will stop business from hiring them.
You wont because you cant.
You support illegals for votes.

If you expand E-verify and fine the employers they won't come to the US..

You moron, illegals can't vote.. Only US citizens can vote.. To register to vote in GA you have to present a US Passport or Birth
Certificate or Naturalization Documents.. Do you have a US Passport? It always has your place of birth on the inside cover.
What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

Pipe bursts in Atlanta arena causing 4-hour delay in ...
Nov 04, 2020 · Though there have been few reports of widespread issues at the polls, the battleground state of Georgia has been the site of two Election Day snafus. A pipe burst in State Farm Arena in Atlanta on Tuesday morning, causing a four-hour delay in processing election ballots, according to deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs.

Which turned out to be a leaky toilet.
You're one gullible MFer.

I live here in Fulton County..

Fulton County 'suitcases' during election are ballot ...
Dec 05, 2020 · The counting of those heavily-Democratic absentee ballots did result in a big batch of numbers coming from Fulton County in the 1 a.m. am hour on election night.
Mail usually comes in batches. Anything else?

They held mail in ballots.. They were ballot boxes NOT suitcases.

Can't you read?

Fulton County 'suitcases' during election are ballot ...
Dec 05, 2020 · The counting of those heavily-Democratic absentee ballots did result in a big batch of numbers coming from Fulton County in the 1 a.m. am hour on election night.
What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

What was the trade-off for you?
Was it a friendly tone?
Was it a better healthcare plan?
Was it the legal weed?
Was it the promise to vilify whitey?

There were, I think, 13 Democrats who ran for president. Any one of them would have been a better choice than the orange abortion.

Think about this...

Go to GA, AZ, PA, WI, MI and look at the margins Trump lost by...
Now go look up the total Covid deaths by 11/3
You'll note the deaths and loss numbers line up pretty closely
Now remember that most Covid victims are older and likely Trump voters...

That's right numbnuts! Trump, with your help, beat himself by killing his own voters.

How funny is that?!?!?!
Yeah it was pretty amazing how at 4am all those margins swung from President Trump to the Super Predator Joe Biden even when all the counting had stopped..Wink..Wink... Maybe if you dumbfucks stopped aborting babies in the hundreds of thousands a year, you could actually win an election without cheating....Nah, you "blackies" kill each other off in the inner cites, thus reducing the voting base again...

Pipe bursts in Atlanta arena causing 4-hour delay in ...
Nov 04, 2020 · Though there have been few reports of widespread issues at the polls, the battleground state of Georgia has been the site of two Election Day snafus. A pipe burst in State Farm Arena in Atlanta on Tuesday morning, causing a four-hour delay in processing election ballots, according to deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs.

Which turned out to be a leaky toilet.
You're one gullible MFer.

I live here in Fulton County..

Fulton County 'suitcases' during election are ballot ...
Dec 05, 2020 · The counting of those heavily-Democratic absentee ballots did result in a big batch of numbers coming from Fulton County in the 1 a.m. am hour on election night.
Mail usually comes in batches. Anything else?

They held mail in ballots.. They were ballot boxes NOT suitcases.

Can't you read?

Fulton County 'suitcases' during election are ballot ...
Dec 05, 2020 · The counting of those heavily-Democratic absentee ballots did result in a big batch of numbers coming from Fulton County in the 1 a.m. am hour on election night.
Mail still comes in batches, which are then placed in the appropriate containers. All you have is gossip, hearsay, and soothsay not any valid evidence of impropriety.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.
Yeah, this ain't rocket science.

They come here for the JOBS.

Exactly.... and Trump always employed lots of illegals at his hotels and resorts.

Maybe if we stopped them from coming here.
Aww fuck're more concerned about votes than the American worker.

You keep up the excuses and they keep on coming. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

So why dont dems do anything to stop it?
They dont even try,in fact they open the borders and let em in.
Go ahead and lie and say they dont...we expect it from your type.

They don't pretend to care. You care more about your politics than the problem.

Well thats bullshit.
I'm retired and the only thing I get out of illegals is cheap labor.
Personally I'd rather pay more for American workers.

But you refuse to condemn the politicians you support that do (did) nothing about the problem.

So you're saying Trump did nothing?
So why did you cry and scream like a little bitch about the wall?
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.
Yeah, this ain't rocket science.

They come here for the JOBS.

Exactly.... and Trump always employed lots of illegals at his hotels and resorts.

Maybe if we stopped them from coming here.
Aww fuck're more concerned about votes than the American worker.

You keep up the excuses and they keep on coming. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

So why dont dems do anything to stop it?
They dont even try,in fact they open the borders and let em in.
Go ahead and lie and say they dont...we expect it from your type.

They don't pretend to care. You care more about your politics than the problem.

Well thats bullshit.
I'm retired and the only thing I get out of illegals is cheap labor.
Personally I'd rather pay more for American workers.

But you refuse to condemn the politicians you support that do (did) nothing about the problem.

So you're saying Trump did nothing?
So why did you cry and scream like a little bitch about the wall?

He built a handful of new miles which stopped nothing and did nothing to address the problem. Now you are going to pay for it.
...not me. I voted for healthcare reform and a higher minimum wage so people can afford our first world economy.
But you want your neighbor who may not be as fortunate as you to pay for it.
No, I want a higher minimum wage to generate more tax revenue and still have more spending money.

That you actually think those go together tells me you're a complete moron.
Are you sure there's not a clause in there your missing?
I think right wingers only know how to parrot and project not reason.

You should probably quote a clause....ya fucken retard.
I've long argued that we need to raise taxes to address our debt. I don't understand why so many are willing to be such deadbeats.

I'm long argued to either address the businesses hiring illegals OR make the illegals, legal so that the business can't get around paying them less than a legal wage.

Gas will do what the markets want to do.
You are nuts if you believe any of the taxation will be used to even slow debt growth. They will just spend faster. It would be like asking a crack addict to take your money to the bank. It really doesn't make sense that they wouldn't blow the tax dollars. Killing our energy sector and relying on foreign countries sure won't help our fuel costs. Even if Washington and businesses want illegal immigration, rolling back Trump's efforts at border security isn't good for anyone, the caravan is coming.

It's up to us how it's spent. I argued for years for Trump to do something about the illegals working here. He didn't so now you really have little room to complain.
no one has done a dam thing about the illegals working here.....

No doubt. Now they will likely be legal by the millions. The end result is all the same to me. Business no longer being able to take advantage of illegal labor.

But fucking over the American worker is just fine and dandy with leftist.

That's what the businesses hiring the illegals are doing. How long should we continue to look the other way?

Blame the establishment,otherwise known as the deep state.
I hear both sides constituents calling for higher penalties for hiring illegals yet none of our politicians lift a finger to make it happen.
The next best thing is to stop em at the border. Which of course is the last thing biden has in mind.
And in his case it's about votes because he sure as hell doesnt care about the American worker.

I'm not interested. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

You're not interested in saving jobs for Americans.
Got it.

Lash out at the facts all you want. It changes nothing.

And what facts did you lay down?

I've made the argument 500 times.

So nothing new under the sun.

No, no there isn't. We will continue to ignore the actual issue. Employers.

Like dems have done for decades.

Like both parties have done.

So tell me.
Who's the only person thats tried to do something to stop the flow?

That would be no one.
Can not tell even one truth.

I noted for a long time that ignoring the issue (employers) would lead to where we are and here we are.

Well no shit Sherlock.
If we cant get the politicians to enforce the rules nothing will change.
And who tried to go about stopping the can start lying now.

No one. So here we are.

You sure are predictable.
So what do you think biden will do other than welcome millions of more illegals?
You're free to start lying again.

I've addressed that already. Yes, that is what he is going to do. I predicted this months ago. And here we are.

But Trump tried to stop it.

Just stop it. He did absolutely NOTHING about those hiring illegals. Nothing.

So you obviously support the mass immigration of illegals by voting for biden.
You're free to start lying again.

I fully support what is going to happen. Millions of illegal workers are going to be made legal. That will be a temporary positive as the businesses will be forced to pay them a legal wage. Sooner or later millions of more illegals will stream in taking their jobs. They will then have to file for welfare.

Or we could have done the right thing and went after the businesses bringing people in and employing them illegally. People like yourself preferred excuses.

And here we are.

Fining employers who hire illegals is the ONLY way to stop illegals.
Yeah, this ain't rocket science.

They come here for the JOBS.

Exactly.... and Trump always employed lots of illegals at his hotels and resorts.

Maybe if we stopped them from coming here.
Aww fuck're more concerned about votes than the American worker.

You keep up the excuses and they keep on coming. As long as the jobs are here they will come.

So why dont dems do anything to stop it?
They dont even try,in fact they open the borders and let em in.
Go ahead and lie and say they dont...we expect it from your type.

They don't pretend to care. You care more about your politics than the problem.

Well thats bullshit.
I'm retired and the only thing I get out of illegals is cheap labor.
Personally I'd rather pay more for American workers.

But you refuse to condemn the politicians you support that do (did) nothing about the problem.

So you're saying Trump did nothing?
So why did you cry and scream like a little bitch about the wall?

He built a handful of new miles which stopped nothing and did nothing to address the problem. Now you are going to pay for it.

He built 453 miles of wall.

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