Is Anybody On Here Going To Vote For Biden?

Oh-oh…leftist ^^^ is angry he was called out on his mistake.

Of course, NOTHING compares to the idiocy of voting for Biden.

Even after everything that he's done to our country? I mean, Trump said it himself last night. What's with this bill to secure our country?

When he (Trump) was our president there was no bill as he wasn't costing the American people a cent when it came to securing our country. Okay, so maybe he was using funds from our US military but they're all about defending our country in the first place so I'm sure that it didn't bother them.

The border is just one of the major issues with our country right now as we have to start drilling again as well so gasoline prices and inflation can go way down and start getting back to normal.

(Btw, I was going to make this a poll but I can't find that option on my phone just the chat room. 😕)
I'm a Republican
So I'll vote for biden 8 times in 3 states.
Of course, if it's Trump, 60% will vote for Biden.
Why? 60% didn’t vote for Trump last time, and since then Biden has become so demented he’s deemed unfit for trial, a million illegals are swarming in ever three months and taking away resources, there are two wars raging, and people are struggling to buy groceries.
It's starting to look like Biden won't be the nominee. Although with Super Tuesday weeks away, they would have to make the switch pretty quick.
"We're really wishing Biden wasn't the DEMS nominee cause he will kick Trump's ass again."

Fixed it for you. You're welcome.
"We're really wishing Biden wasn't the DEMS nominee cause he will kick Trump's ass again."

Fixed it for you. You're welcome.
I hold on to the hope that Americans haven’t descended so low that they fall for the media lies and vote for a demented old man who is being manipulated by Obama to continue the destruction of the nation. I believe that 30% of Americans are that bad, like you, but the majority are not.

Polls show that Biden has lost one-third of the blacks and half of the Hispanics. No way he can win with numbers like that.
Besides the fact that our country is currently facing World War III? Well we might not currently be in any wars but what's happening in the middle east right now never would have happened under Trump.

It was happening during all four years of Trump. The Houthi’s were there and killing people. The Palestinians were launching rockets at Israel weekly. You may want to believe that they were not doing anything in fear of Trump. But that just isn’t the case.

The Russians were in Ukraine fighting with the Ukrainians. They built a bridge to complete their claim on part of it.

Trump accomplished a lot of nothing. He got the NAFTA treaty renamed to USMCA. But not much else.
It was happening during all four years of Trump. The Houthi’s were there and killing people. The Palestinians were launching rockets at Israel weekly. You may want to believe that they were not doing anything in fear of Trump. But that just isn’t the case.

The Russians were in Ukraine fighting with the Ukrainians. They built a bridge to complete their claim on part of it.

Trump accomplished a lot of nothing. He got the NAFTA treaty renamed to USMCA. But not much else.
He did get the billionaires their much needed tax cuts.
It was happening during all four years of Trump. The Houthi’s were there and killing people. The Palestinians were launching rockets at Israel weekly. You may want to believe that they were not doing anything in fear of Trump. But that just isn’t the case.

The Russians were in Ukraine fighting with the Ukrainians. They built a bridge to complete their claim on part of it.

Trump accomplished a lot of nothing. He got the NAFTA treaty renamed to USMCA. But not much else.

how long b4 she clicks on the 'fake news' button?
Oh-oh…leftist ^^^ is angry he was called out on his mistake.

Of course, NOTHING compares to the idiocy of voting for Biden.
What’s up with the grammar police? Is the economy so good your left with know issues two discuss accept grammar problems that you sea on a message bored?

Which is ok to do so.

Yeah, sure, whatever you say. :rolleyes:

Ohhhh. So we are fighting world war 3 in your head.

I didn't say that. I said we're getting close to World War III and you know it.

Of course, if it's Trump, 60% will vote for Biden.

Yeah sure, believe whatever you want to believe then.

I'm a Republican
So I'll vote for biden 8 times in 3 states.

That's an oxymoron and not even legal.
I'm voting for Biden. Because what a bunch of trump worshipping clowns imagine is not really what has been going on. Biden has done a great job. And his age doesn't mean squat. Kennedy was young and he died in office.

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