Is America's War Against Russia Bankrupting America?

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Is there any other reason that would be more logical than the expenditure on the war being the reason why banks are failing?

Maybe it's time to end the war and allow America and Russia to fight another day?

Or is this war the last opportunity for America to establish uncontested world power?
Some economists are saying that the spending on the war can't be sustained and so a facesaving solution must be found.

But very few are accepting my theory that this war, if fought to victory for either America or Russia, has to be the final war to establish world supremacy.

The theory also includes China in that China alone without Russia can't succeed against America. While China/Russia is almost certainly the eventual winner of the title.
Our worldwide imperialism has been slowly bankrupting us for most of my life.
I wouldn't doubt that but still, it's been enormously successful for the very wealthy.

Consider that even the Iraq war wasn't a bad adventure for America in that America still controls a large portion of Iraq's oil wealth.

Is there any other reason that would be more logical than the expenditure on the war being the reason why banks are failing?

Maybe it's time to end the war and allow America and Russia to fight another day?

Or is this war the last opportunity for America to establish uncontested world power?
You tell us, duck. Seems Canada is the country with boots on the ground in Ukraine--or are you trying to say that Canada takes its marching orders from the US?
Canada absolutely takes it marching orders from DC, such is indisputable truth!
That needs to be qualified.
America's politicians would deny it on the basis of America claiming that it doesn't issue marching orders to any other countries. It's vitally important that it be accepted that Nato issues marching orders.
And then with the Iraq war, neither America or Nato took precedence over the fact that the UN didn't accept America's demands for war.

Fwiw, neither America or Canada or any other Nato country is involved in the Ukraine in an official capacity of taking part in combat against Russia, and likely never will be on account of the need for taking precautions to avoid nuclear war.

As of now, mercenary soldiers from America and likely all Nato countries are involved in a 'combat' capacity in the Ukraine.

Russia so far accepts those mercenary soldiers on the basis of it being within the mutually agreed upon rules of the war.
That needs to be qualified.
America's politicians would deny it on the basis of America claiming that it doesn't issue marching orders to any other countries. It's vitally important that it be accepted that Nato issues marching orders.
And then with the Iraq war, neither America or Nato took precedence over the fact that the UN didn't accept America's demands for war.

Fwiw, neither America or Canada or any other Nato country is involved in the Ukraine in an official capacity of taking part in combat against Russia, and likely never will be on account of the need for taking precautions to avoid nuclear war.

As of now, mercenary soldiers from America and likely all Nato countries are involved in a 'combat' capacity in the Ukraine.

Russia so far accepts those mercenary soldiers on the basis of it being within the mutually agreed upon rules of the war.
The United States is Nato!
That needs to be qualified.
America's politicians would deny it on the basis of America claiming that it doesn't issue marching orders to any other countries. It's vitally important that it be accepted that Nato issues marching orders.
And then with the Iraq war, neither America or Nato took precedence over the fact that the UN didn't accept America's demands for war.

Fwiw, neither America or Canada or any other Nato country is involved in the Ukraine in an official capacity of taking part in combat against Russia, and likely never will be on account of the need for taking precautions to avoid nuclear war.

As of now, mercenary soldiers from America and likely all Nato countries are involved in a 'combat' capacity in the Ukraine.

Russia so far accepts those mercenary soldiers on the basis of it being within the mutually agreed upon rules of the war.
You Canucks couldn't handle a $12 hobby balloon without our help. But do go on, it's entertaining in a really pathetic way.
Far more worried about the death of any kind of moral hazard, with central banks basically telling the top 1% (or so) they can turn the banking & financial system into casinos and we'll just expand the central bank's balance sheets until bondholders realize the jig is up and that their bonds are gonna be worthless.
Is there any other reason that would be more logical than the expenditure on the war being the reason why banks are failing?

It should be painful to be this stupid.

Maybe it's time to end the war and allow America and Russia to fight another day?

Or is this war the last opportunity for America to establish uncontested world power?
Russia is being bankrupted. Russia is a paper tiger and has run out of armaments and lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

We are gaining a lot at a very cheap price.

We have two new NATO members as well!

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