Irreducible complexity

Atheists will try to tell us that this is not a valid argument. Let's apply this argument to something modern and concrete. The automobile. In its simplest form, it is irreducibly complex.
Fuel Injector
Spark Plug
If your attempt is to discredit evolution you picked a poor example. Each device you outlined came through long evolutionary changes starting with the invention of the wheel. Your example illustrates evolution in technology which is contrary to your attempt to discredit evolution.

Idiot. You just shot yourself in the foot. Cars do not evolve. They are designed and built by intelligent people. Lolol

He stated that the car benefited from Intelligent Design, no?
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Atheists will try to tell us that this is not a valid argument. Let's apply this argument to something modern and concrete. The automobile. In its simplest form, it is irreducibly complex.

So you want to turn your car on? Obviously, this is the big boy you're going to need to get everything going.

Another important part of any car. How are you going to keep the fun rolling without these?

Having trusty brakes is essential to driving a safe car. When you start to hear those things squeak at red lights, it might be time to head into the shop and get some new ones.

These are best when they're pumping smoothly and quickly. Built to handle all those gasoline explosions, these are where your car gets its horses.

Fuel Injector
The successor to the carburetor, this little thing gets the gas from the fuel tank into the engine.

The radiator is part of the system that keeps your car's engine from overheating. Here, the engine coolant has time to give off heat into the air before it goes back into the engine to pick up...more heat.

Here's where the power turns into movement. The transmission takes the energy generated in the engine and transmits it to the connected wheels.

Spark Plug
The spark plug is what you use to get the car started. It uses an electric spark to ignite fuel in the engine's ignition chamber.

Now, can anyone tell me which part you can remove and still have a car that you would trust your life in? Take your time. I'll wait.
It's so far beyond that! There are 2,000 proteins in any simple cell, the odds of them randomly banging together to create a FUNCTIONAL CELL is a number 5,700 zeros to 1.

Life didn't happen by accident!
Both these arguments fail because the underlying assumption is flawed. While a car and a cell may be complex, transportation and life both had simpler beginnings. Cave men didn't build cars but they did invent the wheel which evolved over time into cars. The same thing is true of life. Economics and warfare were forces that drove the evolution of the car and natural selection drove the evolution of life.
Atheists will try to tell us that this is not a valid argument. Let's apply this argument to something modern and concrete. The automobile. In its simplest form, it is irreducibly complex.
Fuel Injector
Spark Plug
If your attempt is to discredit evolution you picked a poor example. Each device you outlined came through long evolutionary changes starting with the invention of the wheel. Your example illustrates evolution in technology which is contrary to your attempt to discredit evolution.

Idiot. You just shot yourself in the foot. Cars do not evolve. They are designed and built by intelligent people. Lolol

He stated that the car benefited from Intelligent Design., no?
That was my point. Cars did not evolve.
So now God created the automobile is there anything he doesn't take credit for?
Yes, since he created man and woman, he still doesn't get the bi, gay, transgender, hermaphrodite.

I won't try and convince you that the bi, gay, and transgenders are born that way. But a hermaphrodite is someone who has the genitalia of both sexes. If he created that, why wouldn't he get it?
Apparently he didn't-which is the point.
Atheists will try to tell us that this is not a valid argument. Let's apply this argument to something modern and concrete. The automobile. In its simplest form, it is irreducibly complex.
Fuel Injector
Spark Plug
If your attempt is to discredit evolution you picked a poor example. Each device you outlined came through long evolutionary changes starting with the invention of the wheel. Your example illustrates evolution in technology which is contrary to your attempt to discredit evolution.

Idiot. You just shot yourself in the foot. Cars do not evolve. They are designed and built by intelligent people. Lolol

He stated that the car benefited from Intelligent Design., no?
That was my point. Cars did not evolve.

Your point was that cars are complex and you could not have one without the list of items you posted. And that was shown to be absolutely untrue.
So now God created the automobile is there anything he doesn't take credit for?
Yes, since he created man and woman, he still doesn't get the bi, gay, transgender, hermaphrodite.

I won't try and convince you that the bi, gay, and transgenders are born that way. But a hermaphrodite is someone who has the genitalia of both sexes. If he created that, why wouldn't he get it?
Apparently he didn't-which is the point.

He didn't?
Atheists will try to tell us that this is not a valid argument. Let's apply this argument to something modern and concrete. The automobile. In its simplest form, it is irreducibly complex.
Fuel Injector
Spark Plug
If your attempt is to discredit evolution you picked a poor example. Each device you outlined came through long evolutionary changes starting with the invention of the wheel. Your example illustrates evolution in technology which is contrary to your attempt to discredit evolution.

Idiot. You just shot yourself in the foot. Cars do not evolve. They are designed and built by intelligent people. Lolol

He stated that the car benefited from Intelligent Design., no?
That was my point. Cars did not evolve.

From the Ford Pinto to the Fusion, yes, they did evolve.
Idiot. You just shot yourself in the foot. Cars do not evolve. They are designed and built by intelligent people. Lolol
I didn't say the car evolved; I said the technology evolves. One endpoint of current technology is the car.

Why do you only look at cars? Why not look at the entire line of transportation? Start with riding animals, move to using carts and wagons, and end up with the most modern and technologically advanced modes of transportation.
I agree, but the OP was specifically about the car.

Atheists will try to tell us that this is not a valid argument. Let's apply this argument to something modern and concrete. The automobile. In its simplest form, it is irreducibly complex.

So you want to turn your car on? Obviously, this is the big boy you're going to need to get everything going.

Another important part of any car. How are you going to keep the fun rolling without these?

Having trusty brakes is essential to driving a safe car. When you start to hear those things squeak at red lights, it might be time to head into the shop and get some new ones.

These are best when they're pumping smoothly and quickly. Built to handle all those gasoline explosions, these are where your car gets its horses.

Fuel Injector
The successor to the carburetor, this little thing gets the gas from the fuel tank into the engine.

The radiator is part of the system that keeps your car's engine from overheating. Here, the engine coolant has time to give off heat into the air before it goes back into the engine to pick up...more heat.

Here's where the power turns into movement. The transmission takes the energy generated in the engine and transmits it to the connected wheels.

Spark Plug
The spark plug is what you use to get the car started. It uses an electric spark to ignite fuel in the engine's ignition chamber.

Now, can anyone tell me which part you can remove and still have a car that you would trust your life in? Take your time. I'll wait.
Lol, take the battery off and put on a hand crank like Henry Ford did.

Even funnier for your silly little failed analogy is the fact that battery powered starters are part of the evolution of the modern automobile.

Regardless of which one you use, it is required to start the car. OOPS!

Don't know much about cars do you.
OK genius. How would you start a car without a crank or a battery?

I'd ask your ALL POWERFUL GOD but according to you he has limited powers and needs science and mechanics to actually get anything done.
Idiot. You just shot yourself in the foot. Cars do not evolve. They are designed and built by intelligent people. Lolol
I didn't say the car evolved; I said the technology evolves. One endpoint of current technology is the car.


Does the technology evolve by Intelligent Design or by car parts randomly throwing themselves against each other?
Idiot. You just shot yourself in the foot. Cars do not evolve. They are designed and built by intelligent people. Lolol
I didn't say the car evolved; I said the technology evolves. One endpoint of current technology is the car.

Which was the result of intelligent design.

That's right. Man's intelligent design; not God's.
Man's ability to evolve more complex tools and other devices came with his evolving intelligence and understanding of science. Man and his use of tools evolved together.

And THAT is exactly what atheists want, more than anything else. A world without God. They'll get their wish, someday. In hell. Fools!

How about you muster some respect - even for those with whom you disagree? Wouldn't that be a good idea? After all, in case them atheists "repent," we were taught there will be more joy over them than over you, the perennially righteous.

Next, a "world without God" isn't what "atheists want"; rather it is the reality atheists accept as a given, absent evidence to the contrary.

And finally, how can you assume to know about Her final judgment? Isn't that a tad impertinent towards Her?
And THAT is exactly what atheists want, more than anything else. A world without God. They'll get their wish, someday. In hell. Fools!

How about you muster some respect - even for those with whom you disagree? Wouldn't that be a good idea? After all, in case them atheists "repent," we were taught there will be more joy over them than over you, the perennially righteous.

Next, a "world without God" isn't what "atheists want"; rather it is the reality atheists accept as a given, absent evidence to the contrary.

And finally, how can you assume to know about Her final judgment? Isn't that a tad impertinent towards Her?
I was referring to atheists as a group. My comment was not directed at any individual. There is no such thing as an atheist. The Bible specifically states that they will be without excuse. And I was not being disrespectful to anyone. I was simply telling the truth.
And THAT is exactly what atheists want, more than anything else. A world without God. They'll get their wish, someday. In hell. Fools!

How about you muster some respect - even for those with whom you disagree? Wouldn't that be a good idea? After all, in case them atheists "repent," we were taught there will be more joy over them than over you, the perennially righteous.

Next, a "world without God" isn't what "atheists want"; rather it is the reality atheists accept as a given, absent evidence to the contrary.

And finally, how can you assume to know about Her final judgment? Isn't that a tad impertinent towards Her?
I was referring to atheists as a group. My comment was not directed at any individual. There is no such thing as an atheist. The Bible specifically states that they will be without excuse. And I was not being disrespectful to anyone. I was simply telling the truth.

No such thing as an atheist? lol You are quite wrong about that.
Atheists will try to tell us that this is not a valid argument. Let's apply this argument to something modern and concrete. The automobile. In its simplest form, it is irreducibly complex.

So you want to turn your car on? Obviously, this is the big boy you're going to need to get everything going.

Another important part of any car. How are you going to keep the fun rolling without these?

Having trusty brakes is essential to driving a safe car. When you start to hear those things squeak at red lights, it might be time to head into the shop and get some new ones.

These are best when they're pumping smoothly and quickly. Built to handle all those gasoline explosions, these are where your car gets its horses.

Fuel Injector
The successor to the carburetor, this little thing gets the gas from the fuel tank into the engine.

The radiator is part of the system that keeps your car's engine from overheating. Here, the engine coolant has time to give off heat into the air before it goes back into the engine to pick up...more heat.

Here's where the power turns into movement. The transmission takes the energy generated in the engine and transmits it to the connected wheels.

Spark Plug
The spark plug is what you use to get the car started. It uses an electric spark to ignite fuel in the engine's ignition chamber.

Now, can anyone tell me which part you can remove and still have a car that you would trust your life in? Take your time. I'll wait.
You can remove the spark plugs and fuel injectors and still have a perfectly working vehicle
Atheists will try to tell us that this is not a valid argument. Let's apply this argument to something modern and concrete. The automobile. In its simplest form, it is irreducibly complex.

So you want to turn your car on? Obviously, this is the big boy you're going to need to get everything going.

Another important part of any car. How are you going to keep the fun rolling without these?

Having trusty brakes is essential to driving a safe car. When you start to hear those things squeak at red lights, it might be time to head into the shop and get some new ones.

These are best when they're pumping smoothly and quickly. Built to handle all those gasoline explosions, these are where your car gets its horses.

Fuel Injector
The successor to the carburetor, this little thing gets the gas from the fuel tank into the engine.

The radiator is part of the system that keeps your car's engine from overheating. Here, the engine coolant has time to give off heat into the air before it goes back into the engine to pick up...more heat.

Here's where the power turns into movement. The transmission takes the energy generated in the engine and transmits it to the connected wheels.

Spark Plug
The spark plug is what you use to get the car started. It uses an electric spark to ignite fuel in the engine's ignition chamber.

Now, can anyone tell me which part you can remove and still have a car that you would trust your life in? Take your time. I'll wait.
You can remove the spark plugs and fuel injectors and still have a perfectly working vehicle

Funny how he stopped talking about the irreducible-complexity of the automobile, isn't it?

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