Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!

“I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank. “

I don't see where Obama claims Bush will end the war or that he will try and keep troops there over 3 years later... if elected President.

It's almost like he lied and the bots are defending him.

Looking at his quote not only did Obama lie that he would bring the troops home as now he is blaming Bush for that (so are all of you) but he said it will be the first thing he does.... I don't think the first thing Obama did was pull the troops out of Iraq.

It's a bitch to rewrite history as it's happening. :lol:

I think we have quite a bit of re-writing history going on here. You're right. Obama made a pledge during the 2008 campaign he couldn't keep, but he tried to tie it together by taking credit for getting the troops out.
But then, we also have some folks discarding Bush heavy involvement with the troops.
We are having a rewriting-of-history-a-rama!

This article covers it all, even though Red State came out with a recent article contradicting themselves from the linked article. Even they are rewriting history!:lol:
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush's schedule, not Obama's | RedState

LOL It's mighty risky to publish that stuff right now. New developments could make them look might silly. :lol:
Stop lying libs.

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”

Yazidi refugee crisis steps up with thousands fleeing into Syria as Obama arms Kurdish forces against ISIS | Mail Online

Iraq Wants the U.S. Out

BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.
Mr. Maliki spoke with The Wall Street Journal in a two-hour interview, his first since Iraq ended nine months of stalemate and seated a new government after an inconclusive election, allowing Mr. Maliki to begin a second term as premier.
A majority of Iraqis—and some Iraqi and U.S. officials—have assumed the U.S. troop presence would eventually be extended, especially after the long government limbo. But Mr. Maliki was eager to draw a line in his most definitive remarks on the subject. "The last American soldier will leave Iraq" as agreed, he said, speaking at his office in a leafy section of Baghdad's protected Green Zone. "This agreement is not subject to extension, not subject to alteration. It is sealed."
Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

The bottom line is that Maliki could not get the backing of the Iraqi Parliament (including his own Shiite faction) to extend the troops.
It doesn't matter what McCain and Graham said, those two weren't ever going to change Iraq's Parliament's mind. If Maliki couldn't change their mind, what makes you think two senators from a foreign country could?

The offer dropped to 3,000 troops remaining. It wasn't worth it to Maliki. Bottom line is that a deal should have been hammered out no matter how long it took.

And when Iraq was asking for airstrikes against ISIS last year, Obama refused.

So here we are.

The deal was never going to be hammered out, there was absolutely no support on the Iraqi side.
One of the main reasons the ISIS spilled over into Iraq and gathered a ton of Sunni support is that Maliki basically shut out the Sunnis within the Iraqi government.
Obama gave Maliki a choice, start bringing Sunnis into his government and stop persecuting the Sunni and he'd get US help or don't bring the Sunnis back into the fold and don't get any American help.
Maliki chose to keep things as they were, Maliki is responsible for not getting US help.
Lets look at some facts Obama was against the Iraq war from the start Obama campaigned on ending the Iraq and getting all U.S. troops out in 2008 in 2012 he touted ending the Iraq war and bringing the troops home as one of his major accomplishments and now that Iraq has gone to hell in a hand basket after all U.S. troops left Obama and his supporters want to claim that Obama didn't want to bring all the troops that was Maliki and Bush. Careful you don't step in the bull shit people.
So under Obama the USA just takes dictation from foreign leader even where we spilled our blood.

Never thought I'd live to see the USA brought down so low
How many times on these threads have USMB right wingers said "Obama's decision to leave blah blah blah......"?

How many times have we posted links with Maliki telling us keeping troops in Iraq was NOT an option????

What is it that Right wingers don't get?

We couldn't stay.

That was the agreement.

And why couldn't we agree to stay? Because Maliki wanted US troops under Iraqi law. US troops could be prosecuted on a whim. That would never happen. Think about the disaster that would cause our soldiers.

They wouldn't back down because they wanted us gone.

Iraq wanted us gone.

Iraq didn't want us there.

We couldn't stay past the agreement they made with Bush.

Is this so hard to understand? Seriously?

I used to sell cars.

And the difference between a deal and one that's no deal is often very slight.

If Obama had merely TRIED to hammer out a SOFA what would the result have been?

You don't know.

But we know what happened if he didn't try.


So, why didn't he at least TRY?
So under Obama the USA just takes dictation from foreign leader even where we spilled our blood.

Never thought I'd live to see the USA brought down so low

It was the US' choice to go into Iraq uninvited and under false pretenses and 'spill blood'.
Why does that give you eternal rights to make decisions over a sovereign country?
It's a complete lie that Maliki wanted all the troops gone.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said opponents are lying when they say the Iraqi government did not want a continued troop presence in the country when U.S. combat missions ended in 2011.

The Arizona senator has blamed the current militant Sunni uprising in Iraq on the failure of the United States to secure a status of forces agreement in 2011.

He said some Democrats are trying to explain that away by inaccurately claiming the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not want troops to remain.

"Opponents and those who want to justify this colossal failure that has caused the greatest threat to United States's national security since the end of the Cold War, they're trying to justify it by saying that Maliki didn't want American troops there," he told PBS on Wednesday night.

McCain: Opponents lying about Iraq history | TheHill

But what about those pesky Maliki quotes saying that he doesn't want US troops in Iraq?

Playing politics. Just like we do in the west. Oh and after the deal fell thru of course he would take the stance that he never wanted the troops to stay to save face.
fuck you playing politics. Maliki is Bushes boy all the way. Bush mentored him.
furthermore He was pushing the other ethic groups out.

Iraq Wants the U.S. Out

BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.
Mr. Maliki spoke with The Wall Street Journal in a two-hour interview, his first since Iraq ended nine months of stalemate and seated a new government after an inconclusive election, allowing Mr. Maliki to begin a second term as premier.
A majority of Iraqis—and some Iraqi and U.S. officials—have assumed the U.S. troop presence would eventually be extended, especially after the long government limbo. But Mr. Maliki was eager to draw a line in his most definitive remarks on the subject. "The last American soldier will leave Iraq" as agreed, he said, speaking at his office in a leafy section of Baghdad's protected Green Zone. "This agreement is not subject to extension, not subject to alteration. It is sealed."
Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

The bottom line is that Maliki could not get the backing of the Iraqi Parliament (including his own Shiite faction) to extend the troops.
It doesn't matter what McCain and Graham said, those two weren't ever going to change Iraq's Parliament's mind. If Maliki couldn't change their mind, what makes you think two senators from a foreign country could?

The offer dropped to 3,000 troops remaining. It wasn't worth it to Maliki. Bottom line is that a deal should have been hammered out no matter how long it took.

And when Iraq was asking for airstrikes against ISIS last year, Obama refused.

So here we are.

The deal was never going to be hammered out, there was absolutely no support on the Iraqi side.
One of the main reasons the ISIS spilled over into Iraq and gathered a ton of Sunni support is that Maliki basically shut out the Sunnis within the Iraqi government.
Obama gave Maliki a choice, start bringing Sunnis into his government and stop persecuting the Sunni and he'd get US help or don't bring the Sunnis back into the fold and don't get any American help.
Maliki chose to keep things as they were, Maliki is responsible for not getting US help.

Oh cut the bloody crap that this is about Sunni disenfranchisement. That's a pantload.

Obama has absolutely fucked up because he and other western leaders wanted Assad deposed by any means possible including ISIS growing in power and stature to become the wealthiest terror army on the planet.

Iraq asked for air strikes last year against ISIS. Obama owns this bloody mess in Iraq.
“I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank. “

I don't see where Obama claims Bush will end the war or that he will try and keep troops there over 3 years later... if elected President.

It's almost like he lied and the bots are defending him.

Looking at his quote not only did Obama lie that he would bring the troops home as now he is blaming Bush for that (so are all of you) but he said it will be the first thing he does.... I don't think the first thing Obama did was pull the troops out of Iraq.

It's a bitch to rewrite history as it's happening. :lol:

I think we have quite a bit of re-writing history going on here. You're right. Obama made a pledge during the 2008 campaign he couldn't keep, but he tried to tie it together by taking credit for getting the troops out.
But then, we also have some folks discarding Bush heavy involvement with the troops leaving.
We are having a rewriting-of-history-a-rama!

This article covers it all, even though Red State came out with a recent article contradicting themselves from the linked article. Even they are rewriting history!:lol:
Iraq War ends on Bush’s schedule, not Obama’s
Iraq War ends on Bush's schedule, not Obama's | RedState

I don't think a single person is saying Bush didn't have a part in troops leaving Iraq. I have on these boards for years now been saying Bush ended the war, that Obama tried to keep the US there and that the Democrat voters are now part of the biggest war party... Liberals claim Obama ended the war because it ended under his watch, now these same people claim it was Bush's fault.... making the issue about why Obama failed to deliver on his promise to end the war if it ended because of Bush, and why Obama took credit for ending the war when it ended and Obama bots gave it to him.
Interesting that the media are even turning on Obama.

RICH LOWRY: But even if everyone with the best intentions prevails in Baghdad, they're going to still need massive help from the United States. And the fact is if you read the best reporting about what happened when we're negotiating with the Iraqis, whether we’d have a residual force, there was zero interest really in the administration in cutting that deal.

And he bragged about how he ended the war because we had completely eliminated our involvement in Iraq and that’s turned out to be a disaster.

Iraq Wants the U.S. Out

BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.
Mr. Maliki spoke with The Wall Street Journal in a two-hour interview, his first since Iraq ended nine months of stalemate and seated a new government after an inconclusive election, allowing Mr. Maliki to begin a second term as premier.
A majority of Iraqis—and some Iraqi and U.S. officials—have assumed the U.S. troop presence would eventually be extended, especially after the long government limbo. But Mr. Maliki was eager to draw a line in his most definitive remarks on the subject. "The last American soldier will leave Iraq" as agreed, he said, speaking at his office in a leafy section of Baghdad's protected Green Zone. "This agreement is not subject to extension, not subject to alteration. It is sealed."
Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

The bottom line is that Maliki could not get the backing of the Iraqi Parliament (including his own Shiite faction) to extend the troops.
It doesn't matter what McCain and Graham said, those two weren't ever going to change Iraq's Parliament's mind. If Maliki couldn't change their mind, what makes you think two senators from a foreign country could?

The offer dropped to 3,000 troops remaining. It wasn't worth it to Maliki. Bottom line is that a deal should have been hammered out no matter how long it took.

And when Iraq was asking for airstrikes against ISIS last year, Obama refused.

So here we are.

The deal was never going to be hammered out, there was absolutely no support on the Iraqi side.
One of the main reasons the ISIS spilled over into Iraq and gathered a ton of Sunni support is that Maliki basically shut out the Sunnis within the Iraqi government.
Obama gave Maliki a choice, start bringing Sunnis into his government and stop persecuting the Sunni and he'd get US help or don't bring the Sunnis back into the fold and don't get any American help.
Maliki chose to keep things as they were, Maliki is responsible for not getting US help.

the reason ISIS is there is because Saddam isn't ....
Lets look at some facts Obama was against the Iraq war from the start Obama campaigned on ending the Iraq and getting all U.S. troops out in 2008 in 2012 he touted ending the Iraq war and bringing the troops home as one of his major accomplishments and now that Iraq has gone to hell in a hand basket after all U.S. troops left Obama and his supporters want to claim that Obama didn't want to bring all the troops that was Maliki and Bush. Careful you don't step in the bull shit people.

You're missing the last part, now that Obama is headed back into Iraq his bots want to blame Bush ended the war in Iraq.... Obama is starting a new war in Iraq.
So under Obama the USA just takes dictation from foreign leader even where we spilled our blood.

Never thought I'd live to see the USA brought down so low

It was the US' choice to go into Iraq uninvited and under false pretenses and 'spill blood'.
Why does that give you eternal rights to make decisions over a sovereign country?

You mean like Obama did with Syria ?

Iraq Wants the U.S. Out

BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.
Mr. Maliki spoke with The Wall Street Journal in a two-hour interview, his first since Iraq ended nine months of stalemate and seated a new government after an inconclusive election, allowing Mr. Maliki to begin a second term as premier.
A majority of Iraqis—and some Iraqi and U.S. officials—have assumed the U.S. troop presence would eventually be extended, especially after the long government limbo. But Mr. Maliki was eager to draw a line in his most definitive remarks on the subject. "The last American soldier will leave Iraq" as agreed, he said, speaking at his office in a leafy section of Baghdad's protected Green Zone. "This agreement is not subject to extension, not subject to alteration. It is sealed."
Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

The bottom line is that Maliki could not get the backing of the Iraqi Parliament (including his own Shiite faction) to extend the troops.
It doesn't matter what McCain and Graham said, those two weren't ever going to change Iraq's Parliament's mind. If Maliki couldn't change their mind, what makes you think two senators from a foreign country could?

The offer dropped to 3,000 troops remaining. It wasn't worth it to Maliki. Bottom line is that a deal should have been hammered out no matter how long it took.

And when Iraq was asking for airstrikes against ISIS last year, Obama refused.

So here we are.

The deal was never going to be hammered out, there was absolutely no support on the Iraqi side.
One of the main reasons the ISIS spilled over into Iraq and gathered a ton of Sunni support is that Maliki basically shut out the Sunnis within the Iraqi government.
Obama gave Maliki a choice, start bringing Sunnis into his government and stop persecuting the Sunni and he'd get US help or don't bring the Sunnis back into the fold and don't get any American help.
Maliki chose to keep things as they were, Maliki is responsible for not getting US help.

Wouldn't it have been easier to but a bullet in Maliki's head & see if his replacement might be more reasonable?
The offer dropped to 3,000 troops remaining. It wasn't worth it to Maliki. Bottom line is that a deal should have been hammered out no matter how long it took.

And when Iraq was asking for airstrikes against ISIS last year, Obama refused.

So here we are.

The deal was never going to be hammered out, there was absolutely no support on the Iraqi side.
One of the main reasons the ISIS spilled over into Iraq and gathered a ton of Sunni support is that Maliki basically shut out the Sunnis within the Iraqi government.
Obama gave Maliki a choice, start bringing Sunnis into his government and stop persecuting the Sunni and he'd get US help or don't bring the Sunnis back into the fold and don't get any American help.
Maliki chose to keep things as they were, Maliki is responsible for not getting US help.

the reason ISIS is there is because Saddam isn't ....

And that is the same reason the Kurds and the Shia are still alive.
Lets look at some facts Obama was against the Iraq war from the start Obama campaigned on ending the Iraq and getting all U.S. troops out in 2008 in 2012 he touted ending the Iraq war and bringing the troops home as one of his major accomplishments and now that Iraq has gone to hell in a hand basket after all U.S. troops left Obama and his supporters want to claim that Obama didn't want to bring all the troops that was Maliki and Bush. Careful you don't step in the bull shit people.

You're missing the last part, now that Obama is headed back into Iraq his bots want to blame Bush ended the war in Iraq.... Obama is starting a new war in Iraq.
There is one fact that only the blindest of partisans can deny both the current and previous administration have done a good job of making the screwed up middle east even more so.
But what about those pesky Maliki quotes saying that he doesn't want US troops in Iraq?

Playing politics. Just like we do in the west. Oh and after the deal fell thru of course he would take the stance that he never wanted the troops to stay to save face.
fuck you playing politics. Maliki is Bushes boy all the way. Bush mentored him.
furthermore He was pushing the other ethic groups out.

So fucking what? Every time we get a new President other world leaders have to leave positions of power so an American President can pick a new guy?

Like Morsi in Egypt? Who's Obama got left in that dog's breakfast called Libya? That was a swell regime change.

Like supporting a coup in the Ukraine? Hating Assad and wanting to remove him from power too?

This is fucked up. Obama's a fucking meddling asshole.
Obama could not negotiate himself out of a wet paper bag.

very good ... your best original thought today?

Obama defends the Kurds ... the right says he's stopping genocide

Obama defends the Kurds .. the right says he's starting a war.

Divided they fall.
Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.
Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreeme…:
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