Iranian People Refuse To Walk On Israeli, American Flag, Chant Enemy Is Not America


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Huge embarrassment for Democrats and the Iranian regime. The crowd yells ‘shameful’ at the few who do.

Like I’ve posted many times, the Iranian people themselves are very pro-Western.




President Trump's tweet in Farsi expressing his support for Iranians protesting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has already earned over 200,000 likes, making it the "most liked Persian tweet" in the social media giant's history, according to a leading think tank adviser.

The left will condemn him for cultural appropriation while standing on the corpses of Iranians Canadians...and in general opressed women around all of the planets 2nd and 3rd world shitholes
President Trump's tweet in Farsi expressing his support for Iranians protesting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has already earned over 200,000 likes, making it the "most liked Persian tweet" in the social media giant's history, according to a leading think tank adviser.

The left will condemn him for cultural appropriation while standing on the corpses of Iranians Canadians...and in general opressed women around all of the planets 2nd and 3rd world shitholes

America took out Iran's duly democratically elected government in 1953 to prop up a dictator of our/US choosing and we've attempted to control the nation ever since. Many people around the globe know the history if you don't. And please, america never launched anything to raise up women, they are raped in our military. As are some men.

No, we obsess about controling others and their resources.

The mainstream media doesn’t want you to see this. They don’t want you to know that Iranians support America and Israel and that it’s only ever been the deep state regime of Iran that hates America. These people want their country to go back to a free and open lifestyle they used to enjoy before Carter installed the mullahs.

They don’t support Soleimani and they don’t support Khomeini. They support what America is finally doing to help end their suffering, and the support and protection that Trump is offering is going to empower them to take their country back.
That is just fucking amazing. Iranian students are more respectful of the US than fucking lefties.

It’s what we have been saying for years....lefties literally hate America,.

The mainstream media doesn’t want you to see this. They don’t want you to know that Iranians support America and Israel and that it’s only ever been the deep state regime of Iran that hates America. These people want their country to go back to a free and open lifestyle they used to enjoy before Carter installed the mullahs.

They don’t support Soleimani and they don’t support Khomeini. They support what America is finally doing to help end their suffering, and the support and protection that Trump is offering is going to empower them to take their country back.

LOL Carter installed the Mullahs. That's hilarious. Its amazing Iranian history just POOF all of a sudden started in 1979....nothing EVER happened before that. As usual the Ayatollah was and is ANOTHER example of the US sticking its nose where it doesn't belong and it having disastrous affects.
That is just fucking amazing. Iranian students are more respectful of the US than fucking lefties.

It’s what we have been saying for years....lefties literally hate America,.

They certainly do, they hate America!

And can you imagine the Trump Derangement Syndrome on their part if President Trump manages to bring some peace to Iran?

They are going to lose the little they have left of their minds!:laugh:
From a radio program I heard this morning, the young generation is sick of the crap. They want the good life.

The mainstream media doesn’t want you to see this. They don’t want you to know that Iranians support America and Israel and that it’s only ever been the deep state regime of Iran that hates America. These people want their country to go back to a free and open lifestyle they used to enjoy before Carter installed the mullahs.

They don’t support Soleimani and they don’t support Khomeini. They support what America is finally doing to help end their suffering, and the support and protection that Trump is offering is going to empower them to take their country back.

Really? The mainstream media doesn't want you to see this? Then why in the hell was it reported on by NBC Nightly News this evening? It was a story in the first segment. Sorry, but you failed miserably on this one.

And yeah, they are pissed at their government for shooting down a civilian jet and lying about it until they finally came clean.

Kinda interesting to see how things have been going over there for the past couple of months. First, the people were revolting against the government raising gas prices, especially in light of the current tariffs.

Then, Trump killed their general. The people then went from protesting the government to the whole nation uniting against America.

Now? The people are pissed and revolting again, because they are pissed that their government killed a whole bunch of civilians, many of whom were Iranian.

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