Iran: Three Card Monte


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Three Card Monte is a sucker can see it on street corners in Chinatown, roping in the tourists.

1. "Three-card Monte – also known as Find the Lady and Three-card Trick – is a confidence game in which the victim, or "mark", is tricked into betting a sum of money, on the assumption that they can find the "money card" among three face-down playing cards. It is very similar to the shell game except that cards are used instead of shells."
Three-card Monte - Wikipedia

2. Due to the Iran situation, we are playing 'find the terrorists,' to be on guard against Iranian proxies in the Middle East.
But....they may not be in the Middle East.....

"Hezbollah's Presence And Iran's Influence In Venezuela Coming Into Focus
Admiral Craig S. Faller, Commander of U.S. Southern Command, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 7, 2019 that “Iran has deepened its anti-U.S. Spanish language media coverage and has exported its state support for terrorism into our hemisphere.” This statement came on the heels of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement on FOX the previous day. Pompeo stated, “Hezbollah has active cells – the Iranians are impacting the people of Venezuela and throughout South America.”
Hezbollah's Presence And Iran's Influence In Venezuela Coming Into Focus

"Margarita Island off the Caribbean coast of Venezuela serves as a hub for drug trafficking and Hezbollah as well as other Islamist extremists such as Hamas. Margarita Island is being used by Iranian and Iranian-linked militants as a base of operations. "

3. "Iran Crisis Triggers Alarm On Venezuela
If Tehran plans further retaliation for Qassem Soleimani’s elimination, Venezuela could pose a threat. Iran, after all, is second only to Cuba as Venezuela’s top ally.

Mosques in Venezuela started popping up. Daily flights between Caracas and Tehran carried suspicious cargo, including arms. Mr. Ahmadinejad was a frequent visitor, at one point spewing Holocaust-denying theories as Chavez nodded in enthusiastic agreement. Ties established, Hezbollah, Iran’s top terror proxy, started using the country as a South American base.

A top aide to Mr. Maduro, Tareck el Aissami, is widely considered a Hezbollah bagman. In April, Mr. Maduro’s foreign minister, Jorge Arreaza, visited Lebanon and Syria, meeting with top Hezbollah officials and Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad. According to some reports, he also conferred with Gen. Soleimani, who was killed in a US drone strike earlier this month.

Ominously, Venezuela is the fifth largest producer of thorium, considered an heir to uranium as top nuclear-bomb fuel — and the country offers a friendly base within a little more than spitting distance from Miami.

All of this makes Venezuela one of America’s top worries."
Iran Crisis Triggers Alarm On Venezuela

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