Iranian Bastards Holding Christian Pastor: 8 YEAR sentence (they do this regularly)

Do tell ... :cool:

OK, I'm telling since you ask. 14643
'Do tell' is just an expression you nitwit. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

I realize that, Mr. Cuckoo, just like Southerners say "Bless your heart" However, just sit quietly and type all the "do tells" that you little heart desires. I would ask if anyone has made a count of all the "do tells" that Mr. Cuckoo has posted, but that would be asking too much because it seems that he can't get enough of typing "Do tell."
Islamist fighters in Syria are putting christians in ovens. Nuns they use to try to get Assad to release prisoners.

There are many Christian organization working in Muslim countries reporting on what is happening to their fellow Christians there. Such a shame that you, as a American, have no problems with what is going on. Why not write the Christian author with Egyptian roots who compiles these lists, and tell him what you think of him. Be sure to tell him though, that you are a devout Muslim convert and you don't want any news getting out about what your fellow Muslims are doing which shows them in a bad light.
Silly-Sally go ahead and post all of the false nonsense you usually do.

We muslims are used to the western media and people like you making up lies and slandering our religion.

It makes no difference to me. .... :cool:

Sunni Man, as a good devout Muslim, doesn't want to acknowledge that Christians are being persecuted by his fellow Muslims. He think it is all a lie. Why not tell this Assyrian group that they are always writing lies too?

Assyrian International News Agency
Do tell ..... :cool:

It is apparent that Sunni Man has nothing to report on what is going on in the Middle East. He appears to be obsessed with two words and this is mostly what he posts. Maybe he keeps on repeating these two words until the cartoons are on.
Meanwhile, you keep avoiding answering as to why Muslims have such a big problem with the religious beliefs of others.
You continually claim to personally know many muslims.

So why don't you just ask them your question?? ... :cool:

I know many muslims. I know many Iranian muslims, here, in Britian and in Iran.

What they say is if obama had not shafted the dissidents in the Green Revolution this would not have happened. obama promised support then at the last minute, literally the last minute he left them for the ayatollahs.
Wife of jailed U.S. Christian in Iran calls for White House help - Washington Times

Wife of jailed U.S. Christian in Iran calls for White House help
by Jame Morrison

[Great VIDEO of Wonderful woman before congress]

The wife of an American Christian jailed in Iran called on President Obama to demand her husband’s release Thursday, the 444th day of his captivity, and to link the Iranian nuclear deal to his freedom.

Naghmeh Abedini told a House Foreign Affairs joint subcommittee hearing that she feels abandoned because Obama administration officials have failed to publicly call for the release of her husband, the Rev. Saeed Abedini, a naturalized U.S. citizen.

Mrs. Abedini said she is “thankful” that Mr. Obama expressed “concern” for her husband when he talked by phone with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in September, but she was “devastated” to learn that Mr. Obama did not demand his release as a condition for negotiating a relaxation of economic sanctions on Iran as part of a six-month nuclear deal.

“My husband is suffering because he is a Christian. He is suffering because he is an American,” she said. “Yet his own government … has abandoned him.”

The length of his imprisonment Thursday equals that of 52 Americans held by Iranian militants at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran from Nov. 4, 1979, to Jan. 20, 1981, when Ronald Reagan was inaugurated president.

Mr. Abedini, an Iranian-born Christian convert from Islam, was arrested Sept. 26, 2012, while visiting Iran with Iranian government permission to continue his earlier work at an orphanage in the city of Rasht on the Caspian Sea."..."​
Christian missionaries/preachers need to wake up and stop going to Islamic countries. They're not wanted and can and will get arrested for doing so.
And can we say the same thing about Islamic jerkoffs like Sunni girl who spread their hatred and violence is Western countries?
Christian missionaries/preachers need to wake up and stop going to Islamic countries. They're not wanted and can and will get arrested for doing so.

Christian, Buddhist, Jewish and Hindu countries need to WAKE UP and enact the same
laws against the SPREAD OF MECCAIST FILTH------that muslim countries impose on
Christian, Buddhist, Jeiwish and Hindu religionists-------the very same---including the
death penalty
Christianity has always been spread, throughout the history of Christianity, through the persecution of Christians.

You mean you are not going to use your influence to get this man released as well as the other one who is very ill and was just sentenced to prison? No doubt the Pastor's wife and young children don't want to see their father persecuted (they are probably better Christians than Mrs. Sherr), but Mrs. Sherri doesn't mind at all what is happening with any pastor imprisoned by Iran. Maybe when some radical Mullah is arrested in the U.S. or Europe, thenn she will be up in arms.

Have you noticed there is NO condemnation? Why is that ?
What was he doing there? It's like the U.S. Government bitching about a missing CIA Operative. Why are these people in Iran? The answer is, they're likely Spies. And we get just as pissed when foreign nations send spies here to the U.S. So lessons learned here?...Don't get caught somewhere you don't belong.

Please tell us exactly what he was doing wrong
What was he doing there? It's like the U.S. Government bitching about a missing CIA Operative. Why are these people in Iran? The answer is, they're likely Spies. And we get just as pissed when foreign nations send spies here to the U.S. So lessons learned here?...Don't get caught somewhere you don't belong.

Please tell us exactly what he was doing wrong
Obviously, the guy broke Iranian law.

He was tried in an Iranian court, found guilty, and sentenced to prison for his crime.

So I fail to see the problem?? ... :cool:
What was he doing there? It's like the U.S. Government bitching about a missing CIA Operative. Why are these people in Iran? The answer is, they're likely Spies. And we get just as pissed when foreign nations send spies here to the U.S. So lessons learned here?...Don't get caught somewhere you don't belong.

Please tell us exactly what he was doing wrong
Obviously, the guy broke Iranian law.

He was tried in an Iranian court, found guilty, and sentenced to prison for his crime.

So I fail to see the problem?? ... :cool:

I fail to see the problem,, too. The answer is simple -----the civilized countries
simply must EMULATE THE BEAUTY OF KORANIC LAW-----and render the promulgation
of islam a SERIOUS CRIME-----and the conversion to that perversion -----a CAPITAL CRIME.
--------a simple solution to a simple problem
Please tell us exactly what he was doing wrong
Obviously, the guy broke Iranian law.

He was tried in an Iranian court, found guilty, and sentenced to prison for his crime.

So I fail to see the problem?? ... :cool:

I fail to see the problem,, too. The answer is simple -----the civilized countries
simply must EMULATE THE BEAUTY OF KORANIC LAW-----and render the promulgation
of islam a SERIOUS CRIME-----and the conversion to that perversion -----a CAPITAL CRIME.
--------a simple solution to a simple problem
Never happen........... :eusa_angel:

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