Iran-Backed Militants Storm US Embassy in Yemen, Seize Hostages

There are no American hostages, we have not had any Americans there since 2015.

Educate yourself for once you flipping moron.
First off, its US property so the Iranians were obvisiously trying for a 1975 Hostage Crisis redo.

This said---read articles other articles that give more details--employees of american companies were taken. Any American there is target #1 and I am very very sure that the US embassy with US employee has US citizens there. Common sense and all...

The fact that the dems/communists and their idiotic TROLLS are already trying to CONTINUE to hide the severity of the attack and that there were/are AMERICANS in the AMERICAN embassy is quit telling of the links that the dems and other communists are willing to go with their propaganda. Another massive Biden FUCK UP--with the Iranians kidnapping guards from their homes for WEEKS before going after the embassy itself---and Biden did nothing...but apparently have his paid and brainwashed trolls ready to spread more propaganda to cover for his fucked up Biden group.
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First off, its US property so the Iranians were obvisiously trying for a 1975 Hostage Crisis redo.

This said---read articles other articles that give more details--employees of american companies were taken. Any American there is target #1 and I am very very sure that the US embassy with US employee has US citizens there. Common sense and all...

The US embassy there has no US employees, has not had any since 2015. If there are any US citizens in the country it is against the advise of the State Dept for the last 6 years and they deserve what they get
The US embassy there has no US employees, has not had any since 2015. If there are any US citizens in the country it is against the advise of the State Dept for the last 6 years and they deserve what they get
Gawd do I need to draw you a fucking picture---there are US employees reported there..there would certainly Be US contractors, CIA and other alphabet there as well.

The Maldives

You are a joke. The Maldives is becoming a basket case thanks to muslims:

Biden is the weakest president since Carter and it shows. If Trump was president it wouldn't of happened. Biden will do nothing, probably send them some of our best military equipment. Like he gave the Taliban.
Nah, all right wing fantasy. Embarrassing little squealing crybaby. Spend half your time saying he is actively ruining the country, then spend half your time saying he is weak and does nothing Just like you did with the scary brown president. Cry it all out ya weenie.
Nah, all right wing fantasy. Embarrassing little squealing crybaby. Spend half your time saying he is actively ruining the country, then spend half your time saying he is weak and does nothing Just like you did with the scary brown president. Cry it all out ya weenie.
Like I said, they wouldn't of done this if Trump was president. That's a fact.
Security is the responsibility of the host nation.
I'm just happy that we won't have to be abased any further by this senile fool. If actual Americans were held we'd be watching the world laughing at us IRL for days, weeks or months. We can easily project power in that area and I think that some cluster munitions on some of the Houthi camps might be a nice holiday gift for the scum who have everything...
Uh..perhaps you didn't read the thread above you..some Yemeni employees of the embassy are being held--not citizens. Just a clickbait op and a kneejerk response.
Is the Embassy still considered to be U.S. territory? Are those people not EMPLOYEES of our nation? Does it occur to you at all that such situations, when handled the wrong way will lead to current embassies being attacked NEXT? What excuse will you accept from Joe at that time? Is there ANY level of incompetence you'd be willing to admit is wrong?
Welcome back Carter!

Iran says thanks for those pallets of hard cash, Obummer!

Do you realize, they don't even bother to TELL us where we're at war anymore???

So I so very don't care.
Yet one is a close and vital ally and the other is our largest trading partner. Weird.
Have either of them allowed our embassy compounds to be seized by locals? Disagree with alliances all you like but the Realpolitik is clearly understood by those who know anything about international relations. The soil THAT compound is built on is, by convention, as American as DC, NYC, or LA. You people cannot seem to grasp the idea that when you allow bullies to take a shot at you and you refuse to respond, they WILL keep coming until they win or you stop them forcibly.
You guys are really onto something. The Iranians take over a building we left 7 years ago. Holy shit. Maybe next thing they’ll do is win the 2014 World Cup soccer match from the Germans.
First off, its US property so the Iranians were obvisiously trying for a 1975 Hostage Crisis redo.

This said---read articles other articles that give more details--employees of american companies were taken. Any American there is target #1 and I am very very sure that the US embassy with US employee has US citizens there. Common sense and all...

The fact that the dems/communists and their idiotic TROLLS are already trying to CONTINUE to hide the severity of the attack and that there were/are AMERICANS in the AMERICAN embassy is quit telling of the links that the dems and other communists are willing to go with their propaganda. Another massive Biden FUCK UP--with the Iranians kidnapping guards from their homes for WEEKS before going after the embassy itself---and Biden did nothing...but apparently have his paid and brainwashed trolls ready to spread more propaganda to cover for his fucked up Biden group.
There's nothing obvious about this actually. The only way we know that Iran is behind this is because our government tells us that.

The United States has been supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia who's been occupying Yemen for 6 years .

These Rebels are Yeminis who want us out of there...... should it really matter to us at this point who backed them ?

We should not have an embassy there in the first place.
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I'm just happy that we won't have to be abased any further by this senile fool. If actual Americans were held we'd be watching the world laughing at us IRL for days, weeks or months. We can easily project power in that area and I think that some cluster munitions on some of the Houthi camps might be a nice holiday gift for the scum who have everything...
We have the capability.....but do we have the will?
Not since Jan 6th.

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