Iran Admits Their Military Shot Down Ukrainian Passenger Jet


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
"It was an accident!!!"

Is anyone buying that happy horsecrap? They were pissed and knew they couldn't kill Americans so took they easy way and did what they do best ... kill innocent people.

Iran admits shooting down Ukrainian airliner 'unintentionally' – state TV
Iran has announced that its military “unintentionally” shot down a Ukrainian jetliner, killing all 176 people onboard, according to state TV.

The statement came on Saturday morning with “human error” blamed for the downing of the plane.
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.
How do you "accidentally" shoot down something as big as an commercial airliner?

As I said, I would like to see the manifest. You can be sure all spy agencies are looking into as well.

It does happen, the U.S have done it. So have the Russians, though it's been argued with some amount of evidence by cockpit audio that it had been intentional when they shot down the Korean commercial airplane. The plane the Russians shot happened to be numbered 007 and there apparently was at least one VIP on board. Both of these were years ago with less accurate rockets.

My memory isn't what is was, but that's what I recall.
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They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.
That comes later, Right now Iran must be held accountable by the countries whose citizens were MURDERED by the mullah-regime currently being defended by leftards worldwide. I suspect loony-left Canadians have been blaming Trump for Iranian acts of terror. They will now hypocritically change their tune and demand vengeance.
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.
That comes later, Right now Iran must be held accountable by the countries whose citizens were MURDERED by the mullah-regime currently being defended by leftards worldwide. I suspect loony-left Canadians have been blaming Trump for Iranian acts of terror. They will now hypocritically change their tune and demand vengeance.

The problem is, what vengeance can Canada strike?

I recall a few years ago when Harper was in power and he talked a great game about confronting former Iranian President Mahmoud with some sort of sanctions or ban on some Iranian product or what have you, he just shrugged while at the UN and said with complete honesty, "we don't even notice. We hardly have any business relations with Canada". He wasn't angry or even arrogant, it was a matter-of-fact, complete indifference.

Things haven't really improved much since then. There are some in Canada suggesting that this could help build a bridge with Canada and Iran for political relations. It's an odd position to present with the timing, but when you are a lightweight like Canada has become the last 25 years or so due to complete fault of our own, I guess you're happy for any friends.
How do you "accidentally" shoot down something as big as an commercial airliner?
Lots of ways. The same way we shot down Iranian flight 655. Human error. For a safety investigator is probably called Failure to control crew served weapons couple with failure of command and control to maintain communication and coordination of military/civilian airspace during combat operation. Hows that?
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.
There was after the US Navy shot down Iranian flight 655. There will be this time, by Iran.
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.

Trump* must pay for this. He must be held accountable. It was all his fault. He created this fog of war!
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.
That comes later, Right now Iran must be held accountable by the countries whose citizens were MURDERED by the mullah-regime currently being defended by leftards worldwide. I suspect loony-left Canadians have been blaming Trump for Iranian acts of terror. They will now hypocritically change their tune and demand vengeance.

I am sure they will be held accountable, by Ukraine, and the countries who lost citizens - but I doubt it was deliberate.

Trump's actions had a role to play in leading to this dangerous escalation. You don't go blundering around in the ME escalating tensions in an area already inflamed.

Sheer stupidity.
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.
That comes later, Right now Iran must be held accountable by the countries whose citizens were MURDERED by the mullah-regime currently being defended by leftards worldwide. I suspect loony-left Canadians have been blaming Trump for Iranian acts of terror. They will now hypocritically change their tune and demand vengeance.

The problem is, what vengeance can Canada strike?

I recall a few years ago when Harper was in power and he talked a great game about confronting former Iranian President Mahmoud with some sort of sanctions or ban on some Iranian product or what have you, he just shrugged while at the UN and said with complete honesty, "we don't even notice. We hardly have any business relations with Canada". He wasn't angry or even arrogant, it was a matter-of-fact, complete indifference.

Things haven't really improved much since then. There are some in Canada suggesting that this could help build a bridge with Canada and Iran for political relations. It's an odd position to present with the timing, but when you are a lightweight like Canada has become the last 25 years or so due to complete fault of our own, I guess you're happy for any friends.

Why vengeance? Vengeance for something unintentional?

They should demand compensation at the very least and the families should be able to sue.
I'm glad Iran finally admitted it.
I was certain they would, yesterday after Original Tree post picture of the nose of the missile along with identification.
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.

Trump* must pay for this. He must be held accountable. It was all his fault. He created this fog of war!

Let the record reflect that I find no humor in the loss of life, what I find funny is the indian princess blaming POTUS...
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.
There was after the US Navy shot down Iranian flight 655. There will be this time, by Iran.

Interesting, I had not remembered that incident. But it seems as if something comparable to the below should be done by Iran.

Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia
In the days immediately following the incident, US President Ronald Reagan issued a written diplomatic note to the Iranian government, expressing deep regret.[11]

In 1996, the governments of the United States and Iran reached a settlement at the International Court of Justice which included the statement "...the United States recognized the aerial incident of 3 July 1988 as a terrible human tragedy and expressed deep regret over the loss of lives caused by the incident..."[12] As part of the settlement, even though the U.S. government did not admit legal liability or formally apologize to Iran, it still agreed to pay US$61.8 million on an ex gratia basis in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims.[13
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.
There was after the US Navy shot down Iranian flight 655. There will be this time, by Iran.

Interesting, I had not remembered that incident. But it seems as if something comparable to the below should be done by Iran.

Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia
In the days immediately following the incident, US President Ronald Reagan issued a written diplomatic note to the Iranian government, expressing deep regret.[11]

In 1996, the governments of the United States and Iran reached a settlement at the International Court of Justice which included the statement "...the United States recognized the aerial incident of 3 July 1988 as a terrible human tragedy and expressed deep regret over the loss of lives caused by the incident..."[12] As part of the settlement, even though the U.S. government did not admit legal liability or formally apologize to Iran, it still agreed to pay US$61.8 million on an ex gratia basis in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims.[13
This admission will cut back Iranian belligerence for a while. Hard to raise hell about death of you General on the battlefield, when you respond and shoot down an airliner from your own airport killing 176 innocent people.
Someone fucked up bigly. Any bets as to whether or not they've already executed the soldiers manning the missile battery that shot down the plane?

I bet they already have.
They must be held accountable by the families. Money isn't going to bring them back, but it's all they have at this point. Considering how big and horrific this story is, they should make good on this.

Trump* must pay for this. He must be held accountable. It was all his fault. He created this fog of war!
Oh, shut up you traitorous POS.
Someone fucked up bigly. Any bets as to whether or not they've already executed the soldiers manning the missile battery that shot down the plane?

I bet they already have.

It's quite possible. Though, I imagine Canada or maybe even Ukraine is asking if they can interview him. They will be told no, but it may allow them to know who it was and what their fate was.

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