Iowa Passes Six Weeks Abortion Ban

How am I creating a problem? The only woman I’ve ever gotten pregnant is my wife. I have supported and raised both my children. My oldest was the valedictorian of his class. He just graduated college with zero debt, and is working for the business I own. My youngest has a 4.0 as a rising senior is a 3 year varsity starter in 2 sports.

We have also supported and raised 4 foster children. We are currently supporting and helping raise our niece who was born to my wife’s 16 year old niece,

I don’t cause problems. I solve them.
Good for you. Now MYOB. The state isn't taking the same responsibilities when it interferes with people's lives.
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Good for you. Now MYOB. The state isn't taking the same responsibilities when it interferes with people's lives.
It’s interfering with the lives of unborn children.

You want unfettered access, with no limits. Iowa came up with a compromise between people like you and people opposed to killing unborn children even when it is a viable person.
Yes, that law asks too much. In the first place abortion laws are punitive and regressive. If they really wanted to help, the state would set up crisis centers where women could be tested immediately and given the abortion pills to keep in compliance.
So let Planned Parenthood in Iowa do that.
So how were they going to pay for the abortion?
It's a thousand times cheaper than raising a child you never wanted, and it's one less case of future child abuse. After all you people always say they're sluts. Who wants a slut bringing up welfare brats. No one, right! That's how you people think, not very logical. Hopefully someone helps those poor sluts !
It's a thousand times cheaper than raising a child you never wanted, and it's one less case of future child abuse. After all you people always say they're sluts. Who wants a slut bringing up welfare brats. No one, right! That's how you people think, not very logical. Hopefully someone helps those poor sluts !

Then same for men then, right? They have the same “walk away from responsibility” right? Correct?
It's a thousand times cheaper than raising a child you never wanted, and it's one less case of future child abuse. After all you people always say they're sluts. Who wants a slut bringing up welfare brats. No one, right! That's how you people think, not very logical. Hopefully someone helps those poor sluts !
Teach them to not be slutty, boys also
Forcing women to give birth against their will, violating the privacy rights of women, and jeopardizing the health and lives of women are examples of why conservatives are truly reprehensible and wrong.

The right’s war on women continues.
You are so over the top wrong, first and foremost, no one was forced to become pregnant, secondly the war on women comes from the left, by allowing trans men to compete against girls
It's a thousand times cheaper than raising a child you never wanted, and it's one less case of future child abuse. After all you people always say they're sluts. Who wants a slut bringing up welfare brats. No one, right! That's how you people think, not very logical. Hopefully someone helps those poor sluts !
We weren’t talking about that. I said the woman could take a bus to the next state to get an abortion, and you said lots of them are poor - as if they can’t afford $40 for a bus ride.

And besides, Planned Non-Parenthood in Iowa can pay for the bus ride with all the money they’re saving not aborting babies.
Then same for men then, right? They have the same “walk away from responsibility” right? Correct?
Yes, but those on the right only blame the women, wether or not there are very good reasons for the abortion. They blame them all equally, no exceptions. That's how hatred and prejudice works. Sick little minds judging others. Not even the mother who's life is in danger if she continues the pregnancy. Not even the woman who was savagely raped and the pregnancy is a constant reminder of that horror. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. They can't understand there's no end to the reasons to have an abortion and only one good reason to bring another child into this world. Life is far from perfect but we shouldn't be trying to make it worse for people that we do not know or seem to care about. There's enough misery in the world to go around as it is.
99% of abortions are for complications that end the pregnancy.

Your response shies that you are a fuckfest of irresponsibility.

But there’s more.

If a woman gets an abortion because of a fuckfest of irresponsibility, it’s still none of your business.
yes prostitutes, sluts, and whores should need no excuse for murder
99% of abortions are for complications that end the pregnancy.

Your response shies that you are a fuckfest of irresponsibility.

But there’s more.

If a woman gets an abortion because of a fuckfest of irresponsibility, it’s still none of your business.
Not sure how to interpret your answer but it seems very negative. Not making any judgments I present the top 11 reasons women have abortions. You may notice the figures add up to way more than 100% , that's because it's not a simple answer, most women have multiple reasons for having an abortion. All are valid, like any personal decision. They are as follows, 1. Not financially prepared. 40%. 2. Not a good time 36%. 3. Issues with partner 31%. 4. Need to focus on other children. 29%. 5. Interferes with future plans. 20%. 6. Not emotionally or mentally prepared. 19%. 7. Health issues. 12%. 8. Unable to provide a " good " life. 12%. 9. Not independent or mature enough. 7%. 10. Influence from family or friends 5%. 11. Don't want children. 3%.
Yes, but those on the right only blame the women, wether or not there are very good reasons for the abortion. They blame them all equally, no exceptions. That's how hatred and prejudice works. Sick little minds judging others. Not even the mother who's life is in danger if she continues the pregnancy. Not even the woman who was savagely raped and the pregnancy is a constant reminder of that horror. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. They can't understand there's no end to the reasons to have an abortion and only one good reason to bring another child into this world. Life is far from perfect but we shouldn't be trying to make it worse for people that we do not know or seem to care about. There's enough misery in the world to go around as it is.
That is ridiculous, of course the men are responsible, the issue is they get no say in the death of their child, just because biologically speaking the woman carries it, and that is nothing but an emotional response.
Yes, but those on the right only blame the women, wether or not there are very good reasons for the abortion. They blame them all equally, no exceptions. That's how hatred and prejudice works. Sick little minds judging others. Not even the mother who's life is in danger if she continues the pregnancy. Not even the woman who was savagely raped and the pregnancy is a constant reminder of that horror. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. They can't understand there's no end to the reasons to have an abortion and only one good reason to bring another child into this world. Life is far from perfect but we shouldn't be trying to make it worse for people that we do not know or seem to care about. There's enough misery in the world to go around as it is.

They allow abortions for life of the mother.

The point is, if we can’t ban abortions for any reason, then we should have EQUAL PROTECTION for all, including men.
That is ridiculous, of course the men are responsible, the issue is they get no say in the death of their child, just because biologically speaking the woman carries it, and that is nothing but an emotional response.
Correct any response by others to another's abortion is ridiculous. They have never walked in her shoes.
Correct any response by others to another's abortion is ridiculous. They have never walked in her shoes.
Well she should have kept her shoes on so she could walk out of that situation! The father should get equal rights saying he doesn't just because she carries it is nothing but a women are the weaker sex argument and emotional

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