Iowa Passes Six Weeks Abortion Ban

The only fetuses that are aborted that late in pregnancy have terrible anomalies and probably wouldn't live anyway. No woman who wants / needs an abortion waits that long. Also if it's threatening the life of the mother. The fetus in that drawing has to be at least 8 to 8-1/2 months old.
Of course they do. Women have perfectly healthy babies and leave them in gas station toilets. They wrap them in plastic and dump them in the garbage.
When Trump opened Mar a Lago he opened membership to blacks. He was told not to. It would cause the resort to fail. Trump got pissed and opened membership to anyone who wanted to join, including blacks and Jews.

Some racist.

Some of his awards

Some racist. Trump didn't become a racist until he ran for president.
Yes, I know it was a business move, he sued the city to do so. Making it unique, compared to most private clubs in Florida. Which only cater to whites. A leopard can't change his spots.
How will women react to a reasonable compromise between those who want no abortion at all and you soulless ghouls who support it for any reason up to delivery time?

We'll see.
Any time up to delivery time, what a cukcoo, you dont know shit about women.
Any time up to delivery time, what a cukcoo, you dont know shit about women.

In the past I would have taken you to the woodshed for this kind of remark but I feel that you have a disease process that has affected your thinking. But I will say: one way or another, this is diseased thinking. Either an actual, physical disease process of the brain or a disease of the soul.

Secondly, you don't know crap about women either. You realize even most women do not want "abortion up to delivery time".
Any time up to delivery time, what a cukcoo, you dont know shit about women.

70% of Americans think abortion in the last three months should be illegal.

The ability of a fetus to feel pain does not occur until at least the 24th. or 25th. week of pregnancy. So in 99% + of abortions the fetus cannot feel pain. Even after the 25th. week it is questionable if pain is interpreted the same way as we do. The brain isn't fully developed. And self autonomy definitely doesn't exist.

The truth is like I said before we dont actually know. You using that OPINION to justify your support of abortion.
The only fetuses that are aborted that late in pregnancy have terrible anomalies and probably wouldn't live anyway. No woman who wants / needs an abortion waits that long. Also if it's threatening the life of the mother. The fetus in that drawing has to be at least 8 to 8-1/2 months old.
Where are you getting that? I’ll agree that abortions after 20 weeks are relatively rare, but youre going to have to provide a link to Something that did thr research into why they occur. There’s no doubt that some number of them are performed for the reason you gave but it isn’t all and likely isn’t even most.
The vast majority of women who have abortions are NOT married.
you do know that most women who have abortions are married and already have kids don't you?
Where do you get that?

While abortion rates were highest for single women, those who were married (including common-law and separated) accounted for over one-quarter of all abortions performed in 1994. Since 1974, the age-standardized abortion rate per 1,000 married women aged 15 to 44 almost doubled from 6.6 to 11.2.

Google exists. You can’t just say crazy, obviously incorrect shit and think people aren’t going to do a simple to prove you wrong.
Where are you getting that? I’ll agree that abortions after 20 weeks are relatively rare, but youre going to have to provide a link to Something that did thr research into why they occur. There’s no doubt that some number of them are performed for the reason you gave but it isn’t all and likely isn’t even most.
First of all, late-term abortions are a poliitical construct not a medical one. The political framework puts late-term abortions at 20 weeks and up. The real medical equivalent is third-trimester abortions which begin at week 28. Both are very rare, political late-term abortions only account for 1.3% of all abortions where the real medical equivalent , third trimester abortions account for even less at just under 1%. Couldn't get exact figures but one thing is for sure abortion laws are causing more of them. In several cases I read about in the Guardian the women involved couldn't get the money together to travel and pay for an abortion in a free state. So, I am just like you, I'm m not expert on the subject but I can look things up on my phone. The National Institute of Health talked about medically necessity. Gave a few examples but no figures. One woman discovered her fetus had brain development problems at her 29th. week checkup. It was incompatible with life. It died before it could be aborted. These things are far too common. Better health care for all women is badly needed. And as I ' be said all along abortion laws only exasperate the problem and adversely affect women's lives.
Then bam late term abortions except in serious life-threatening situations. That would make abortions legal up to 29 weeks. That would be reasonable.Six weeks is a bad joke.
6 weeks is unreasonable, and a bad joke, agreed.

0 is correct.
Forcing women to give birth against their will, violating the privacy rights of women, and jeopardizing the health and lives of women are examples of why conservatives are truly reprehensible and wrong.

The right’s war on women continues.
How is it “forcing a woman to give birth” when the SCOTUS did not prohibit abortions and around half the states have pretty lenient abortion laws?

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