Involuntary Celibacy and Sex Work

Allow slavery? Slavery is as old as prostitution.

Prostitutes are secretaries that are just a bit shy of the rent. Waitresses that have their eye on a drop dead gorgeous dress that they can't afford. Students that need a bit of cash for this semester's books. They don't think of themselves as Prostitutes and certainly won't be paying taxes on their friend's generosity. They are selling sex.

I think that is not generally true.

If we get to the point that that becomes the norm for prostitution, that would change the discussion.

But, that is not where we are, right now.
About 28% of men aged 20-30 are involuntary celibate. Most men who have been married for over 10 years are also involuntary celibate or MarriedCel. Overall, about 40% of men in USA are involuntary celibate.
Where are you getting these Insane numbers?
Of course sex is not a right. But it is an interest.

Any sane man should vote for politicians who support full legalization. Full legalization is supported in NY. Only time will tell.
My anecdotal life experience. These people are prolific in online communities dominated by young people.

I've spent a good deal of time in various forums like this one, and I have never come across anyone that self identifies as an Incel.

Now, I've come across young men that have negative opinions of society or the way society tells men to function with women or even, negative opinions of WOMEN.

But, that is not the same thing.
I think you folks are ignoring an elephant in the room.

This is a problem that they can solve themselves.

Step 1 is turn off the internet porn. In fact, turn off the internet completely. Take a shower, shave, brush your teeth, and go somewhere and socialize!

Step 2, realize that most women don't look like the ones in the movies. Real ladies are fallible human beings without professional makeup teams following them around all day to make sure they look perfect. Be realistic. If you look like Danny devito it's unlikely Megan fox is gonna be really interested.

Step 3, lather, rinse, repeat. Let nature take it's course. These things rarely happen over night.
I think you folks are ignoring an elephant in the room.

This is a problem that they can solve themselves.

Step 1 is turn off the internet porn. In fact, turn off the internet completely. Take a shower, shave, brush your teeth, and go somewhere and socialize!

Step 2, realize that most women don't look like the ones in the movies. Real ladies are fallible human beings without professional makeup teams following them around all day to make sure they look perfect. Be realistic. If you look like Danny devito it's unlikely Megan fox is gonna be really interested.

Step 3, lather, rinse, repeat. Let nature take it's course. These things rarely happen over night.
Have realistic expectations. It's kind of rule number 1 for life in general.
I think you folks are ignoring an elephant in the room.

This is a problem that they can solve themselves.

Step 1 is turn off the internet porn. In fact, turn off the internet completely. Take a shower, shave, brush your teeth, and go somewhere and socialize!

Step 2, realize that most women don't look like the ones in the movies. Real ladies are fallible human beings without professional makeup teams following them around all day to make sure they look perfect. Be realistic. If you look like Danny devito it's unlikely Megan fox is gonna be really interested.

Step 3, lather, rinse, repeat. Let nature take it's course. These things rarely happen over night.

Solid advice.

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