Introductions, Part 2

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Yukon said:
I am a LIBERAL and I love debating with the Conservatives fanatics who haunt the www. I am:

- Opposed to the illegal Iraqi war
- Opposed to Capital Punsihment
- Opposed to Private Health Insurance - we need National Healthy Coverage from tax dollars
- Opposed to Bush Junior's distruction of the Bill of Rights
- Opposed to tax cuts for the wealthy
- Opposed to increased military spending

Ask and ye shall be informed for I AM the YUKON MAN !!!!

Welcome---jump right on in !!
Yukon said:
I am a LIBERAL and I love debating with the Conservatives fanatics who haunt the www. I am:

- Opposed to the illegal Iraqi war
- Opposed to Capital Punsihment
- Opposed to Private Health Insurance - we need National Healthy Coverage from tax dollars
- Opposed to Bush Junior's distruction of the Bill of Rights
- Opposed to tax cuts for the wealthy
- Opposed to increased military spending

Ask and ye shall be informed for I AM the YUKON MAN !!!!

I am RWA. You will most assuredly be reduced to a somewhat smelly dust before I am through with you. Welcome to the board!
Yukon said:
I am a LIBERAL and I love debating with the Conservatives fanatics who haunt the www. I am:

- Opposed to the illegal Iraqi war
- Opposed to Capital Punsihment
- Opposed to Private Health Insurance - we need National Healthy Coverage from tax dollars
- Opposed to Bush Junior's distruction of the Bill of Rights
- Opposed to tax cuts for the wealthy
- Opposed to increased military spending

Ask and ye shall be informed for I AM the YUKON MAN !!!!

Well hello Yukon and welcome. I'm going to move this to the introduction thread in the chat forum down below.
Welcome to the board...

Yukon said:
I am a LIBERAL and I love debating with the Conservatives fanatics who haunt the www. I am:

- Opposed to the illegal Iraqi war
- Opposed to Capital Punsihment
- Opposed to Private Health Insurance - we need National Healthy Coverage from tax dollars
- Opposed to Bush Junior's distruction of the Bill of Rights
- Opposed to tax cuts for the wealthy
- Opposed to increased military spending

Ask and ye shall be informed for I AM the YUKON MAN !!!!

but Nobody gives a shit....
Yukon said:
I am a LIBERAL and I love debating with the Conservatives fanatics who haunt the www. I am:

- Opposed to the illegal Iraqi war
- Opposed to Capital Punsihment
- Opposed to Private Health Insurance - we need National Healthy Coverage from tax dollars
- Opposed to Bush Junior's distruction of the Bill of Rights
- Opposed to tax cuts for the wealthy
- Opposed to increased military spending

Ask and ye shall be informed for I AM the YUKON MAN !!!!
Opposed to spell check
distruction (destruction)
Punsihment (punishment)
  • Thanks
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Yukon said:
I AM the YUKON MAN !!!![/SIZE][/B]

Oh no you're not.
Mr. P said:
Came in looking for it IMO...why bother?

I agree. I wonder if he also walks into a dinner party yelling at people how messed up they are.

Question: Is the Internet breeding bad manners, or are they already there and it just amplifies them?

Abbey Normal said:
I agree. I wonder if he also walks into a dinner party yelling at people how messed up they are.

Question: Is the Internet breeeding bad manners, or are they already there and it just amplifies them?

I think being anonymous brings out the worst in us, if we allow it to.
Wow, just noticed this thread. Well... if everyone jumped off a bridge, then I would too I guess.

Name: Hugh (I know, it sucks)
Sex: Male
Age: 20
School: Harvard College

Background info
Originally born in New Orleans, but I lived most of my early years in southern Alabama with my mom. After attending 7-9 different schools, I moved back to New Orleans with my dad for 8th grade, and then went to Phillips Academy, Andover, a boarding school located north of Boston on a full ride for high school. I'm dual concentrating in Economics and Chinese Civilization (read: language). Between surviving college, internships, and family, I run my own business helping families and businesses reduce their environmental impact and save money on energy costs. In my spare time I really enjoy music (especially Korean), movies, video games (Zelda is my favorite), relaxing, watersking, and learning languages. Outside of school, I'm working on Korean and Spanish right now, but I'm also starting to dabble in German. I'm also a really heavy reader. I probably go through a couple books a week. I used to really suffer from dyslexia, so now I'm making up for lost time. I also do a lot of work with ARC and recently the Red Cross.

I come from a divided house of paradoxes. My father is a college philosophy professor who votes Republican. My mom is a born again Christian who voted for Gore and Kerry.

I myself lean to the left on social issues, but I'm very conservative on economic policy.
Low taxes, mimumum- but some- regulation of business, free trade, but still a believer in a mixed economy.
While I think that everyone has a right to practice their religion, I don't think religion should have any influence on the government.
Whilel I don't fully accept the global warming theory, I do adhere to it's basic tenants, if only because of the overall scientific consensus.
I don't support Medicare or Medicaid and feel that they should be phased out because of their expensive price tags, but I feel social security is too important to dismantle.
On the Iraq War, I initially didn't support the invasion. I don't think Saddam was a credible threat to the US. I think that the money we are spending in Iraq could have been far better spent; however, I also subscribe to Thomas PM Barnett's Core-Gap Theory and believe that Iraq could be a stepping stone towards a democratic world. I also believe that Saddam was unfit to rule, and that ultimately more lives will be saved then ended by the invasion.
I feel education is the most important issue facing the country. I support school choice, vouchers, merit pay, accountablility, more diverse school types, and dividing classes by ability. I hate public schools for personal reasons.
Deficit Hawk
Pro- Gay Marriage
Anti Death Penalty
Pro Life ( I am deeply conflicted on this issue and frequently change my position)
Pro-stem cell research (I'm willing to sacrifice invetro stem cells that will never see life for the good of billions.)
I feel that the government needs to greatly increase its funding of scientific reasearch
Right now, I'd vote for a democrat for the House, and a Republican for the Senate. I voted Bush in 04, and will probably vote Republican in 08. I really like John McCain for 08 (Please don't go on about it).
I'm probably forgetting a lot of things. Not that anyone really does care, but just post if you want my position on something else.

What brought you here
Originally a research project for a class on Partisanship, but my therapist recommended that the short frequent posting on the forum like this could possible help me with my dyslexia. I hope to improve my spontanious writing . Because of this, I don't edit my posts. That way I can compare my progress over the months with my therapist. I feel like I am improving and would appreciate any feedback frpm the board on this issue.
I have read the 4 posts and cannot for the life of me see any infringements of rules that would cause the poster to be banned:huh: I think a few of these are needed:chillpill
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr Grump again.
roomy said:
I have read the 4 posts and cannot for the life of me see any infringements of rules that would cause the poster to be banned:huh: I think a few of these are needed:chillpill

Yukon was being a tad silly, but banned?? RATFLMAO......that's just silly!! :banana: :banana: But the words "conservative" and "thick-skinned" don't really gel! :D :D
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