Interesting Poll

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I found the following poll very interesting. I did a study once and figured out that for there to be a 50/50 shot at winning the electoral vote and the presidency in 2024, Biden would have to beat Trump by 3% in the popular vote. That would mean both nominees would have a 50/50 shot at winning the electoral vote if Biden wins by three percentage points in the popular vote. Either candidate would have an equal shot at winning. The below poll from Michigan, with Cornell West in the picture, shows Trump winning by two, pretty much assuring he would win the electoral vote. And, this matchup doesn't even include the Joe Manchin/No Labels ticket, which would further syphon votes away from Biden. The poll also shows that if you took all of Cornell West's 4% away from him and gave it all to Biden, Biden would win the popular vote 45% to 43%, most likely not enough to win the electoral vote.

Given our more recent election history, the reported national popular vote totalsTrump are almost meaningless. California would report a 100% vote for the Democrats if that was needed to sway a Presidential election. What matters are the vote totals in 8-10 swing states, where only a plurality is needed to win. At this point, Trump has a good chance of doing that.

P.S. "Dump Trump" sounds like a Democrat slogan. Who better to clean out the corrupt DOJ?

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