Intelligence expert says U.S.-China summit a 'disaster,' Biden should replace top diplomat


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Intelligence expert says U.S.-China summit a 'disaster,' Biden should replace top diplomat
'I think it was one of the most incompetent displays I've ever seen by an American diplomat,' Fred Fleitz says.
Intelligence expert says U.S.-China summit a 'disaster,' Biden should replace top diplomat | Just The News
20 Mar 2021 ~~ By Natalia Mittelstadt

Former CIA analyst and National Security Council chief of staff Fred Fleitz says President Biden should replace Secretary of State Antony Blinken after a U.S.-China summit in Alaska this week dissolved into insults and little diplomatic progress.
"I think it was one of the most incompetent displays I've ever seen by an American diplomat," Fleitz told the John Solomon Reports podcast. "Insulting the Chinese just before the talks begin, before the cameras causing them to lose face. I just thought, 'This is amateur hour.'"
"Donald Trump knew how to deal with heads of state of our enemies. And these guys, I think they were just virtue signaling before the lapdog American media. It was a serious mistake and it set back our policies and it made them look inept because they weren't ready for the counter attack by Chinese officials," said Fleitz, who served as chief of staff on the Trump NSC.
"I mean, we gave them an opportunity to dress down the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor in front of the international press. What a disaster."
Fleitz proposed a solution to avoid another "disaster" like this again: find a new Secretary of State who has "gravitas."
Fleitz added his concerns with U.S. foreign policy regarding China and Iran.
"I think China is the biggest threat. I'm worried that they're going to get more aggressive when they sense weakness. And I think big, big concessions to Iran are coming to get the U.S. back in the nuclear deal."

This whole circle jerk would be amusing if there wasn’t so much at stake..
I guess Winken, Blinken and Nod don’t want the job. Joey Xi might need a 600 pound mama from Georgia with a quarter inch gap in her grill to take this job like Stacey Abrams
Those of us who are American patriots had better be looking out for number one and close associates we know and trust.
Veggie Joe has already replaced Barry Hussein as the worst POTUS in history.

What makes you say that?


Is it because he is dumber than a bag of hammers?

This dumb asshole does not even understand the lies from the left about what masks are supposed to do.

Libs, why did Joe pull his mask down and cough into his hand?

Is this proper mask etiquette?

What purpose is the mask serving if you pull it down to cough into your hand?

Is Biden doing this right or he a walking dildo?
"Trump cult shill says stupid things. Trump cult morons all repeat stupid things. Film at 11."

Why do you Trump cult morons tie Biden to China"? It's absolutely insane. Oh, that's right. The cult told you to.

The funny thing? The Chicomms can only dream about possessing a cadre of Useful idiots as brainless and obedient as the Trump cultists
Øbama called Bidet...errr... Biden, a fuck-up. And Øbama was an expert at fuck-ups, so he knows whereof he speaks.

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