Inside the nazi whitewash of Ukraine


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there

Under President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the level of Nazi influence and control in Ukraine has been unprecedented. Zelenskyy outlawed all 11 independent and opposition political parties but left the parties and organizations of his Nazi partners and allies intact and in power. So, it’s not surprising that on Bandera’s birthday, the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament (with nobody but Nazis left in it)—erupted into wild cheers. Later, General Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s military commander in chief, posted a photo of himself proudly posing in front of Bandera’s portrait.

The message from Ukraine’s top lawmakers and general was clear. Have no doubt as to who and what our government and army are fighting for in NATO’s proxy war with Russia.

The commemoration of Ukraine’s top Nazi didn’t go over well in Poland. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki angrily denounced Ukraine’s “continued glorification of (the) Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera . . .”
With Russia set to quickly mop up extra ground with the fall of Bakhmut and the shredding of the east front Ukey Nazi remnants , clown puppet.

Zelenski will soon fall out of favour and be kicked out by the US Nazis in the CIA and Pentagon .

Wretched little scam scruff .
A bit incoherent but at least it reflects that she has spittle flying even as she types.
What's your pronoun? Always forgetting to ask. You weirdos are being sensitive about this shit lately.
Alexa, I’m not sensitive about your pronouns. You are a little bitch. So, I’ll agree to reference you as such.

Meanwhile, back “on” topic:

I agree that there is some lingering naziism in Ukraine.

But it is Putin who is behaving like that scumbag Hitler.

Putin needs to be assassinated.
Alexa, I’m not sensitive about your pronouns. You are a little bitch. So, I’ll agree to reference you as such.
Before you were a fat mother fucker, now you're a gloomy shitface, what's wrong with the simple question?
Surely something has changed in your miserable life. Was it gender maybe? Obviously I'm being polite here, doesn't it show?
Before you were a fat mother fucker,

now you're a gloomy shitface,

what's wrong with the simple question?
All your questions tend to be simple because you are a simpleton.
Surely something has changed in your miserable life.
Things change every day, you asshole.
Was it gender maybe?
Alexa, maybe you’re menstruating. I dunno and I don’t care to know. Keep your shit to yourself.
Obviously I'm being polite here, doesn't it show?
The only thing “showing” is that you’re dishonest and a scumbag.
The only thing “showing” is that you’re dishonest and a scumbag.
See? You can be well-behaved if you forget for a second that you're a disgusting ill-bread American. But how Putin is Hitler if Ukraine has a lingering naziism problem? Can you stay sivilized more or less for more than a minute?
See? You can be well-behaved if you forget for a second that you're a disgusting ill-bread American. But how Putin is Hitler if Ukraine has a lingering naziism problem? Can you stay sivilized more or less for more than a minute?
See? You are incapable of being civilized or intelligent.

I understand that you’re a scumbag hater. I don’t care much — but you do serve as fodder for various put-downs.

By the way, you rabid scumbag piece of shit, “civilized” doesn’t start with an “s.”

Adolph fucking sHitler had his Nazi military invade neighboring countries. This is exactly what your little red dick cockbite mutant leader is doing.

Aren’t you scheduled to toss his salad?
By the way, you rabid scumbag piece of shit, “civilized” doesn’t start with an “s.”
What do you call that? Cherry picking or word-splitting? I'm a foreigner for God's sake. Your ilk does this all the time, can't I make a tipo once in a while?
What do you call that? Cherry picking or word-splitting? I'm a foreigner for God's sake. Your ilk does this all the time, can't I make a tipo once in a while?
You can even make a typo.

You’re easily upset.

You’re a pussy in every land.

Now back ON topic.

You’d be constrained to admit, if you were capable of honesty, that Putin is behaving militarily very much like sHitler. In fact, the analogy is spot on.
I understand that you’re a scumbag hater
Let me play this game a little. Doesn't this sentence mean, according to the English grammar, that I hate scumbags, i.e. I hate (I can't even say for certain if I hate you or not, well let's just assume that I sometimes do and sometimes not very much so) you, since it's the two of us having our kind of a conversation. What say you?
Let me play this game a little. Doesn't this sentence mean, according to the English grammar, that I hate scumbags, i.e. I hate (I can't even say for certain if I hate you or not, well let's just assume that I sometimes do and sometimes not very much so) you, since it's the two of us having our kind of a conversation. What say you?
No. It means that YOU are a scumbag and a hater. And that I understand that.

Anyway, you’re still off topic, alexa.
that Putin is behaving militarily very much like sHitler. In fact, the analogy is spot on.
You've never been in a real war, I mean America. You can't know what it is. The pond always saved you. The WW2 for you was some far away across the sea vague story that unlike in the rest of the world led to your after war good living for decades. No bombed to smithereens cities, no millions of lost lives, just happiness and business opportunities. You can't know who Hitler was, here's the ease you throw around your stupid comparisons with when you call a parent who won't buy you an ice cream a fascist, Putin a Hitler. There were of course the 400 000 good men who died in that war and who knew, but they didn't come home to tell you and those who survived didn't tell you enough, so it's not your fucking business to meddle in our affairs and make judgments.

Under President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the level of Nazi influence and control in Ukraine has been unprecedented. Zelenskyy outlawed all 11 independent and opposition political parties but left the parties and organizations of his Nazi partners and allies intact and in power. So, it’s not surprising that on Bandera’s birthday, the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament (with nobody but Nazis left in it)—erupted into wild cheers. Later, General Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s military commander in chief, posted a photo of himself proudly posing in front of Bandera’s portrait.

The message from Ukraine’s top lawmakers and general was clear. Have no doubt as to who and what our government and army are fighting for in NATO’s proxy war with Russia.

The commemoration of Ukraine’s top Nazi didn’t go over well in Poland. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki angrily denounced Ukraine’s “continued glorification of (the) Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera . . .”
Lol, the Russian propaganda channel at it again. Hilarious Get bent Russian swine. You are a retard. Yep nazis led by a Jewish. You are a retard. Hilarious 😂
You are a retard. Yep nazis led by a Jewish. You are a retard. Hilarious 😂

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