Individual Rights Vs. Group Rights: Oppose Fascism Of The Right And Left...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Preach on Good Doctor!

Written by Dr. Ron Paul

Following the recent clashes between the alt-right and the group antifa, some libertarians have debated which group they should support. The answer is simple: neither. The alt-right and its leftist opponents are two sides of the same authoritarian coin.

The alt-right elevates racial identity over individual identity. The obsession with race leads them to support massive government interference in the economy in order to benefit members of the favored race. They also favor massive welfare and entitlement spending, as long as it functions as a racial spoils system. Some prominent alt-right leaders even support abortion as a way of limiting the minority population. No one who sincerely supports individual liberty, property rights, or the right to life can have any sympathy for this type of racial collectivism.

Antifa, like all Marxists, elevates class identity over individual identity. Antifa supporters believe government must run the economy because otherwise workers will be exploited by greedy capitalists. This faith in central planning ignores economic reality, as well as the reality that in a free market employers and workers voluntarily work together for their mutual benefit. It is only when government intervenes in the economy that crony capitalists have the opportunity to exploit workers, consumers, and taxpayers. Sadly, many on the left confuse the results of the “mixed economy” with free markets...

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Oppose Fascism of the Right and the Left
The one thing I will agree with Ron Paul from this article on is the fact that the alt-right does support abortion pretty strongly(but certainly not just for minorities as some way to get rid of them, it is entirely about eugenics), and that is the one issue I strongly disagree with them on.
How does protesting the removal of a statue make someone a member of the alt-right? Or a neo-Nazi? Or the KKK? I wonder how many of the people there were mislabeled; possibly to fit someone's agenda.
Both Nazis and Communists take you to the same place in the end... Totalitarianism.
"Individual Rights Vs. Group Rights: Oppose Fascism Of The Right And Left.."

This is as ignorant as it is idiotic.

Fascism exists solely on the right side of the political spectrum.
"Individual Rights Vs. Group Rights: Oppose Fascism Of The Right And Left.."

This is as ignorant as it is idiotic.

Fascism exists solely on the right side of the political spectrum.

Incorrect. But regardless, both Nazis and Communists take you to the same place in the end... Totalitarianism.

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