Indisputable difference of quality of life in the inner cities compared to the suburbs


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Apologies for the video quality folks…. I’m not a professional YouTuber, but I am showing you folks what pretty much all of us already know. This is a situation that occurs all across America and it is the massive difference of quality of life between those who live in the suburbs compared to those who live in the inner cities of cities across America.

Although the video is not of the best quality, you can clearly see in the second video a massive shopping plaza. Everything is clean there’s no issues of looting or crime. This type of shopping plaza does not exist on the east side of Buffalo. So there’s no denying this. There’s no denying a difference in quality of life for those Americans living in the inner cities compared to those living in the suburbs.

East side of Buffalo

Compared to the suburbs

It wasn’t like this in the American past. Back in the day you had working class white folks in black folks who are thriving in the inner cities they were working the middle class jobs they had dignity they had hope.

Well today many people in the inner cities have been let Down by the politicians. They gave away our jobs overseas. They tell people to “fly a flag of Ukraine, a BLM flag , the LGBT flag and It will help …well it doesn’t help.

We need to elect new politicians and take the current politicians out of office. The status quo it’s just not working it’s disgraceful. It’s about having leader ship that cares about America’s history that respects American history. That’s a starting point right there.
Breaking news! More crime in places where larger numbers of people live closer together! Why, in the entire history of mankind, has no one ever uncovered this startling phenomenon?
You can have the cities, and you can have your suburbs. Both are to be avoided.
This country is for all Americans. No Americans should ever feel afraid to walk anywhere in this country, including the inner cities.

Brother American people all over the country are taking their communities back. Positive things are going to happen. We’re standing up to the racist BLM leaders and the Republicans and Democrats that don’t give a damn about anyone except for themselves.

Mitt Romney gets in front of a Black Lives Matter March this guy is a billionaire he’s waving a BLM flag Patting himself on the back …while the working white man and the working black man in the inner city struggle. Some of them are starving.

And that garbage what last anymore, Americans won’t allow it to happen. This is a country with a great history the American spirit always prevails.

That there are a tiny percentage of left-wing Democrats, who don’t give a damn about the evidence staring him in the face should not surprise anybody. Many of these people are on drugs. They don’t care about anything except for themselves. When they see the video evidence, showing a clear-cut distinction of how the suburbs have clean areas no crime, but the other cities are riddled with crime and then they keep talking about “racism in America”. These are people who are the enemies of America. We can hope that they change their ways right now they are the enemies of America. Any black man or white man who thinks racism is the problem is an enemy of America.



You got anything to say on this thing. You guys are part of the problem right now. You keep on claiming that there’s racism in America that the white man is the problem. You got anything to say to the poor white man starving on the streets?

Got anything to say about how the east side of Buffalo is.? For 2 miles it’s a stretch of liquor stores, smoke shops, corner stores with people loitering outside the stores doing nothing. Some of them are intimidating regular every day Americans.

And the politicians are telling the people of the inner city that “racism is the problem”. Guess what that doesn’t put money into the pocket of the workingman. It Creates division, it leads to drug addiction and violence.

Guess where the politicians in Buffalo live? …in the rich suburbs. You don’t see them down in the inner cities with the workingman.

This status quo has been going on for decades, and it has been amplified in the past three years. It’s completely and utterly unacceptable.

when is the east side of Buffalo going to get healthy restaurants, bars, and nightclubs, a situation where people feel safe to walk down the street.?

I’ll tell you what it’s going to take we need to learn from the American past we had that in the 1950s and the 1970s. Back in those days many people in the inner cities were working factory jobs and they were set for life. The homes were beautiful. The streets were beautiful. Now there’s potholes all over the place, deserted homes. You three guys get on the Right side of history.

Here’s a video from two years ago. Showing a local crackhead who is always around the east side of Buffalo on Broadway Street. I’ve seen this guy for like 7 years now doing the same things begging on the streets for crack money. You could even see he has his crack pipe in his head in the video above. It’s a rap video. But you could even see in the video. This guy is clearly struggling. But beyond the video, what you don’t see….. what I see what other people in Buffalo see is this man on the streets starving and struggling.

There was a homeless woman Claire in Buffalo, who was recently killed, due to a gangland, shooting, gone wrong. During the shooting a car crashed into her, killing her. What about her life? Her life matters.

the politicians in Buffalo Haven’t done anything to really make a difference in this community in a long time.

I’d like to see some of the rich white and black politicians of America spend some time alone with that man Pat and other drug attic’s at homeless people in Buffalo… and see if they really actually care about poor people… because they don’t. They will fly a Black Lives Matter flag, and they don’t do a damn thing for the poor people.

Countries not what it used to be in the words of a 100 year old World War II veteran we’re going to hell in a handbag.

But there’s always hope on the horizon…the lesson to be learned is from American history. Nobody in their right mind can dispute the undeniable. The undeniable fact that in the inner city, there are white men and black men who are addicted to hard-core drugs. Who loiter around the streets asking for money constantly. They make people feel unsafe.

That guy Pat shown in the video above is a fellow human being. And he has been let down by the politicians in Buffalo. 40 or 70 years ago he would’ve been working a steal job Alongside thousands of other black and white Americans living in the inner cities.

We’re going to bring back that American spirit there’s no doubt about it. The American spirit always prevails.
Apologies for the video quality folks…. I’m not a professional YouTuber, but I am showing you folks what pretty much all of us already know. This is a situation that occurs all across America and it is the massive difference of quality of life between those who live in the suburbs compared to those who live in the inner cities of cities across America.

Although the video is not of the best quality, you can clearly see in the second video a massive shopping plaza. Everything is clean there’s no issues of looting or crime. This type of shopping plaza does not exist on the east side of Buffalo. So there’s no denying this. There’s no denying a difference in quality of life for those Americans living in the inner cities compared to those living in the suburbs.

East side of Buffalo

Compared to the suburbs

It wasn’t like this in the American past. Back in the day you had working class white folks in black folks who are thriving in the inner cities they were working the middle class jobs they had dignity they had hope.

Well today many people in the inner cities have been let Down by the politicians. They gave away our jobs overseas. They tell people to “fly a flag of Ukraine, a BLM flag , the LGBT flag and It will help …well it doesn’t help.

We need to elect new politicians and take the current politicians out of office. The status quo it’s just not working it’s disgraceful. It’s about having leader ship that cares about America’s history that respects American history. That’s a starting point right there.

Wow, you have managed to lie to yourself rather well, you must have missed the 1960-1970s what with riots, protest and inner city life deteriorated.
Buffalo was a decrepit rust belt city when I left NY 25 years ago. Small wonder it hasn't gotten any better...

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