

Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
A lot of snowflakes out there marching, carrying signs, and a cryin those snivelin tears. All those whiners and not one Indian. I'm 1/4 Indian and I have a few friends living on the res. One thing we all agree on The Washington Redskins is or has ever been racist. When they take the field they don't drive out in the clown car with big noses and even bigger shoes. They run out with their heads high proud of the team, the Redskins. Then they kneel for the anthem.

I have a few suggestions for a new name:
The Caucasian Crackers
The Zulu Tribesmen
The Taco Terrors
Mohamad's Marauders
The Huns and a few for other racist teams
The San Francisco ReachAround Seamen
The New Orleans Looters
The Oakland Gender Benders
The New York Foreskins
The Atlanta Arsonist
The democRat Duds ( this is the team with the clown car) Always predicted in the polls to win but always end with a losing season and their head up the same place it was to start with.

This is for the poor Native American activist who cries whenever he sees garbage. ,l,,0,,l,
A lot of snowflakes out there marching, carrying signs, and a cryin those snivelin tears. All those whiners and not one Indian. I'm 1/4 Indian and I have a few friends living on the res. One thing we all agree on The Washington Redskins is or has ever been racist. When they take the field they don't drive out in the clown car with big noses and even bigger shoes. They run out with their heads high proud of the team, the Redskins. Then they kneel for the anthem.

I have a few suggestions for a new name:
The Caucasian Crackers
The Zulu Tribesmen
The Taco Terrors
Mohamad's Marauders
The Huns and a few for other racist teams
The San Francisco ReachAround Seamen
The New Orleans Looters
The Oakland Gender Benders
The New York Foreskins
The Atlanta Arsonist
The democRat Duds ( this is the team with the clown car) Always predicted in the polls to win but always end with a losing season and their head up the same place it was to start with.

This is for the poor Native American activist who cries whenever he sees garbage. ,l,,0,,l,
LOL very good... :wink_2:
Generic sports team #27

Yes, most Native Americans do not spend their time whining about the past and how horribly they were treated and how racist today's Caucasians are and how they are due reparations.

Except for a few activists (who have been influenced by a certain other group's loud and violent actions), most Native Americans today are too busy living productive lives to get their panties in a twist over a football team's name.
Yes, most Native Americans do not spend their time whining about the past and how horribly they were treated and how racist today's Caucasians are and how they are due reparations.

They (rightfully) sued to gain parts of Oklahoma back.

Supreme Court Rules That About Half Of Oklahoma Is Native American Land

Except for a few activists (who have been influenced by a certain other group's loud and violent actions), most Native Americans today are too busy living productive lives to get their panties in a twist over a football team's name.

The name isn't changing because of a very small number of activists.
A lot of snowflakes out there marching, carrying signs, and a cryin those snivelin tears. All those whiners and not one Indian. I'm 1/4 Indian and I have a few friends living on the res. One thing we all agree on The Washington Redskins is or has ever been racist. When they take the field they don't drive out in the clown car with big noses and even bigger shoes. They run out with their heads high proud of the team, the Redskins. Then they kneel for the anthem.

I have a few suggestions for a new name:
The Caucasian Crackers
The Zulu Tribesmen
The Taco Terrors
Mohamad's Marauders
The Huns and a few for other racist teams
The San Francisco ReachAround Seamen
The New Orleans Looters
The Oakland Gender Benders
The New York Foreskins
The Atlanta Arsonist
The democRat Duds ( this is the team with the clown car) Always predicted in the polls to win but always end with a losing season and their head up the same place it was to start with.

This is for the poor Native American activist who cries whenever he sees garbage. ,l,,0,,l,

I call them "Washington What?"

The NFL is dead.

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