Indiana Pizza Fundraiser...not what conservatives think.

Anyone supporting these protest feel really small yet? there is some nasty tweets on this at the site.

In the old days, the left railed against the eeeevils of Big Business, whether it was Upton Sinclair versus the meatpackers, or demonizing the men who built America’s network of railroads with the folk Marxist twang of “Robber Barons.”

But these days, as we’ve seen in the past few weeks with Starbucks’ Howard Schultz and Apple’s Tim Cook, American business is almost totally onboard with the left’s social agenda. Comcast’s MSNBC channel and Viacom’s Daily Show and all three of the broadcast network’s news programs are effectively daily in-kind contributions to the Democrat Party.

But individual small businesses are a lot more random in their thinking, which is why the left hates them, unless they obediently conform to the Gleichschaltung. Millionaire filmmaker Michael Moore, who poses as a big lovable stubbly-faced friend of the working man, gave the game away in 2002:

You know in my town the small businesses that everyone wanted to protect? They were the people that supported all the right-wing groups. They were the Republicans in the town, they were in the Kiwanas, the Chamber of Commerce – people that kept the town all white. The small hardware salesman, the small clothing store salespersons, Jesse the Barber who signed his name three different times on three different petitions to recall me from the school board. F**k all these small businesses – f**k ‘em all! Bring in the chains. The small businesspeople are the rednecks that run the town and suppress the people. F**k ‘em all. That’s how I feel.

Flash-forward to today, and that’s how Moore’s fellow leftists feel about a a small-town family-owned business, a pizza parlor in a town with a population of about 2,300 people. At the moment, the collective left is currently losing its collective mind when their attempt to destroy it backfired. To put a balm over any twinges of guilt, they’re paraphrasing the infamous cri de coeur of legendary Washington mayor and crack addict Marion Barry: the pizzeria set us up! At Hot Air, Allahpundit explores the “reasoning” that creates a Memories Pizza Truther:

ALL of it here:
The Rise of the Megalothymiamanical Memories Pizza Truthers Ed Driscoll
Anyone supporting these protest feel really small yet? there is some nasty tweets on this at the site.

In the old days, the left railed against the eeeevils of Big Business, whether it was Upton Sinclair versus the meatpackers, or demonizing the men who built America’s network of railroads with the folk Marxist twang of “Robber Barons.”

But these days, as we’ve seen in the past few weeks with Starbucks’ Howard Schultz and Apple’s Tim Cook, American business is almost totally onboard with the left’s social agenda. Comcast’s MSNBC channel and Viacom’s Daily Show and all three of the broadcast network’s news programs are effectively daily in-kind contributions to the Democrat Party.

But individual small businesses are a lot more random in their thinking, which is why the left hates them, unless they obediently conform to the Gleichschaltung. Millionaire filmmaker Michael Moore, who poses as a big lovable stubbly-faced friend of the working man, gave the game away in 2002:

You know in my town the small businesses that everyone wanted to protect? They were the people that supported all the right-wing groups. They were the Republicans in the town, they were in the Kiwanas, the Chamber of Commerce – people that kept the town all white. The small hardware salesman, the small clothing store salespersons, Jesse the Barber who signed his name three different times on three different petitions to recall me from the school board. F**k all these small businesses – f**k ‘em all! Bring in the chains. The small businesspeople are the rednecks that run the town and suppress the people. F**k ‘em all. That’s how I feel.

Flash-forward to today, and that’s how Moore’s fellow leftists feel about a a small-town family-owned business, a pizza parlor in a town with a population of about 2,300 people. At the moment, the collective left is currently losing its collective mind when their attempt to destroy it backfired. To put a balm over any twinges of guilt, they’re paraphrasing the infamous cri de coeur of legendary Washington mayor and crack addict Marion Barry: the pizzeria set us up! At Hot Air, Allahpundit explores the “reasoning” that creates a Memories Pizza Truther:

ALL of it here:
The Rise of the Megalothymiamanical Memories Pizza Truthers Ed Driscoll
I think this quote is the one that counts the most:

"If your long-term goal is to reassure people that American society can calmly handle both gay marriage, and the resulting disagreement over it, you have had a very bad week. I started this week being more in support of same-sex marriage than I am right now, and it’s all the fault of the Left’s Goon Squad. And the Left should worry a lot about whether or not I’m the only person who has had that reaction."

That's pretty much where I am today. I had kind of reluctantly started thinking giving them a civil union or something would make them happy and STFU and get out of my face but no. They went full bent crazy so I'm back to fuck these people. They don't want equal they want me to be forced by law to put up with them and all of their bullshit 24/7. Screw that, you wanted a war you got one homo's. You'll remember the closet days as a fond time and dream of going back.
There isn't a single thing in the article that proves that the money isn't going to the people that own the Pizza Parlor, and they are the only ones who have been hurt here.

It's a "scam"because you pretentious assholes say it is?

Naaa, this is a Chik Fil A redux and a big fuck you to fascists of any stripe.
It's a scam because it makes them look foolish. The queer Nazis will do whatever they can to discredit it.
rw rubes taken to the cleaners fro not taking due diligence? 'twas ever thus. As the article stated, the site was set-up by a rw *cough* web site and had many anonymous donations. Can anyone say rw propaganda tool?
rw rubes taken to the cleaners fro not taking due diligence? 'twas ever thus. As the article stated, the site was set-up by a rw *cough* web site and had many anonymous donations. Can anyone say rw propaganda tool?

You never knew your father did you?

Is that why you hate America?
Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – as authorized by the Commerce Clause. They are just regulatory measures designed to maintain the integrity of the local market and all other interrelated markets, where allowing businesses to refuse to accommodate patrons based on race, religion, gender, national origin, or sexual orientation is disruptive to the markets.

I have to call sheer bullshit on this excuse. This has nothing at all to do with protecting the integrity of markets, and everything to do with repressing unpopular biases. It's social engineering, and I'd have a lot more respect for proponents if they'd just acknowledge that forthrightly. The Commerce Clause is simply a vehicle of convenience.

What could be more absurd than Clayton pontificating about integrity?
They didn't close over a boycott, they closed because of threats to burn down the restaurant and death threats.

Had it been a boycott, the other side could have rallied to their side by purchasing their product. That's how the free market works.

One side knew they couldn't allow that to happen (Chick-fil-A), so they ended the process and the system could not play itself out.

The lynch mob vs. the free market, thus my donation.

Alright, well if they closed up shop because of threats and not because of lost business, then yes, that is terrible. An American should never be afraid to speak freely their opinion, and their consequence for saying something people disagree with should never be more than boycotting/protesting (aside from straight up hate speech, in which case it is government's job to reprimand them).

We are in agreement :up:
'Death threats' are a red herring fallacy used by those hostile to gay Americans and public accommodations laws. No one condones such behavior nor should it be used as 'justification' to repeal or oppose public accommodations laws.

Yes, actually, some in here do condone it.
rw rubes taken to the cleaners fro not taking due diligence? 'twas ever thus. As the article stated, the site was set-up by a rw *cough* web site and had many anonymous donations. Can anyone say rw propaganda tool?

^^^ Pizza Truther ^^^
They didn't close over a boycott, they closed because of threats to burn down the restaurant and death threats.

Had it been a boycott, the other side could have rallied to their side by purchasing their product. That's how the free market works.

One side knew they couldn't allow that to happen (Chick-fil-A), so they ended the process and the system could not play itself out.

The lynch mob vs. the free market, thus my donation.

Alright, well if they closed up shop because of threats and not because of lost business, then yes, that is terrible. An American should never be afraid to speak freely their opinion, and their consequence for saying something people disagree with should never be more than boycotting/protesting (aside from straight up hate speech, in which case it is government's job to reprimand them).

We are in agreement :up:
'Death threats' are a red herring fallacy used by those hostile to gay Americans and public accommodations laws. No one condones such behavior nor should it be used as 'justification' to repeal or oppose public accommodations laws.

LOL, and yet you kids kept screaming about how many "death threats" the Boi King was getting ;)
Get back to us when you have an actual news source.
They are the news source. And far more reliable and honest than the alphabet soup shit you get or the major news papers.
Its a leftwing partisan website no more reliable or honest than the rightwing partisan sites.
You may want to click the link at the bottom.
I did that's why i called it a partisan site all partisan sites are good for is valdating peoples preconvinced notions. If you choose to see it as a legitimate news source fine that's your right and choice.
holy smoke, that made my crawl . dang
Yet NYCarbineer says those on the right act like a cult.

Since Obama especially, I've found they have a need to project onto others what they themselves are...They can't live themselves if they didn't. lol

Speaking of the low IQ, now in English please

Don't blame the one sending the message for you low IQ.

Sorry, I am not a christstain

You're just another idiot with a low IQ.

In the name of equal idiocy, the spelling and grammar is just as faulty as the math.

You get this kind of ignorance from unionized teachers.

Now we see how Obama was able to get elected. we are doomed in this country

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