Indiana Pizza Fundraiser...not what conservatives think.

To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
As opposed to the cultish flocking of left wing moonbats to the pizzeria story and following harrassment and glee in destroying someone's buisness based on a fabricated media driven
gotcha story.

So you're equating your behavior as a RWnut to the nuts who threatened these people.

lol, the only difference is the RWnut cult is a massive movement.

Thank you for providing a clear example of how the Left has lost its last few marbles. In the real world, you all are FREAKIN' because normal people have figured out a way to combat your campaigns of hate and thought police tactics.

This isn’t the way it’s supposed to go and now the hatemongers are upset. Naturally they aren’t reexamining their tactics or beliefs, they are doing what insane people always do…delve into deeper and deeper into comforting fantasies about how their victims are really powerful oppressors engaged in a complex conspiracy.

Check out this tweet and the responses to it. They really believe that the people at Memories Pizza organized this whole thing to scam people out of money.

This is fantastic news.

Right now the the Go Fund Me campaign is well north of half a million dollars. Here’s the thing, I don’t care if the family takes all the money and spends in on hookers and blow. The point is the left thought they could destroy someone and make an example of them to quiet future Thought Crimes. It didn’t work. In fact, it backfired spectacularly.

We need to do this EVERY TIME these bastards do this to someone. Yes, it will get old, a little expensive and real grifters will show up and have to be avoided. But this is how you defeat the left. Make their tactics backfire. Show them that far from silencing people, every time they try to knock one person down, thousands will be there to lift them back up.

The Rise of the Megalothymiamanical Memories Pizza Truthers Ed Driscoll
So the funding page was started by a Glenn Beck operative who has nothing to do with the actual pizza place. Gotta love when bad people get scammed. Conservatives get hoodwinked by their own.

The Indiana Memories Pizza Fundraiser Is A Conservative Media Scam
Exactly how was it a scam? I tried to read through the shrill infantile jibberish but couldn't make sense of it. Like hearing a toddler pound their high chair.

The bigots were the deranged militant faggots that called in to shut them down.
1. I never claimed you did. The owners spoken words are not discrimination.

2. The reason for the donation was that the free market system was not allowed to play itself out. I have a great distaste for lynch mobs when a system that is in place would have determined the outcome.

1. I'm not speaking of whether or not it was discriminatory speech. My point was people perceived it as such.

2. The free market? What does this have to do with the free market? A business owner said something that was considered controversial from the post of her business. People boycotted. It was the business owner's right to say it, it was people's right to boycott. My point was it was a stupid move to say anything, and it's a perfect example of why one's personal opinion and one's business management should not be mixed into the same pot of soup.

They didn't close over a boycott, they closed because of threats to burn down the restaurant and death threats.

Had it been a boycott, the other side could have rallied to their side by purchasing their product. That's how the free market works.

One side knew they couldn't allow that to happen (Chick-fil-A), so they ended the process and the system could not play itself out.

The lynch mob vs. the free market, thus my donation.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
As opposed to the cultish flocking of left wing moonbats to the pizzeria story and following harrassment and glee in destroying someone's buisness based on a fabricated media driven
gotcha story.

So you're equating your behavior as a RWnut to the nuts who threatened these people.

lol, the only difference is the RWnut cult is a massive movement.

Thank you for providing a clear example of how the Left has lost its last few marbles. In the real world, you all are FREAKIN' because normal people have figured out a way to combat your campaigns of hate and thought police tactics.

This isn’t the way it’s supposed to go and now the hatemongers are upset. Naturally they aren’t reexamining their tactics or beliefs, they are doing what insane people always do…delve into deeper and deeper into comforting fantasies about how their victims are really powerful oppressors engaged in a complex conspiracy.

Check out this tweet and the responses to it. They really believe that the people at Memories Pizza organized this whole thing to scam people out of money.

This is fantastic news.

Right now the the Go Fund Me campaign is well north of half a million dollars. Here’s the thing, I don’t care if the family takes all the money and spends in on hookers and blow. The point is the left thought they could destroy someone and make an example of them to quiet future Thought Crimes. It didn’t work. In fact, it backfired spectacularly.

We need to do this EVERY TIME these bastards do this to someone. Yes, it will get old, a little expensive and real grifters will show up and have to be avoided. But this is how you defeat the left. Make their tactics backfire. Show them that far from silencing people, every time they try to knock one person down, thousands will be there to lift them back up.

The Rise of the Megalothymiamanical Memories Pizza Truthers Ed Driscoll

No, the point is the left, the center, and even moderates on the right thought they could come together and destroy the Indiana law,

and they did.

End of story.
The Loons are desperate to spin the generosity of people who support Free Speech and Freedom of Religion as some Media conspiracy. Here's a clue: the real media conspiracy is the one that elected Obama.
Their "We Hate Faggots Too" donations were given in hate, not love. There was nothing generous about it.

Do you ever have anything that actually advances your opinion?
So the funding page was started by a Glenn Beck operative who has nothing to do with the actual pizza place. Gotta love when bad people get scammed. Conservatives get hoodwinked by their own.

The Indiana Memories Pizza Fundraiser Is A Conservative Media Scam
Exactly how was it a scam? I tried to read through the shrill infantile jibberish but couldn't make sense of it. Like hearing a toddler pound their high chair.

The bigots were the deranged militant faggots that called in to shut them down.

It's a scam because it now makes people like you think you won on the issue, while in the meantime, the Indiana atrocity that was the anti-gay law got deboned, detoothed, and destroyed.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
As opposed to the cultish flocking of left wing moonbats to the pizzeria story and following harrassment and glee in destroying someone's buisness based on a fabricated media driven
gotcha story.

So you're equating your behavior as a RWnut to the nuts who threatened these people.

lol, the only difference is the RWnut cult is a massive movement.

Thank you for providing a clear example of how the Left has lost its last few marbles. In the real world, you all are FREAKIN' because normal people have figured out a way to combat your campaigns of hate and thought police tactics.

This isn’t the way it’s supposed to go and now the hatemongers are upset. Naturally they aren’t reexamining their tactics or beliefs, they are doing what insane people always do…delve into deeper and deeper into comforting fantasies about how their victims are really powerful oppressors engaged in a complex conspiracy.

Check out this tweet and the responses to it. They really believe that the people at Memories Pizza organized this whole thing to scam people out of money.

This is fantastic news.

Right now the the Go Fund Me campaign is well north of half a million dollars. Here’s the thing, I don’t care if the family takes all the money and spends in on hookers and blow. The point is the left thought they could destroy someone and make an example of them to quiet future Thought Crimes. It didn’t work. In fact, it backfired spectacularly.

We need to do this EVERY TIME these bastards do this to someone. Yes, it will get old, a little expensive and real grifters will show up and have to be avoided. But this is how you defeat the left. Make their tactics backfire. Show them that far from silencing people, every time they try to knock one person down, thousands will be there to lift them back up.

The Rise of the Megalothymiamanical Memories Pizza Truthers Ed Driscoll

No, the point is the left, the center, and even moderates on the right thought they could come together and destroy the Indiana law,

and they did.

End of story.

All you've proven is that Big Business is a Big Government Crony along with Big Media. The misinformation caused Pence to do damage control.

And this overreach is awakening the moderate majority of folks who respect the First Amendment,so I suspect Nemesis will catch your Hubris in 2016.
Last edited:
The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You constantly polishing Obama's knob is a cult. Even when he lies to you constantly.

Who are you? Like, Benjamin Buttons? You get less mature with every post.
You really don't know who you are. A reporter ask a woman, would you cater a gay wedding. She says no, the thing is they don't offer catering to weddings. The reporter was looking for a gotcha moment. You blow a gasket. Now a reporter asks a muslim baker to bake a cake for his gay wedding . He said he won't and to go down the street. You say nothing to see here. You don't have a clue what you believe in, just what the talking points tell you what to believe.
If you actually watched her, she said they would not serve at gay or non-christian events.
Okay and so? It's her belief, let her live. If you disagree don't buy a pizza from them, but they are getting death threats. These people are representing your cause.

They don't 'represent' anyone's 'cause.'

Just as white supremacists and neo-Nazis don't represent your interests and causes you support as a rightist.
So the funding page was started by a Glenn Beck operative who has nothing to do with the actual pizza place. Gotta love when bad people get scammed. Conservatives get hoodwinked by their own.

The Indiana Memories Pizza Fundraiser Is A Conservative Media Scam
Exactly how was it a scam? I tried to read through the shrill infantile jibberish but couldn't make sense of it. Like hearing a toddler pound their high chair.

The bigots were the deranged militant faggots that called in to shut them down.

It's a scam because it now makes people like you think you won on the issue, while in the meantime, the Indiana atrocity that was the anti-gay law got deboned, detoothed, and destroyed.

You have a difficult time seperating the individual from the government. No wonder you have no problem with the right to individual speech.
Time to start standing up to these haters


How should we punish grandma and grandpa for opposing gay marriage?
posted at 5:21 pm on April 3, 2015 by Allahpundit

Conor Friedersdorf, a libertarian and supporter of gay marriage who’s nonetheless horrified by the mobbing of Memories Pizza, wonders what sort of discipline the Lords of Tolerance have in mind for dissenters on SSM.

Because the dissenters aren’t all white, rural, red-state small-business owners, the sort of person a committed SJW might be looking for a reason to stomp. Some of them are immigrants. Some of them are — gasp — black. Let’s lay down some rules, says Friedersdorf. What punishments are we imagining for felony thoughtcrime in refusing to serve a gay wedding?

The question I’d ask those who want to use non-state means to punish mom-and-pop businesses that decline to cater gay weddings is what, exactly, their notion of a fair punishment is. Nearly every supporter of gay marriage is on board with efforts to publicly tell people that their position is wrongheaded–I’ve participated in efforts like that for years and insist that respectful critique and persuasion is more effective than shaming. What about other approaches? If their Yelp rating goes down by a star does the punishment fit the “crime”? Is there a financial loss at which social pressure goes from appropriate to too much? How about putting them out of business? Digital mobs insulting them and their children? Email and phone threats from anonymous Internet users? If you think that any of those go too far have you spoken up against the people using those tactics?

A relatively big digital mob has been attacking this powerless family in rural Indiana, but I don’t get the sense that its participants have reflected on or even thought of these questions. I don’t think they recognize how ugly, intolerant and extreme their actions appear or the effect they’ll have on Americans beyond the mainstream media, or that their vitriolic shaming these people has ultimately made them into martyrs. I fear that a backlash against their tactics will weaken support for the better angels of the gay rights movement at a time when more progress needs to be made, and that they’re turning traditionalists into a fearful, alienated minority with a posture of defensiveness that closes them off to persuasion…

I’d be fascinated to [know] how many grandparents of mob participants oppose gay marriage and what degree of social stigma they would want directed toward them.

Ah, but what if grandma and grandpa are only pretending to oppose gay marriage because they want to be attacked by a left-wing mob and have a sympathetic GoFundMe page started for them?

Bet you didn’t think about that, huh?

ALL of it here:
How should we punish grandma and grandpa for opposing gay marriage Hot Air
They didn't close over a boycott, they closed because of threats to burn down the restaurant and death threats.

Had it been a boycott, the other side could have rallied to their side by purchasing their product. That's how the free market works.

One side knew they couldn't allow that to happen (Chick-fil-A), so they ended the process and the system could not play itself out.

The lynch mob vs. the free market, thus my donation.

Alright, well if they closed up shop because of threats and not because of lost business, then yes, that is terrible. An American should never be afraid to speak freely their opinion, and their consequence for saying something people disagree with should never be more than boycotting/protesting (aside from straight up hate speech, in which case it is government's job to reprimand them).

We are in agreement :up:
They didn't close over a boycott, they closed because of threats to burn down the restaurant and death threats.

Had it been a boycott, the other side could have rallied to their side by purchasing their product. That's how the free market works.

One side knew they couldn't allow that to happen (Chick-fil-A), so they ended the process and the system could not play itself out.

The lynch mob vs. the free market, thus my donation.

Alright, well if they closed up shop because of threats and not because of lost business, then yes, that is terrible. An American should never be afraid to speak freely their opinion, and their consequence for saying something people disagree with should never be more than boycotting/protesting (aside from straight up hate speech, in which case it is government's job to reprimand them).

We are in agreement :up:

Agreed. Peaceful protests and boycotts are a proper response. Efforts to destroy are not.
Time to start standing up to these haters


How should we punish grandma and grandpa for opposing gay marriage?
posted at 5:21 pm on April 3, 2015 by Allahpundit

Conor Friedersdorf, a libertarian and supporter of gay marriage who’s nonetheless horrified by the mobbing of Memories Pizza, wonders what sort of discipline the Lords of Tolerance have in mind for dissenters on SSM.

Because the dissenters aren’t all white, rural, red-state small-business owners, the sort of person a committed SJW might be looking for a reason to stomp. Some of them are immigrants. Some of them are — gasp — black. Let’s lay down some rules, says Friedersdorf. What punishments are we imagining for felony thoughtcrime in refusing to serve a gay wedding?

The question I’d ask those who want to use non-state means to punish mom-and-pop businesses that decline to cater gay weddings is what, exactly, their notion of a fair punishment is. Nearly every supporter of gay marriage is on board with efforts to publicly tell people that their position is wrongheaded–I’ve participated in efforts like that for years and insist that respectful critique and persuasion is more effective than shaming. What about other approaches? If their Yelp rating goes down by a star does the punishment fit the “crime”? Is there a financial loss at which social pressure goes from appropriate to too much? How about putting them out of business? Digital mobs insulting them and their children? Email and phone threats from anonymous Internet users? If you think that any of those go too far have you spoken up against the people using those tactics?

A relatively big digital mob has been attacking this powerless family in rural Indiana, but I don’t get the sense that its participants have reflected on or even thought of these questions. I don’t think they recognize how ugly, intolerant and extreme their actions appear or the effect they’ll have on Americans beyond the mainstream media, or that their vitriolic shaming these people has ultimately made them into martyrs. I fear that a backlash against their tactics will weaken support for the better angels of the gay rights movement at a time when more progress needs to be made, and that they’re turning traditionalists into a fearful, alienated minority with a posture of defensiveness that closes them off to persuasion…

I’d be fascinated to [know] how many grandparents of mob participants oppose gay marriage and what degree of social stigma they would want directed toward them.

Ah, but what if grandma and grandpa are only pretending to oppose gay marriage because they want to be attacked by a left-wing mob and have a sympathetic GoFundMe page started for them?

Bet you didn’t think about that, huh?

ALL of it here:
How should we punish grandma and grandpa for opposing gay marriage Hot Air
Punishment? A nice big fine, and the promise not to do it again. If they can't handle that then they either stop making X, like wedding cakes, or they go out of business. Either is fine.
So the funding page was started by a Glenn Beck operative who has nothing to do with the actual pizza place. Gotta love when bad people get scammed. Conservatives get hoodwinked by their own.

The Indiana Memories Pizza Fundraiser Is A Conservative Media Scam
Exactly how was it a scam? I tried to read through the shrill infantile jibberish but couldn't make sense of it. Like hearing a toddler pound their high chair.

The bigots were the deranged militant faggots that called in to shut them down.
It's a scam because it now makes people like you think you won on the issue, while in the meantime, the Indiana atrocity that was the anti-gay law got deboned, detoothed, and destroyed.
You said it was a funding scam. Now you're saying it's a scam because "people like me think it's a victory". People like me recognize the intolerant hatefilled smear mongering from lefties like you. I'd call $800+k a pretty good success, it isn't my imagination. Those were small donations, not the large blocks from a Soros the left relies on. That's the real America, not a politician or corporate bigwig caving for the all mighty dollar.
Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – as authorized by the Commerce Clause. They are just regulatory measures designed to maintain the integrity of the local market and all other interrelated markets, where allowing businesses to refuse to accommodate patrons based on race, religion, gender, national origin, or sexual orientation is disruptive to the markets.

Public accommodations laws in no way 'violate' religious liberty because religious beliefs cannot be used to 'justify' ignoring or violating necessary, proper and Constitutional laws.

The notion that 'private market forces' will be sufficient to compel businesses to change their policies of discrimination is naïve, unfounded, and devoid of merit; 'just don't buy from them' is a ridiculous and inane 'solution' to the problem of businesses that seek to discriminate, and government's responsibility to safeguard the well-being of the markets.

'Religious restoration' measures are unwarranted partisan nonsense, a 'solution' in search of a 'problem' that doesn't exist – given the fact that public accommodations laws do not 'violate' religious expression or practice and that there are no laws currently in effect or being proposed with the intent to 'violate' religious expression; religion is in no need of 'restoration.'
Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional – as authorized by the Commerce Clause. They are just regulatory measures designed to maintain the integrity of the local market and all other interrelated markets, where allowing businesses to refuse to accommodate patrons based on race, religion, gender, national origin, or sexual orientation is disruptive to the markets.

I have to call sheer bullshit on this excuse. This has nothing at all to do with protecting the integrity of markets, and everything to do with repressing unpopular biases. It's social engineering, and I'd have a lot more respect for proponents if they'd just acknowledge that forthrightly. The Commerce Clause is simply a vehicle of convenience.
They didn't close over a boycott, they closed because of threats to burn down the restaurant and death threats.

Had it been a boycott, the other side could have rallied to their side by purchasing their product. That's how the free market works.

One side knew they couldn't allow that to happen (Chick-fil-A), so they ended the process and the system could not play itself out.

The lynch mob vs. the free market, thus my donation.

Alright, well if they closed up shop because of threats and not because of lost business, then yes, that is terrible. An American should never be afraid to speak freely their opinion, and their consequence for saying something people disagree with should never be more than boycotting/protesting (aside from straight up hate speech, in which case it is government's job to reprimand them).

We are in agreement :up:
'Death threats' are a red herring fallacy used by those hostile to gay Americans and public accommodations laws. No one condones such behavior nor should it be used as 'justification' to repeal or oppose public accommodations laws.
They didn't close over a boycott, they closed because of threats to burn down the restaurant and death threats.

Had it been a boycott, the other side could have rallied to their side by purchasing their product. That's how the free market works.

One side knew they couldn't allow that to happen (Chick-fil-A), so they ended the process and the system could not play itself out.

The lynch mob vs. the free market, thus my donation.

Alright, well if they closed up shop because of threats and not because of lost business, then yes, that is terrible. An American should never be afraid to speak freely their opinion, and their consequence for saying something people disagree with should never be more than boycotting/protesting (aside from straight up hate speech, in which case it is government's job to reprimand them).

We are in agreement :up:
'Death threats' are a red herring fallacy used by those hostile to gay Americans and public accommodations laws. No one condones such behavior nor should it be used as 'justification' to repeal or oppose public accommodations laws.

I have NOOOOO idea what you are talking about?

They violated no public accommodation laws, no where, anywhere.

they were threatened, they have children. NOT TAKING THOSE THREATS SERIOUS WOULD BE IDIOTIC.

We can argue PA laws all you want. Arguing death threats is childish.
There isn't a single thing in the article that proves that the money isn't going to the people that own the Pizza Parlor, and they are the only ones who have been hurt here.

It's a "scam"because you pretentious assholes say it is?

Naaa, this is a Chik Fil A redux and a big fuck you to fascists of any stripe.
They didn't close over a boycott, they closed because of threats to burn down the restaurant and death threats.

Had it been a boycott, the other side could have rallied to their side by purchasing their product. That's how the free market works.

One side knew they couldn't allow that to happen (Chick-fil-A), so they ended the process and the system could not play itself out.

The lynch mob vs. the free market, thus my donation.

Alright, well if they closed up shop because of threats and not because of lost business, then yes, that is terrible. An American should never be afraid to speak freely their opinion, and their consequence for saying something people disagree with should never be more than boycotting/protesting (aside from straight up hate speech, in which case it is government's job to reprimand them).

We are in agreement :up:
'Death threats' are a red herring fallacy used by those hostile to gay Americans and public accommodations laws. No one condones such behavior nor should it be used as 'justification' to repeal or oppose public accommodations laws.
More excuses for the behavior of thee left.

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