Indiana... Pence drops below 50%

Cut, slash and burn sucks!!! The same is occurring in Kansas with Browndick and both parties are fighting the asshole for his stupid shit.

A civilization needs investment and government.
Reagan tried to do that too but Tip ONeill would not let him do it.
So as a result by the time Reagan got all his military build up approved he skyrocketed the deficit for his day.

Fiscal responsibility means the right level of taxation combined with the right level of spending.

I have pointed out in other threads where Kansas needs to raise their tax rates.

They are woefully low compared to other states.
down 15% from last year ..

Hoosier Survey: Pence approval rating below 50 percent

Pence wouldn't have had a job after nov anyway.

Yo, don`t get ahead of yourself, this "Democrat Governor" is at the bottom!

State- Connecticut

Governor- Dan Malloy

Approve- 29%

Disapprove- 64%

Don’t Know/Undecided- 7%

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